Deadline for Application: September 15, 2017
Title: Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Sponsor: University of Texas at Austin, Office of Undergraduate Research
Amount: $1,000
Description: The purpose of the URF competition is to provide support (up to $1,000) for scholarly research projects conducted by University undergraduate students. Fellowships are intended to cover costs associated with research projects proposed and written by undergraduate student applicants and undertaken with the supervision of a University tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenure track faculty member, or full-time Research staff member. The supervisor will attest to the appropriateness of the student’s research expenses throughout the project, and will need Principal Investigator (PI) status in order to request IACUC, IBC, or IRB approvals, if applicable. Visit website for eligibility information. Some restrictions apply.
How to Apply: Apply directly to the sponsor by September 15. See the grant announcement for a complete list of materials to be submitted with the application.
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