Deadline: December 31, 2021
The Prof. Richard Pipes Laboratory of the Institute of Political Studies,
Polish Academy of Sciences announces a competition for scholarships for researchers from foreign academic centers dealing with matters relating to Poland and/or Poles in the period from the 19th to the 21st centuries for a short-term stay (minimum fifteen days) at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (ISP PAN).
(Previous scholarship holders cannot take part in the competition)
The scholarship holder will have the opportunity to use the Prof. Richard Pipes Library during
his stay at ISP PAN. Our book collection consists of approx. 3.5 thousand volumes, mainly
concerning Russia, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Empire. The collected books were
published throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, mainly in English and Russian. In accordance
with the last will of Prof. Richard Pipes, the Library is located at the Institute of Political Studies
of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw since 2019.
Scholarship amount: 5.000 PLN. – to be paid out in cash at the cash desk of ISP PAN.
As part of the scholarship, the scholarship holder will have to arrange accommodation in
Warsaw and take care of medical insurance on their own.
The scholarship holder undertakes to follow regulations related to the COVID-19 pandemic –
ISP PAN does not take responsibility for possible decisions and restrictions imposed by state authorities.
ISP PAN will issue the scholarship holder with all necessary documentation to obtain an
academic visa.
Period of stay: the scholarship holder determines the date of their scholarship in 2022;
1. Scholarship holders will be obliged to include information in any academic works
resulting from their stay stating that they were created with financial support granted
within the framework of the Prof. Richard Pipes Scholarship, granted by the Institute of
Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Scholarship holders will be obliged
to participate in seminars or other scientific events organized by the Institute of Political
Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences during their stay.
2. Knowledge of one of the following languages is required: English, Russian, or Polish.
Required documents:
· CV;
· List of publications;
· Research project (maximum 3 pages typed, i.e. 5.000 characters with spaces); the
project must be written in English, Russian, or Polish.
Please send your documents by December 31st, 2021 via e-mail to:
The Laboratory Council will consider all applications by January 15th, 2022.