Funding: Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship (CCWH)

Deadline for Applications: May 15, 2018

Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship

Ida B. Wells - Library of Congress
Ida B. Wells (Library of Congress)

The CCWH Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship is an annual award of $1000 given to a graduate student working on a historical dissertation that interrogates race and gender, not necessarily in a history department. The award is intended to support either a crucial stage of research or the final year of writing.

The applicant must be a CCWH member; must be a graduate student in any department of a U.S. institution; must have passed to A.B.D. status by the time of application; may hold this award and others simultaneously; and need not attend the award ceremony to receive the award.

For more information, and to apply, click here.