ARH 397 Doctoral Colloquium (3 hours)
Register for ARH 397 Doctoral Colloquium in the semester that the doctoral colloquium is to be presented, usually in the Fall semester of the second year. A student may register for ARH 397 only one time. If the colloquium is not presented, the student receives a grade of Incomplete until the colloquium is held in the next long semester and a final grade is assigned. The supervising professor must change the Incomplete to the final grade online; please remind them to do so, and check to be sure that a final grade has been assigned.
AHR 396P Qualifying Examination Preparation
For each section of ARH 396P, discuss plans with the Graduate Advisor and your faculty advisor/committee chair prior to enrolling. A form is no longer needed. Doctoral qualifying examinations are taken the semester following the presentation of the doctoral colloquium. A student can register for one or for multiple sections of ARH 396P (3 hours) as needed to achieve the necessary number of enrollment hours while preparing for the doctoral qualifying examinations. This course is on the credit/no credit basis and is not a required part of the Program of Work.
Students are not cleared to register for dissertation hours until the online application for candidacy is final approved by the Graduate School.
A student in the first semester of doctoral candidacy may register for one of the following:
ARH 399R (3 hours)
ARH 699R (6 hours)
ARH 999R (9 hours)
All subsequent semesters of dissertation hours are taken in the W status:
ARH 399W (3 hours)
ARH 699W (6 hours)
ARH 999W (9 hours)
All students must take a minimum of one semester of ARH _99R and one semester of ARH _99W. Students who have advanced to doctoral candidacy must stay in continuous enrollment in dissertation hours on all long semesters (Spring, Fall) until graduation.