CFP: Teaching Media and Media Literacy

Deadline: March 25, 2023

Special Issue of RLJ (December 2023):

“Teaching Media and Media Literacy” 

Guest Editors:

Dr. Karen Evans Romaine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 

Dr. Liudmila Klimanova, University of Arizona, 

Purpose, aims, and foci of the special issue: 

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and tighter restrictions on press freedom in Russia have caused instructors of Russian to focus attention more sharply on teaching information literacy skills. Instructors of Russian have taught media courses for decades, but the necessity to enable students to develop their interpretative skills for various forms of media has grown significantly over the past year. This issue of RLJ invites articles on all aspects of the teaching and learning of media in Russian, from news to social media, to discussions of censorship and self-censorship in the language and culture classroom, to teaching critical thinking skills through media broadly defined.

The topics may include, but not limited to: 

New approaches to teaching media literacy in the Russian language curriculum Development of social media literacy in Russian language classes Propaganda and teaching to interpret propaganda in Russian language classes Principles and approaches to decolonizing the language curriculum through media studies Empirical studies focusing on students’ perception of Russia and Russian studies at the time of war  Empirical studies focusing on students’ perception of propaganda and/or censorship

Submission Instructions:
Those interested in contributing should submit the following to as a single Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) or .PDF file attachment by March 25, 2023:

1. Author name(s) and affiliation(s); 
2. Proposed article title; 
3. Type of publication (see below):
4. 350-word overview/abstract; 
5. 50-word biography for each author. 

In your abstract, please state clearly if your proposal should be reviewed as (A) a conceptual/theoretical think piece; (B) pedagogical/teaching practice reports; or (C) empirical/research-based papers.

Please note that abstract acceptance does not guarantee publication of the submitted manuscript. All manuscripts will be subject to a double-blind peer review process.

Tentative Timeline for the 2023 Special Issue: 

March 25, 2023 – 350-word abstracts and author bio/information due. April 10, 2023 – Proposals reviewed by the editors and external reviewers; invitations to submit a full article sent. July 1, 2023 – Full manuscripts from contributors due to editors. August 15, 2023 – Peer-reviews due to editors; decisions to accept or not accept manuscripts made by the editors based on feedback from reviewers.   October 1, 2023 – Revised manuscripts due back to editors (i.e., for those manuscripts determined to be included in the special issue based on results of double-blind review). Oct- Nov. 2023 – Copy-editing and type-setting.  Dec. 2023 – Jan. 2024 – Special Issue appears in print.

We look forward to your submissions! Should you have any questions about this project, please contact both editors via their aforementioned email addresses.

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