Destined for oblivion? A different story of One Hundred Years of Solitude
Amateur photography manuals guide incoming fellow’s research
Fellows Find: Lewis Allen, indie film pioneer
Gracia Ramirez is an independent scholar whose research centers on the initiatives of independent film producers within the American film industry of the 1960s. She conducted research in the collection of American independent film and Broadway producer Lewis M. Allen last summer with support from a 2014-2015 Robert De Niro… read more
Out of the classroom, into the collections: Undergraduate class brings students to Ransom Center archives
Kathleen (Katy) Telling is a Plan I Honors Junior at The University of Texas at Austin, majoring in History and French. She’s taking Dr. Robert Abzug’s “Religion and Psychology in Modern American Culture,” which meets periodically at the Harry Ransom Center.
Bringing undergrads into the thick of research
Dr. Robert Abzug is a professor of History and American Studies as well as the Audre and Bernard Rapoport Regents Chair of Jewish Studies and the Director of The Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies at The University of Texas at Austin.