Sylvia Feghali is an undergraduate intern in Education and Public Engagement at the Ransom Center, a position which interested Sylvia because she wanted to work with people within and outside of the Ransom Center, facilitate interpersonal relationships, and strengthen her communication and public speaking skills.
Q&A with Erin Willard, undergraduate intern in Public Affairs
Erin Willard is an undergraduate intern in the Department of Public Affairs.
Discover the world of writers’ computer files, newly made available
Want to access electronic files by the likes of Christine Brooke-Rose, Kazuo Ishiguro, and the writers of Mad Men? Here’s how.
Cold War culture
Erik Mortenson discusses his book Ambiguous Borderlands and the pervasiveness of shadow imagery in Cold War materials. Ambiguous Borderlands: Shadow Imagery in Cold War American Culture (Southern Illinois University Press, 2016) investigates the role shadows play in Cold War literary and popular texts. Informed by research at the Ransom Center,… read more
Scholarship, time machines, and madness
by Beth Burns, Hidden Room Theatre Artistic Director John Wilkes Booth’s promptbook for Richard III “Ready trumpet. Boy ready with armor. Take time. More piano. Long flourish continued till discovery, next Sc. – and do not W Till Mr Booth is on stage.”
Interview with Ian McEwan
The Harry Ransom Center spoke with Ian McEwan in 2014 about archives, contemporary British fiction, science and the humanities, and where to find paradise on earth. McEwan’s archive is accessible at the Ransom Center.