Academic Job: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Russian Language, Literature, and Culture (Oberlin College)

Application Deadline: Ongoing Until Filled

Job Summary

The Department of Russian Language, Literature, and Culture at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time non-continuing faculty position as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the College of Arts and Sciences. Appointment to this position will be for a term of two years beginning the fall semester of 2017 and will carry the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian. The position is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and by a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Area of specialization is open, but we seek a creative scholar and teacher who has strong interdisciplinary interests and can work across different periods and genres. The ability to connect the Russian tradition with other literary and cultural traditions is a plus.


The incumbent will offer one course each semester. Teaching duties over two years will entail a mix of language courses at the introductory, intermediate or advanced level and literature courses in translation or in Russian.

Continue reading “Academic Job: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Russian Language, Literature, and Culture (Oberlin College)”

Internship: Summer Internship Programs (Novosibirsk, Russia)

Program Dates: Mid-June-Mid-July, 2017

There are still several spaces available for summer internship programs in Novosibirsk and in the Altai area.

These Summer Internships are offered at the children’s camps that will be run from mid-June until mid-July in a comfortable and relaxing tourist base in the delightful countryside of the Altai Krai in the low foothills of the Altai mountains and in a tourist camp located on the bank of the beautiful Katun River in the picturesque Altai mountains area of the Altai Republic. For the international interns participating in one or two sessions of the summer camp there is a special offer of a two-week intensive Russian study session in the city of Novosibirsk from July 13th through July 26th that comprises 20 lessons of Russian per week in a small group, two excursions in Novosibirsk per week and FREE ACCOMMODATION in a centrally located apartment.  Tours of Novosibirsk and trips to the beautiful Siberian towns of Tomsk, Irkutsk and to magnificent Lake Baikal will be organized before and after the camp sessions.

These internship positions are open to university students. No previous teaching experience, no previous knowledge of Russian is required. Internships at the children’s summer camps comprise teaching foreign languages and creativity workshops, acting as camp counselors etc. Participating in our internship program, students will gain valuable skills and experience for their future profession while being immersed in the Russian culture and having intensive practice in the Russian language. Internship fees are very reasonable.

More information is available at

Or contact the Director Natalia Bodrova at or cosmoschool3@gmail.comwith any questions and application inquiries.

Prof. Devel.: STARTALK Summer Institute “Proficiency-based Pedagogy for Russian” (Middlebury School of Russian)

Application deadline: March 31, 2017

Middlebury School of Russian is pleased to announce the 2017 STARTALK Summer Institute “Proficiency-based Pedagogy for Russian” intended for novice teachers of Russian and graduate students with no or limited teaching experiences.

The Institute provides participants with unique opportunities to gain a solid foundation in second language acquisition theory and language proficiency framework, and to transfer this knowledge into classroom practice. Participants will create teaching materials for different levels of instruction, implementing STARTALK-endorsed best teaching practices, and engage in practice-teaching in a safe environment with guidance from experienced language practitioners.

The Institute consists of two parts: a 5-day online session (June 19-23, 2017) and a 12-day on-campus session in Middlebury, VT (July 12-23, 2017); both sessions are mandatory. During the on-line session participants will engage in learning and discussing theoretical approaches to language acquisition and principles of proficiency-based pedagogy, so that the on-campus session can be dedicated to applying this theoretical knowledge to classroom teaching and material development. During the on-campus session, participants will brainstorm, design, and implement curricular units, lessons and activities.

Institute’s participants will experience the unique immersive environment of the Middlebury Russian School. By living in the language, participants themselves will see how a learning community of people who speak Russian with varying levels of fluency can be built and sustained.

Tuition, lodging expenses, meals, textbooks, and classroom materials are covered by the STARTALK grant, and each participant is eligible to receive a travel reimbursement for up to $300. Participants will receive one course unit of graduate credit.

 NEW FOR 2017: This year the STARTALK Institute has received an award to offer up to 5 scholarships to cover tuition for the 1-Week Refresher Course (July 2-9). These scholarships are competitive and will be awarded to those admitted STARTALK participants who need to “update” their language skills before starting the on-campus program on July 12. More information about the Refresher Course is available here.

Please note that the application deadline is March 13, 2017. Finalists will be notified by April 1, 2017.

For information and to submit an application, please, visit:  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact program director, Irina Dubinina, at or lead instructor, Olesya Kisselev, at

CFP: Socio-political Landslides, Cultural Ruptures and Literary History in Eastern Europe (Ghent Univ.)

Deadline for Submission: April 1, 2017

Accelerated development? Socio-political landslides, cultural ruptures and literary history in Eastern Europe (Ghent University, Ghent, September 29 – October 1, 2017)

In 1964 the Bulgarian-Belarusian-Russian scholar Georgii Gachev coined the term ‘uskorennoe razvitie’ or ‘accelerated development’ in his 1964 monograph Accelerated Development of Literature: On the Basis of the Bulgarian Literature of the First Half of the 19th Century.  The term describes what happened to Bulgarian literature during Ottoman rule. Being a ‘young’ and ‘peripheral’ literature, having started to develop only recently at the time, Bulgarian literature ‘had to’ go through the whole evolution of European literature at a high pace in order to catch up with the latter. One of the side effects of this accelerated development was that characteristics of different style periods could even co-occur. Gachev’s thought-provoking idea has never really received a lot of attention, except in Bulgarian studies, where the concept was elaborated, criticized and / or gave way to new theories (Petar Dinekov, Nikolai Genchev, Roumen Daskalov, Alexander Kiossev …), but mostly with regard to the development of Bulgarian culture and society.

Today Gachev’s theory seems outdated, not in the least for its centralist assumptions – i.e. taking for granted that central cultures take the lead and peripheral cultures follow suit – that form the very basis of the Eurocentric theory. Nonetheless, the potential of the very kernel of the concept is obvious – both for dealing with the literary histories of other ‘young’ and/or ‘peripheral’ literatures in different time periods and for challenging the different notions that form the basis of Gachev’s theory – ‘peripheral’, ‘young’, ‘Western’, ‘dominant’, ‘oppression’, ‘conservatism’. ‘Accelerated development’ may be a suitable term to describe how Western literary critics in the 19th century thought about the quickly evolving, ‘peripheral’ Russian literature of the time. ‘Accelerated development’ may also be applied to the evolution of (certain) Modernist movements in the ‘peripheral’ Eastern Europe. And what to say about the apparent fast-forward evolution of the East-European literatures after the collapse of Communism, quickly adapting Postmodernism, Magical Realism, and other literary trends that other, ‘central’ literatures had been going through earlier?

This conference aims to explore – i.e., to corroborate, to challenge or to further develop – the concept of accelerated development by looking at concrete cases in the literary histories of Eastern Europe where one can speak of a major rupture, such as suddenly acquired cultural independence or freedom or technological evolution, that causes the literature to change course and, possibly, to ‘accelerate’. More specifically, this conference hopes to find new ways to look at the complex relationships between dominant and non- or less-dominant, central and peripheral, old and young literatures and cultures, colonizing and colonized cultures, progressive and conservative cultures, open and oppressive / repressive cultures, etc. Additionally, the conference aims to discuss the (catalytic) role of cultural agents in the process of accelerated development and the tension(s) between literary and extra-literary motivations. Lastly, the conference hopes to shed light on how cultures going through an accelerated development look at their earlier selves and whether, and if so, how accelerated developments may also lead to new, ‘own’ literary forms that are not quite related to the seemingly dominant cultures.

The keynote speakers include Raymond Detrez (Belgium), Galin Tihanov (UK) and Willem G. Weststeijn (The Netherlands).

The conference will take place at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, on September 29 – October 1, 2017. Please send your abstract of approximately 400 words together with your short CV (no more than one page) to the conference organizers. The deadline for proposals is April 1, 2017. Notification of acceptance of proposals will be provided by May, 2017. Queries and proposals should be sent to the conference organizers.

Ben Dhooge (, Michel De Dobbeleer (, Miglena Dikova-Milanova ( & Dennis Ioffe ( Department of Languages and cultures, Section of Slavic and East European Studies Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Academic Job: Russian Lecturer (Univ. of Hawaii)

Deadline: Open Until Filled

Lecturer (Russian). Original ad here:

Hiring Unit: College of Lang, Ling and Lit, Russian Division of the Department of Lang and Lit of Europe and the Americas, University of Hawaii, Mānoa

Salary commensurate with experience.

Other Conditions:
One-year appointment for Academic Year (Fall 2017 & Spring 2018). Contingent on approval, position clearance, availability of funds, and sufficient enrollment.

Duties and Responsibilities
1. Teach undergraduate courses in Russian language, literature and culture, and, in English, Russian literature, culture and translation classes.
2. Teaching load: Up to 12 credits (4 courses) per semester.

Minimum Qualifications
1. M.A. or equivalent degree in Russian;
2. High Level proficiency in Russian and English
3. Experience teaching Russian in the USA at the college/university level

Desirable Qualifications
1. Ph.D., in Russian or equivalent (ABD will be considered; must have degree in hand by 07/31/2017.)
2. Evidence of student-oriented and innovative instruction.
3. Scholarly publication and participation in national professional organizations encouraged, but not required for appointment. Continue reading “Academic Job: Russian Lecturer (Univ. of Hawaii)”

CFP: Genealogies of Diversity (7th International Summer Academy)

Deadline for Submission: March 15, 2017
Deadline: March 30, 2017

7th International Summer Academy at the ZfL 2017

Genealogies of Diversity. Contexts and Figurations of a Controversial Concept.

The upcoming ZfL Summer Academy will discuss the question of diversity from the perspective of literary and cultural studies. Our focus will be on the history of the discourse on diversity – it’s genealogy in respect to different theoretical and cultural contexts and its relation to similar concepts like hybridity or multiplicity. Of great interest are furthermore rhetoric strategies and aesthetic forms, which represent or call for diversity. We invite doctoral students and post-docs in the fields of humanities, social sciences, and philosophy to apply.

Complete call see under the following link:

Venue: Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin

Organisers: Eva Axer, Matthias Schwartz, Georg Toepfer, Daniel Weidner

Keynotes: Emily Apter (New York), Stefan Hirschauer (Mainz)

Participants: Doctoral students and post-docs (we particularly encourage applications from applicants from the USA, Eastern Europe and Israel)

Number of Participants: ca. 12 participants

Languages: German and English. Prerequisites are good listening comprehension and excellent reading ability, as the source texts will be read in the original; doctoral students are welcome to present their projects in English. Continue reading “CFP: Genealogies of Diversity (7th International Summer Academy)”

Academic Job: Russian Lecturer (Ohio State Univ.)

Application Deadline: April 10, 2017

Lecturer in Russian.
Ohio State University (Columbus, OH)

The Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures at The Ohio State University welcomes applications for a one year position as Lecturer in Russian with a possibility of renewal to begin August 22, 2017. We are seeking a broadly-trained colleague in Russian able to teach at all levels of language, including advanced. Preference will be given to the candidates with a PhD in hand at a time of appointment, but those who are ABD or hold a master’s degree will also be considered. Additional fields of expertise are open, but interest in innovative and interdisciplinary approaches is preferred (for example, digital humanities, global studies or environmental studies). Native or near-native fluency in Russian and English is expected.

Please submit a cover letter explaining interests in and qualifications for the position, a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, a statement of teaching philosophy, and recent evaluations for two or more language courses.

Applications received by April 10, 2017 will receive full attention. Decision is expected to be made by end of April. For further information, please contact Larysa Stepanova, Language Program Director (

Study Abroad: Program for Students Abroad and Human Rights Summer Program (Auschwitz Jewish Center)

Deadline for Abroad Program: March 6, 2017

Deadline for Human Rights Summer Program: April 17, 2017

The Auschwitz Jewish Center, affiliated with the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City, offers immersive academic programs on topics related to the Holocaust and Polish-Jewish history year-round. Programs are led by trained staff with advanced degrees in the field and open to undergraduate and graduate students as well as young professionals.

Program for Students Abroad
April 6 – 9, 2017
Long weekend subsidized programs in Krakow with a scholarly visit to Auschwitz (Oświęcim) for students studying in Europe, Israel, and the region. Deadline: March 6, 2017

Human Rights Summer Program
June 18 – 25, 2017
One-week intensive program in Warsaw, Oświęcim, and Kraków utilizing Poland as a case study to examine broader human rights issues. Deadline: April 17, 2017

The Auschwitz Jewish Center also offers Customized Programs for groups of all sizes and backgrounds throughout the year. For more information on these and other funded and subsidized opportunities, please visit or contact

Study Abroad: Summer Internship Program in Russia (Crossroads Eurasia)

Application Deadline: March 15, 2017

Crossroads Eurasia, a career-focused summer work experience is still accepting applications for its summer internship program in Russia. 

Students can choose one of three options:

  • Camp counseling. One of the best introductions to Russia one can have. Best for beginners of the language, looking for a friendly and structured atmosphere.
  • Teaching English. Highly immersive and flexible, with coaching by local teachers. Similar in style to well-known overseas programs for recent graduates. Recommended for heritage speakers, and those students with at least intermediate level of Russian.
  • Translation. As close as students will come to actually working in Russia. We recommend it both to students interested in translation specifically as well as advanced or heritage speakers, looking for an experience like no other.

Post-program, students receive career coaching to help them communicate the value of the experience, and an alumni network can inform their next career steps.  

Internships are located in places where the pace of life is slower — Kostroma, Voronezh, and Ryazan. In every location, students spend time with locals and come away with some genuine friendships. Every city has a local coordinator.

Accommodations, meals, visa support and travel assistance is provided, as would be expected.

More information is available on our website at: or if you would like to contact the director, at:

Job: Postdoctoral Fellowship – Centre for Ethics (Univ. of Toronto)

Deadline for Application: April 15, 2017

Title: Postgraduate Fellowship
Sponsor: University of Toronto
Amount: $46,000

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship to be held at the Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto (C4E), during the 2017-18 academic year. We welcome candidates with research interests from diverse backgrounds including, but not limited to, philosophy, law, political science, the social sciences, and the humanities, that further the C4E’s mission as an interdisciplinary centre aimed at advancing teaching and research in the field of ethics, broadly defined, by bringing together the theoretical and practical knowledge of diverse scholars, students, public servants and social leaders in order to increase understanding of the ethical dimensions of individual, social, and political life. To get a sense of the disciplinary range and diversity of C4E events, activities, and projects, candidates are encouraged to consult the C4E website (

Under the direction of the Director, Centre for Ethics, the successful candidate will conduct research and participate in C4E events, activities, and projects, and will help to develop an interdisciplinary ethics community across campus and to foster public discourse on issues of ethical import in all aspects of individual, social, and political life. The successful candidate will also be expected to teach one single-semester course in each of the fall and winter terms.

The appointment term is from August 1, 2017 to July 31, 2018, at a combined research and teaching stipend of $46,000 per year.

Applicants must have completed all requirements for their doctorate by July 31, 2017. Candidates must also be no more than 5 years from the awarding of their degree, and cannot have accepted or hold a tenure-track position.

To apply, please send a cover letter of application, a current CV, and a sample of written work Applicants also should arrange to have three confidential letters of reference sent directly to the same email address; at least one of the reference letters should speak to the applicant’s teaching experience and ability.

Complete applications received by April 15, 2017 will be given priority; however, the position will remain open until filled. Any additional inquiries may be addressed to Rose Jones, Assistant to the Director, Centre for Ethics, at

Employment as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto is covered by the terms of the CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement. Teaching will be covered by the terms of the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Collective Agreement.

This job is posted in accordance with the CUPE 3902 Unit 5 Collective Agreement.

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

Date of posting: March 1, 2017

Deadline: April 15, 2017