César A. Salgado is Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, as well as former graduate advisor in the Program in Comparative Literature at The University of Texas at Austin. He will co-moderate Thursday’s, October 29, “Global Gabo” panel with Naomi Lindstrom atthe Gabriel García Márquez: His Life… read more
Nobel Prize
Gabriel García Márquez as “Cinematic Scribe and Muse”: Q&A with Jason Borge
Jason Borge is Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at The University of Texas at Austin. Borge will moderate Friday’s, October 30, panel “Cinematic Scribe and Muse” during the Gabriel García Márquez: His Life and Legacy symposium.
ESCUCHE: A Gabriel García Márquez en su discurso de aceptación del Premio Nobel
Originario de Colombia, Gabriel García Márquez inició su carrera como periodista en la década de 1940, reportando desde Bogotá y Cartagena, y posteriormente como corresponsal internacional en Europa y Cuba. En 1961, se trasladó a la Ciudad de México. Junto con su prolífica carrera