Centre for Research on Minorities and University of New Europe (UNE) Winter School “How to Document the Present: Oral History and Memory of the War”

Deadline: October 31, 2022

We would like to share with you the call for participation in the winter school on oral history and memory research and their uses for studying the ongoing Russian invasion in Ukraine. The school will take place in Como (Italy) on January 23-27 2023 and is the result of cooperation between the University of Insubria (https://www.uninsubria.eu/) and the University of New Europe (https://neweurope.university/). It is going to cover both classic approaches to oral history and memory research in the context of armed conflicts and more innovative digital-oriented techniques, including the ones dealing with the machine learning and algorithm audits and their potential uses in the field. Applications are invited from both scholars of different levels and and non-academics interested in oral history and memory research. More information is available via the link:


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