Prof. Dev: Pushkin House Translation Residency, London

Deadline: February 11, 2022

Pushkin House is delighted to announce an open call for the next Pushkin House Translation Residency which will take place in 2022. 

The aim of the programme is to facilitate cultural exchange between the Russian-speaking and English-speaking creative communities; to support the translation of contemporary Russian literature; and to provide a fertile environment for the creation of an original translation of an outstanding piece of Russian writing. Following the success of the previous residency, which resulted in the publication of new translations by Helena Kernan of poems by Galina Rymbu in Modern Poetry in Translation, Pushkin House wants to explore new connections and create new opportunities.

Positioned at the crossroads of culture, Pushkin House creates an environment which allows national contexts to be translated across languages and borders, appeals to diverse audiences and inspires creatives on all sides to join the conversation. The Translation Residency provides the ideal catalyst for the exploration of what translation can mean in this context: translating words, languages, cultures, mediums, identities, ideas, and so much more. Therefore, the Residency will be accompanied by a programme of workshops and other events to bring people together to discuss the possibilities provided by translation, in all senses of the word. 

We accept applications from translators from Russian into English and contemporary authors writing in Russian. The author and translator will work collaboratively to produce an original piece of translation. Pushkin House will publish it in autumn 2022 as a standalone publication. 

The translator and the author are invited to apply together with a joint project.

The application should include the names of both participants, their CVs and several sample translations (3-5 poems or a piece of prose which do not need to be published translations and a poem / short piece of a work by the chosen author, also not necessarily published). Please let us know if you have previously published a translated work by the same author.

The applicants should list the works which are to be translated during the residency and provide a brief overview (up to 500 words) of the project. This should outline the significance of the concept and its relevance to the current cultural landscape and both participants.

The eligible texts for the Translation Residency are poetry and short experimental prose (and/or anything in between). They must require a meticulous approach and creative methods from the translators, and demonstrate a need to work closely with the author in order to produce a successful translation.

The residency will take place in spring – summer 2022 with both participants travelling to London for a period of up to two weeks. Their expenses will be covered by the programme, including visas (if required), travel expenses to and from London for both participants, accommodation in Londonper diems and fees of £1000 for both the translator and the author.


In case of new COVID restrictions preventing participants from travelling, parts of the residency will take place online with participants invited to come to London for the launch in October 2022 at the Pushkin House Book Prize dinner. 

The winning application will be selected by an independent jury panel which includes:

  • Sasha Dugdale, a poet, playwright and translator;
  • Dmitry Kuzmin, a writer, poet and political commentator;
  • Lev Oborin, a poet, critic and translator;
  • Maria Stepanova, a poet, essayist and journalist;
  • Josephine von Zitzewitz, a researcher and translator.

The steering committee also includes

  • Clem Cecil, a writer and journalist; 
  • Boris Kupriyanov, a publisher, publicist and expert in the Russian book market.


The deadline for applications is Friday 11 February 2022.

The selected project is announced on Friday 11 March 2022.

The residency finishes by Friday 24 June 2022.