Alison Stone, a doctoral student at the University of Exeter, recently spent time in the Ransom Center’s reading room conducting research for her thesis, “Contemporary British Poetry and Objectivism.” Her thesis will chart the exchange of ideas and influences between a group of British poets of the 1950s and 1960s,… read more
Ransom Center acquires archive of Gabriel García Márquez
The Harry Ransom Center has acquired the archive of Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez (1927–2014). The archive documents the life and work of García Márquez, an author who obtained nearly unanimous critical acclaim and a worldwide readership. Spanning more than half a century, García Márquez’s archive includes original manuscript… read more
Mildred Blount: “Milliner to the Stars!” and designer of hats for “Gone With The Wind”
Much behind-the-scenes work on Gone With The Wind and the people who performed that work continues to remain largely unknown outside the production sites of the 1939 film. The story of an African American milliner was recently brought to my attention through an email query—had I heard about the woman… read more
Undergraduates review music production records for “Rebecca” to understand business side of Hollywood film scores
James Buhler is an Associate Professor in Music Theory and the Director of the Center for American Music at The University of Texas at Austin. Below, he writes about using materials from the Ransom Center’s David O. Selznick collection to teach students in his Signature Course “Introduction to Music and… read more
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: Mystery Solved at the Harry Ransom Center
As a graduate intern, I have the opportunity to respond to a variety of research queries about the collections. Recently, I helped solve a mystery laid by two differing editions of John le Carré’s 1974 thriller Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Le Carré’s biographer, Adam Sisman, was trying to get to… read more
In the Galleries: “Gone With The Wind” producer David O. Selznick demanded proper Southern accents from actors
Letters poured into producer David O. Selznick’s office on the proper use of Southern accents in Gone With The Wind. One woman wrote, “Come South and study our dialect. I don’t know your people as you do, but it cuts deep when we see our lovely old Southern life ‘hashed… read more