by JANINE BARCHAS This essay is part of a slow research series, What is Research? On the 18th of November in 1945, Arthur Miller’s radio adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice could be heard nationwide as part of a special Thanksgiving program. Listeners in New York heard it at 10 p.m.… read more
Celebrating Terrence McNally
Terrence McNally, who authored more than 80 plays, musicals, and opera librettos before he died earlier this year (read Texas Monthly’s tribute) was born on this day in 1938 in St .Petersburg, Florida. He graduated from high school in Corpus Christi, Texas, and became one of the most respected American playwrights… read more
International collaboration will lead to online archive of Welsh poet and writer
A digital collection of manuscripts and photographs related to Welsh poet and writer Dylan Thomas will soon be available online thanks to an international collaboration.