Critical Languages Training, Funding, and Info Sessions (Arizona State University)

Info Sessions: October 5, 15, 28, 2020

In the summer of 2021, the Critical Languages Institute (CLI) at Arizona State University will offer intensive training in 13 less-commonly-taught languages: Albanian, Armenian, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Hebrew, Indonesian, Kazakh, Macedonian, Persian, Polish, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Uzbek. 

CLI offers students from across the US and beyond the opportunity to accelerate their language learning, with a full year or more equivalency of study (8-13 college credits). We focus on less-commonly taught languages of Russia, Eurasia and East Europe: for 30 years, CLI has opened student opportunities to compete for prestigious international fellowships and for careers in government, academia and business where global awareness is critical.

CLI is uniquely affordable because of reduced tuition fees, as well as a range of scholarship opportunities. Most students taking 8-10 credits pay less than $1500 in program fees, with need- and merit-based awards reducing the cost still further for many.

Classes at CLI meet 4 four hours a day, 5 days a week and students earn from 8 to 13 transferable credit hours. Experienced native-speaker faculty, small classes sizes, and a focus on communication all play a role in fostering student success; speaking proficiency exit testing has demonstrated that participants make substantial gains in comprehension and fluency. Internal testing at the end of our 7- or 8-week first-year programs showed that nearly 60% of first-year students were able to communicate at the intermediate level or better! 

We will hold 3 Zoom information sessions on the CLI program and available funding.  

  • CLI 2021 Information Sessions Schedule: 
    • 9 am MST (same as PDT)/12 pm EDT on Monday, October 5th 
    • 12 pm MST (same as PDT)/3 pm EDT on Thursday, October 15th 
    • 3 pm MST (same as PDT)/6 pm EDT on Wednesday, October 28th 
  • Zoom link:  

If you are not able to join us for an information session, you can contact us at to ask questions or set up a meeting.