Job: Editor-in-Chief, Hungarian Cultural Studies

Deadline: Open Until Filled (Posted August 8, 2024)

Hungarian Cultural Studies, Journal of the American Hungarian Educators
Association, is a peer-reviewed, open-access, no-fee scholarly journal,
covering all aspects of Hungarian culture across the humanities and social
sciences. The journal has developed an excellent international reputation for
publishing theoretically sophisticated and empirically grounded original
research. In addition to full-length articles, the journal regularly publishes
book reviews and bibliographies, and it supports emerging scholars from
Hungary and neighboring states in helping them publish in English. The Board
of AHEA invites applications from scholars interested in taking on the role of

The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for upholding the mission and scope of the
journal and for selecting papers that provide original and important
contributions to knowledge. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the overall
quality of the intellectual content of the journal and for overseeing the
review process to ensure it is thorough, fair, and timely. The Editor-in-Chief
works with associate editors, editorial board members, reviewers, and any
other editorial staff in developing content for the journal. The Editor-in-
Chief serves as Chair of the editorial board and oversees its work. The
Editor-in-Chief holds an annual editorial board meeting and prepares a yearly
report for the Board. As prescribed by the governance documents of the AHEA as
a 501 c-3, the position of Editor-in-Chief of the journal reports directly to
the President of AHEA. The policies of the journal and their oversight are the
responsibility of the President and the elected officers of the AHEA.

The role of the Editor-in-Chief is challenging, intellectually rewarding, and
opens up new avenues of opportunities for the person in this role; annual
honorarium: $5,000.

Preferred qualifications:
● Knowledge of Hungarian Studies with demonstrated scholarship in the
● Openness to different theoretical and methodological perspectives
● English and Hungarian language proficiency, including experience with
English-language academic discourse
● Substantial professional experience in reviewing and editing
manuscripts, including English-language articles, for publication
● Respect for social and cultural diversity
● Ability to work in a team
● Attention to detail
● Willingness to learn the technical aspects of the editorial management
system and adopt its use in manuscript submission, peer review, and
publication process

General responsibilities include:
● Contributing to strategic development of the Journal including writing
editorials, which will help shape the journal’s vision
● Attracting submissions and themed-issue proposals to the Journal to
ensure continued relevance and quality of content
● Contributing to the day-to-day running of the Journal, working closely
with members of the Editorial Team, including online peer review and editing
of articles
● Liaison with the Board of AHEA and the University Library System
(ULS), University of Pittsburgh
● The term for the Editor-in-Chief is four years, renewable twice.

Applicants should send a current CV, a letter of interest, three English-
language scholarly articles, as well as the names and contact information of
three professional references to (attn: Klara Papp, Deputy
Editor Hungarian Cultural Studies, put “HCS Editor” in the subject line).
Nominations are also welcome and should be sent to the same email.
Applications should explicitly address the applicant’s aims and vision for
HCS, steps to be taken to sustain the pool of high-quality papers, and expand
the journal’s readership. Priority candidate review will begin on September 1,
2024, and the position will remain open until filled.