Connie Gager
Associate Professor, Department of Family Science & Human Development, Montclair State University
Karen Guzzo
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Center for Family & Demographic Research, Bowling Green State University
Kelly Musick
Professor and Interim Department Chair of Policy Analysis and Management, Director of the Cornell Population Center, Cornell University
Samantha Tornello
Assistant Professor of Human Development & Family Studies, Pennsylvania State University
- Policies Affecting Families: What we know, and what to expect in the second Trump termIn a new symposium, CCF brings together leading experts to discuss how immigration, abortion, student debt, and LGBTQIA+ related policies affect families.
- Increases in Community Income Improve Birth OutcomesIn a new brief report, Dr. Molly Martin explores how economic development and other policies that increase community income can reduce incidence of low birth weight
- Why the U.S. Should Have (and Why Men Should Take) Paternity LeaveIn a new brief report, Richard Petts, Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan, and Reed Donithen discuss why it is time for policies and workplace culture to catch up to the wave of support for paid parental leave in the U.S.
- U.S. parents financially support their adult children. But in immigrant families, it’s the reverse.Brief report from CCF Early Career Scholar Dr. Vanessa Delgado shows that parental immigration status shapes adult children’s decisions to “give back” in immigrant families.
- Childcare Challenges During the Pandemic and Their Impact on Parents and Care ProvidersA briefing paper prepared by Liana Christin Landivar, Women’s Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, and Pilar Gonalons-Pons, University of Pennsylvania for the Council on Contemporary Families online symposium The COVID-19… Read more: Childcare Challenges During the Pandemic and Their Impact on Parents and Care Providers
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Gender Equality SymposiumA new CCF symposium highlights what emerging research tells us about changes to family & work life during the COVID-19 pandemic and what they mean for the future of gender equality in the U.S.
- Executive Summary: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Gender EqualityPrepared by Daniel L. Carlson, University of Utah, and Richard J. Petts, Ball State University, for the Council on Contemporary Families symposium The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Gender… Read more: Executive Summary: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Gender Equality
- Pandemic Influences on Gender Inequality in Unpaid WorkA briefing paper prepared by Liana C. Sayer, University of Maryland and Joanna R. Pepin, University of Toronto for the Council on Contemporary Families online symposium The COVID-19 Pandemic and… Read more: Pandemic Influences on Gender Inequality in Unpaid Work
- Mothers Continue to Experience Career Consequences Three Years into the PandemicA briefing paper prepared by Jill E. Yavorsky, University of North Carolina Charlotte, Yue Qian, University of British Columbia, and Liana Christin Landivar, Women’s Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, for… Read more: Mothers Continue to Experience Career Consequences Three Years into the Pandemic
- Can Remote Work Fuel Gender Equality? Evidence Shows Cause for Optimism but Challenges RemainA briefing paper prepared by Wen Fan, Boston University, and Richard J. Petts, Ball State University, for the Council on Contemporary Families symposium The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of… Read more: Can Remote Work Fuel Gender Equality? Evidence Shows Cause for Optimism but Challenges Remain
- Dads Home with Kids Peaked During The COVID-19 Pandemic – But Not for The Reason You ThinkA briefing paper prepared by Arielle Kuperberg, University of North Carolina – Greensboro, Sarah Thébaud, University of California, Santa Barbara, Kathleen Gerson, New York University, and Brad Harrington, Boston College,… Read more: Dads Home with Kids Peaked During The COVID-19 Pandemic – But Not for The Reason You Think
- Leave Laws Support EquityA briefing paper prepared by Jeff Hayes, Women’s Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor[1], and H. Elizabeth Peters, Urban Institute, for the Council on Contemporary Families symposium The COVID-19 Pandemic and… Read more: Leave Laws Support Equity
- Work-Family Stressors, Gender, and Mental Health during COVID-19 and BeyondA briefing paper prepared by Daniel L. Carson, University of Utah, and Melissa A. Milkie, University of Toronto, for the Council on Contemporary Families symposium The COVID-19 Pandemic and the… Read more: Work-Family Stressors, Gender, and Mental Health during COVID-19 and Beyond
- Best for Whom? Breastfeeding and Child DevelopmentIn a new brief report from CCF, Jessica Su finds that breastfeeding benefits are modest, and reach some children more than others
- Managing the Household is a Stressor for Mothers But Not FathersA new brief report from CCF takes a look at how cognitive labor related to household management influences well-being in different ways for mothers and fathers.
- Between A Rock and A Hard Place: Lessons From The Covid-19 Pandemic About Health Concerns And US Mothers’ EmploymentNew research on how mothers’ concerns about community COVID-19 transmission affects their labor force participation.
- NEW FROM CCF! No More in the Shadows: Racism, Family Structure, and Black FamiliesFamily formation has long been touted as a source of racial inequality, but what does the research actually say?
- Mine and Yours, or Ours: Are All Egalitarian Relationships Equal?It turns out there is a big difference between dividing up the tasks so that each partner does different ones versus sharing or alternating the same tasks, so that partners contribute equally to each.
- Mothers Are the Primary Earners in Growing Numbers of Families with ChildrenA new study estimates that about 70% of U.S. moms can expect to be primary financial providers before their children turn 18.
- Why Families Need More Financial Support during the COVID-19 PandemicDespite the important temporary relief provided to many families by the March 2020 CARES Act, millions of American families are experiencing financial hardship as we enter the new year.
- CCF’s Joshua Coleman on the Complicated Realities of Parental EstrangementRead his thoughts in his new essay for Aeon, “Modern culture blames parents for forces beyond their control“
- Before and during COVID-19: Telecommuting, Work-Family Conflict, and Gender EqualityBefore and During COVID-19: Telecommuting, Work-Family Conflict, and Gender Equality A briefing paper prepared by Thomas Lyttelton (Yale Sociology), Emma Zang (Yale Sociology), and Kelly Musick (Cornell Policy Analysis and… Read more: Before and during COVID-19: Telecommuting, Work-Family Conflict, and Gender Equality
- CCF’S Stephanie Coontz Interviewed by Legacy Washington“Legacy Washington recently recorded an interview with author/historian Stephanie Coontz. Watch Legacy Washington historian Bob Young interview Coontz, an expert on family and marriage whose writing influenced the U.S. Supreme… Read more: CCF’S Stephanie Coontz Interviewed by Legacy Washington
- CCF’s Executive Director Jennifer Glass on the Struggle for Child Care in a PandemicParents often rely on their networks for child care, but how has that changed since COVID-19? CCF’s Executive Director Jennifer Glass has some thoughts in The Christian Science Monitor’s “‘I… Read more: CCF’s Executive Director Jennifer Glass on the Struggle for Child Care in a Pandemic
- CCF Experts Featured in The Washington Post, Boston Globe, Deseret NewsCCF experts Dan Carlson, Richard Petts, and Joanna Pepin discuss the findings of their latest brief report on gendered division of labor during the covid-19 pandemic with Deseret News’ Lois M.… Read more: CCF Experts Featured in The Washington Post, Boston Globe, Deseret News
- CCF’s Stephanie Coontz featured in Rolling StoneRead her thoughts on the challenges mothers are facing in “Coronavirus Is Killing the Working Mother”
- How Dads Make a Difference for Their ChildrenJune 18, 2020 Fast Facts for Father’s Day (June 21, 2020): A fact sheet prepared by Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan, Ohio State University and Kari Adamsons, University of Connecticut for the Council… Read more: How Dads Make a Difference for Their Children
- Men and Women Agree: During the COVID-19 Pandemic Men Are Doing More at HomeA briefing paper prepared by Daniel L. Carlson (University of Utah), Richard J. Petts (Ball State University), and Joanna R. Pepin (University of Buffalo – SUNY) for the Council on… Read more: Men and Women Agree: During the COVID-19 Pandemic Men Are Doing More at Home
- When “Helicopters” Go to School: Who Gets Rescued and Who Gets Left Behind?When “Helicopters” Go to School: Who Gets Rescued and Who Gets Left Behind? A briefing paper prepared by Jessica McCrory Calarco, Indiana University, for the Council on Contemporary Families. We’ve… Read more: When “Helicopters” Go to School: Who Gets Rescued and Who Gets Left Behind?
- CCF’s Stephanie Coontz for The New York Times: What Can Different-Sex Couples Learn From Same-Sex Couples?Five years after marriage equality, CCF Director of Research and Public Education Stephanie Coontz asks: What can different-sex couples learn from same-sex couples? Featuring research by CCF experts Joanna Pepin, Dan… Read more: CCF’s Stephanie Coontz for The New York Times: What Can Different-Sex Couples Learn From Same-Sex Couples?
- Parents Can’t Go It Alone–They Never Have: What to Do for Parents to Help Our Next GenerationParents Can’t Go It Alone introduces you to important new work about what parents need to meet their goals and successfully raise the next generation.
- Why No One Can “Have It All” and What to Do About ItA briefing paper prepared by Kathleen Gerson, New York University, for the Council on Contemporary Families’ Symposium Parents Can’t Go It Alone—They Never Have. If debates about women’s rights, relationships… Read more: Why No One Can “Have It All” and What to Do About It
- Work that Works for Low-Wage WorkersA briefing paper prepared by Maureen Perry-Jenkins, the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, for the Council on Contemporary Families’ Symposium Parents Can’t Go It Alone—They Never Have. Low-wage jobs may not… Read more: Work that Works for Low-Wage Workers
- Who Goes to Jail for Child Support Debt?A Research Brief Prepared for the University of Texas at Austin Population Research Center Research Brief Series Elizabeth Cozzolino Introduction Child support enforcement aims to increase child well-being by ensuring that… Read more: Who Goes to Jail for Child Support Debt?
- The Parenthood “Happiness Penalty”: The Effects of Social Policies in 22 CountriesA Brief Report Prepared for the University of Texas at Austin Population Research Center Jennifer Glass, Robin W. Simon and Matthew A. Andersson Introduction A large body of research… Read more: The Parenthood “Happiness Penalty”: The Effects of Social Policies in 22 Countries
- The Frontlines of Welfare Reform: Why Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Programs Succeed or FailThe Frontlines of Welfare Reform: Why Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Programs Succeed or Fail A briefing paper prepared for the Council on Contemporary Families by Jennifer Randles, Assistant Professor of… Read more: The Frontlines of Welfare Reform: Why Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Programs Succeed or Fail
- CCF ADVISORY: Parents’ Happiness Deficit: Must Parents Sacrifice Happiness for Meaning?FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Virginia Rutter / Framingham State University Sociology / 206 375 4139 Parents’ Happiness Deficit: Must Parents Sacrifice Happiness for Meaning? AUSTIN TX, June 16, 2016—Over… Read more: CCF ADVISORY: Parents’ Happiness Deficit: Must Parents Sacrifice Happiness for Meaning?
- CCF BRIEF: Parenting and Happiness in 22 CountriesSocial Policies, Parenthood, and Happiness in 22 Countries A briefing paper prepared for the Council on Contemporary Families by Jennifer Glass, University of Texas; Robin Simon, Wake Forest University; and… Read more: CCF BRIEF: Parenting and Happiness in 22 Countries
- Linda Nielsen’s research on fathers and daughters attracts some Super big fansCCF member Linda Nielsen recently received research fan mail from an unusual source, the advertisers at Pantene: “Our creative team… were so inspired by the work you’ve done, it has… Read more: Linda Nielsen’s research on fathers and daughters attracts some Super big fans
- Gender Revolution and the Restabilization of Family LifeGender Revolution and the Restabilization of Family Life A briefing paper prepared for the Council on Contemporary Families by Frances Goldscheider, College Park Professor of Family Science, University of… Read more: Gender Revolution and the Restabilization of Family Life
- CCF Symposium on Housework, Gender and Parenthood: OverviewCCF Symposium on Housework, Gender and Parenthood: Overview An introduction to the Council on Contemporary Families Online Symposium on Housework, Gender, and Parenthood by Stephanie Coontz, Council on Contemporary Families… Read more: CCF Symposium on Housework, Gender and Parenthood: Overview
- “Daddy’s Home!” Increasing Men’s Use of Paternity Leave“DADDY’S HOME!” INCREASING MEN’S USE OF PATERNITY LEAVE This briefing is based on a study by Dr. Ankita Patnaik. The original paper is available here and is forthcoming in the Journal of… Read more: “Daddy’s Home!” Increasing Men’s Use of Paternity Leave