Symposium: Marking Loss, Making Memorials

Event Date: November 10, 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 2 – 6pm

The Kibel Gallery exhibition, Making the Holodomor Memorial: Context & Questions, which reopened on October 18, 2021, tells the story of an atrocity suppressed and traces the design and development of a memorial to commemorate its victims. Through this story and the process of making a public memorial, the exhibition raises critical issues about memory, loss, place and truth–the context and questions that surround memorial-making.  

Since the Holodomor exhibit opened on February 19, 2020, and closed three weeks later due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the world has changed and so have we. We are developing an increased awareness of racial injustice, inequities and the elevation of dominant narratives over others, experiencing public health and climate crises and coming to understand the roles of technology and communication in challenging the basic foundations of democracy and civil society.  Commemoration in public space has taken on an even more urgent and powerful role. 

This symposium, Marking Loss, Making Memorials, builds on the four key questions posed by the exhibit: 

  • Whose truth? 
  • Why here? 
  • Why now? 
  • How do we mark loss?

Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, journalist and author of The Twilight of Democracy and Red Famine–the most authoritative historical work on the Holodomor famine to date–will deliver the keynote address. She will set the table for a conversation about the intersection of historical and social memory, political polemic, public space and memorial design.

Applebaum’s talk will be followed by a panel discussion, “The Politics of Memory and Place” led by faculty members of the University of Maryland Department of History who have worked closely on issues of mass violence and historical memory. Speakers in the final panel, “Presence: Past and Futures” will share the memorial design and scholarship of both built and unbuilt memorials, the elevation of repressed stories, and the ways that recent makeshift memorials challenge the public memory in new ways.

This is a hybrid event. 


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