by JULIA PANKO This essay is part of a slow research series, What is Research? Lately, I have been dreaming of archives. I have never visited the Harry Ransom Center in person, but I recently perused its finding aids and made a checklist for a future trip. Noting the items from… read more
Slowly, and then round again
by SIMON LOXLEY This essay is part of a slow research series, What is Research? During my time as a researcher, I have always been a working graphic designer. I suspect that, as a consequence, my underlying mindset has always been very results-driven. As a designer, if you want to get… read more
SARA COLERIDGE: A life unfolding
by JEFFREY W. BARBEAU This essay is part of a slow research series, What is Research? Sometimes the scrawled letters on a page slow reading to a halt. Unlike printed words in a bound volume or transcripts that risk sanitizing history, handwriting produces an entirely different reading experience. Words unfold, as… read more