CFA: International Vladimir Nabokov Society Prizes

Deadline: April 30, 2022

In 2018, the International Vladimir Nabokov Society established a group of prizes generously funded by the Vladimir Nabokov Literary Foundation. The first three rounds of prizes (2019, 2020, 2021) have been awarded and the winners of these prizes are listed below. IVNS is now accepting submissions for its 2022 round of prizes. Applications are encouraged for all eligible work.

Administration and Funding: These prizes are administered, selected, and awarded by the International Vladimir Nabokov Society, and funded by the Vladimir Nabokov Literary Foundation. In all cases they will be awarded only where there is work of sufficient merit. In the case when two winners share one prize, the prize money will be shared between them. 

Timing: Prizes awarded in 2022 will be for work either submitted (in the case of undergraduate and postgraduate essays, theses and chapters), examined and accepted (in the case of the best dissertation prize) or published (in the case of the other prizes) in the calendar year 2021, except for the Brian Boyd Prize. The Brian Boyd Prize was awarded in 2019 for work published 2016 – 2018 and will next be awarded in 2022 for work published 2019 – 2021.

Language: Work can in principle be considered in any language. However, the judges have to be able to judge all entries fairly against one another; thus the only language in which contributions can be guaranteed consideration is English. If the judges have sufficient linguistic competence, they can judge work in other languages, and if they wish, commission expert reviewers in that language and consult with them.

Submission: All academic work and publications to be considered for prizes need to have reached the judges’ attention by April 30. Please contact the President and Vice-President of the IVNS, Siggy Frank and Marie Bouchet,

For more information, click here.