Deadline: March 10, 2021; June 5, 2021
Pamiętnik Teatralny [Theatrical Memoir], is an academic quarterly devoted to the history and historiography of theatre and drama. The journal prides itself on its almost 70-years tradition being published continuously since 1952 by the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences. From 2020 onward, submissions in English are welcomed. Submissions are invited for two calls for papers.
Recently the journal’s editorial guidelines have been updated to improve its international presence and visibility. As of late, they have published two articles on the ways in which national and local theaters and theater companies responded to crises caused by the 1854 cholera epidemic in Munich ( and the Covid-19 pandemic in Poland ( as well as Ruthie Abeliovich’s review of The Polish Theatre of the Holocaust by Grzegorz Niziołek London: Methuen Drama Press, 2019), Previously, we have published a paper on Ukrainian Theater Actresses in Eastern Galicia by Sofiia Rosa-Lavrentii, as well as Maiia Harbuziuk’s review of Nataliya Yakubova’s monograph of Irena Solska (Moscow: GITIS, 2019),
Pamiętnik Teatralny would like to invite you to collaborate. Submissions are open for all papers falling within the thematic range of the journal which is the theatre’s tradition and culture broadly understood, including interdisciplinary contexts of theatre and drama studies. The current call for papers are as follows:
Ends, Break-Offs, Disasters
“We invite contributions analyzing and interpreting moments of exhaustion, crisis or decline in theatre and theatre history. We encourage prospective authors to identify them in historical and contemporary artistic phenomena or social performances. This thematic area can be considered in various contexts (philosophical, socio-political, economic or environmental) and in different methodological perspectives (e.g. memory studies, ecohumanities, affect studies, etc.). “
Submission deadline: 10th March 2021.
Theatre in Urban Cultures
“We invite contributions problematizing the dynamic and historically changing function of theatre and performances in urban spaces and cultures, as well as the urban experience in drama, theatre and performance. We encourage prospective authors to follow various methodological inspirations (geopoetics and geocriticism, cultural geography, popular culture studies, urban studies, etc.).”
Submission deadline: 5th June 2021.
For the additional information, including the archive of back issues and author’s guidelines, please consult the website:
Should you have any questions, feel free to contact: