CFP: Edited Volume “Russian Translation in the Global Context”

Deadline: March 31, 2021

Co-editors of the edited volume “Russian Translation in the Global Context” are calling for submissions of up to 8,000 words on one of the following topics:

(a) the history of literary translation from Russian into another language (which may include the biography of one or more translators, or focus on translations of a single author’s work) – e.g. a history of Gogol’s translation into Portuguese;

(b) the reception of Russian literature in translation (over any time period between approx. 1900 and the present day) in a specific culture, ethnicity, nation, or region. (For this topic, we are particularly interested in scholarship on the non-Anglophone, non-Western reception of Russian literature, although all proposals will be considered). For example: Responses to “Mertvye dushi” in Indonesian literature.

The closing date for proposals is March 31st, 2021 and you can find more details about the project (in English and Russian), including how to contact us and how to submit a proposal, here:

All submissions will be reviewed twice before acceptance, once by the editors and again by anonymous peer reviewers. The volume will fully be published Open Access in 2023 with a limited initial print run and unlimited free PDF downloads, by a non-profit academic publisher. Publication costs are met by the project funder, the European Research Council.