Explore the Harry Ransom Center, search digital collections, or plan your visit. A Q & A with Dr. Bruce Hunt about the Blaeu World Map In recent blog posts, we examined the science behind the Blaeu World Map and took a deep dive into the conservation in progress to prepare… read more
Digital Collections
New digital resources launch online for study of human rights
Thousands of digitized records reflecting major historical events of the 20th century related to PEN International, a global writers’ organization, are available online beginning this month.
200 years later, Walt Whitman’s legacy continues to grow
Walt Whitman was born on this day in 1819, and amid a panoply of planned festivities, his bicentennial has renewed popular interest in Whitman’s legacy. What has Whitman left us in our twenty-first century? Whatever he has bequeathed to us culturally, what’s certain is that 200 years after his birth,… read more