Antes de la invención de materiales plásticos, el vidrio y el papel eran los materiales principales para producir negativos en blanco y negro. Las placas de vidrio con emulsión de gelatina fueron producidas desde finales del siglo diecinueve (XIX) hasta mediados del siglo veinte (XX). La transparencia del vidrio facilitó
A positive outcome for a glass plate negative
Before the invention of plastics, glass and paper were used to produce black and white photographic negatives. Glass plates with gelatin emulsion were produced from the late- nineteenth century until the mid-twentieth century. The transparency of glass made the plates very
Pforzheimer library receives proactive conservation assessment
In 1986 when the Ransom Center acquired the Carl H. Pforzheimer library of early English literature, with books dating from 1475 to 1700, the book world gasped. The Pforzheimer library was the outstanding private collection of early English books available, and the acquisition of this exceptional private library of carefully… read more