Internship: Career-Focused Summer Internships in Russia (Crossroads Eurasia)

Deadline for Applications: March 30, 2017

The deadline for CrossroadsEurasia summer internships in Russia has been extended to March 30, 2017.

Please let your students know about this career-focused summer work experience.

Students can choose one of three options:

  • Camp counseling. One of the best introductions to Russia one can have. Best for beginners of the language, looking for a friendly and structured atmosphere.
  • Teaching English. Highly immersive and flexible, with coaching by local teachers. Similar in style to well-known overseas programs for recent graduates. Recommended for heritage speakers, and those students with at least intermediate level of Russian.
  • Translation. As close as students will come to actually working in Russia. We recommend it both to students interested in translation specifically as well as advanced or heritage speakers, looking for an experience like no other.

Post-program, students receive career coaching to help them communicate the value of the experience, and an alumni network can inform their next career steps.  

Internships are located in places where the pace of life is slower — Kostroma, Voronezh, and Ryazan. In every location, students spend time with locals and come away with some genuine friendships. Every city has a local coordinator.

Accommodations, meals, visa support and travel assistance is provided.

More information is available on our website at: If you or your students have any questions, please contact me at