CFP: “Image of the Self” (Lviv, Ukraine)

Deadline for Submissions: March 5, 2018

The International Association for the Humanities – MAG
Міжнародна Асоціація Гуманітаріїв
Международная ассоциация гуманитариев
Міжнародная асацыяцыя гуманітарыяў

2018 Annual Convention
Lviv, Ukraine
June 27-29, 2018
(In Partnership with Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv)


This theme follows the previous convention’s “Image of the Other.”  We seek to examine the way states, societies, interest groups and social movements, as well as individuals, represent themselves to themselves and to others through manifold means including language, culture, literature, the politics of history, and politics as such.  Images of the self can be found, of course, not only in scholarship but also in popular writing, artistic expression, and in the public sphere.
How have some images given rise to stereotypes and instrumentalized narratives?  How have some others constituted resources for tolerance, mutual respect, and cooperation?  These issues appear in headlines worldwide, but they seem especially salient in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
MAG invites proposals directly or indirectly addressing topics related to the “Image of the Self.” Continue reading “CFP: “Image of the Self” (Lviv, Ukraine)”

Funding: Essay Contest (PACT)

Deadline for Submissions: April 03, 2018

Polish American Council of Texas Essay Contest—THREE $1000 Scholarships!

Essay Topic: “A Polish Texan’s Story”

Eligible Participants: Students of any ethnicity, any faith, enrolled in a Texas:
a. High school—in Grade 12 only
b. University—Undergraduate
c. University—Graduate

Awards: One $1,000 college scholarship to EACH category above

Email entry with your complete name, address, email, phone number, and name of school you attend on a separate page to:

Important: Do not write any personal identification on essay pages. Continue reading “Funding: Essay Contest (PACT)”

CFP: Central Eurasian Studies Society 19th Annual Conference (U. of Pittsburgh)

Deadline for Submissions: March 28, 2018

About the Annual Conference

See also:

CESS Annual Conferences have been held at universities around North America since 2000, currently offering up to 70 panels and attracting around 300 participants from all over the world. For CESS 2018, we invite submissions relating to all aspects of humanities and social science scholarship. The geographic domain of Central Eurasia encompasses Central Asia, the Caucasus, Iran, Afghanistan, Tibet, Mongolia, Siberia, Inner Asia, the Black Sea region, the Volga region, and East and Central Europe. Practitioners and scholars in all fields with an interest in this region are encouraged to participate. This year, for the first time, CESS will be organizing pre-conference workshops on Wednesday October 24 and Thursday October 25 ahead of the Annual Conference. CESS invites proposals from CESS members to design workshops – please see the section below. CESS 2018 will be hosted by the University of Pittsburgh, PA.

Travel Grants Continue reading “CFP: Central Eurasian Studies Society 19th Annual Conference (U. of Pittsburgh)”

CFP: 2018 MAG Annual Convention (Lviv, Ukraine)

Deadline for Submissions: March 05, 2018

Convention Information

The MAG Convention 2018 will take place at the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Center of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine.

The building address is: Kozelnytska St, 2, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine, 79000.

The convention will begin in the early afternoon of Wednesday, June 27 and continue until the closing reception on the evening of Friday, June 29.

Registration will open on June 27, at 10:00am in the lobby of the Metropolitan Sheptytsky Center (2A Kozelnytska street).

The program will feature approximately 120 panels including about 350 presentations. Continue reading “CFP: 2018 MAG Annual Convention (Lviv, Ukraine)”

Study Abroad: Russian Environmental History and Policy (SRAS)

Deadline for Applications: March 15, 2018 (Full Summer)

Russia and the Environment is a unique, hands-on learning experience based in Irkutsk, near the majestic Lake Baikal. The program looks at a Russia’s vast and unique ecosystems from their history to the problems they face today. Students will focus on Siberia’s history from its first colonization, to its Soviet industrialization, to its current transition to a market economy. Students also critically consider Russian and international theories on how to understand and manage the impact of these events in addition to learning the Russian vocabulary and cultural norms related to environmental issues.

This innovative course also allows students to opt for additional hands-on experience by serving an internship with a local environmental NGO, museum, or other organization. Summer students assist The Great Baikal trail in developing sustainable ecotourism infrastructure around Lake Baikal. Courses are taught in English and internships are available in Russian or English.

The environment is a local and global issue. Tomorrow’s environmental professionals will need to cross borders and communicate with a wide range of people to achieve their goals. This program is geared to help train those professionals today.

For more information, and to apply, click here.

Program dates and costs:

Full Summer (10 weeks): Cost: $7,690
May 28 – Aug 5, 2018 (Apply by: March 15, 2018)

Late Summer (6 weeks): Cost: $5,295
June 25 – Aug 03, 2018 (Apply by: April 15, 2018)

Prof. Devel.: Russian Teachers Development Course (Riga, Latvia)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing


The Russian Teachers Development Course has been created for non-native and native speakers of Russian teaching at primary, secondary, vocational schools, colleges and universities or language centrs for adults at Beginners, Elementary and Intermediate levels. It is recommended that the participants have a level of Russian at CEF level no less than B1 (B1, B1+, B2 or B2+). The participants can choose to study 1 or 2 weeks.

Objectives: To master language training, learning and teaching methodologies. The focus will be on teaching techniques of a foreign language without translation but by the help of explanation.

Outcome: Russian Teachers Development course will improve your confidence in lesson delivery and expand your range of methodological approaches to enhance classroom practice.


Dates and costs for 2018 Continue reading “Prof. Devel.: Russian Teachers Development Course (Riga, Latvia)”

Academic Job: Russian Language Instructor (U. of Pittsburgh)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing Until Filled

The University of Pittsburgh seeks two experienced Russian language instructors to lead our intensive 4th-year Russian courses this summer.

  • Summer Language Institute, June 1 – July 27, 2018.  Location = University of Pittsburgh
  • Pitt’s Project GO-Advanced Program, June 17 – August 10, 2018.  Location = Narva College, Narva, Estonia

Candidates must have a Master’s degree or higher in philology, linguistics, language teaching or a closely related field; possess native proficiency in Russian; and have experience designing upper-level Russian language curriculum and teaching Russian at the university level to non-native speakers. Strong preference will go to candidates who have successfully taught in intensive language programs, have OPI certification (or training), and can articulate the methodologies they will employ to advance students’ proficiency levels across all modalities. In both programs, courses run from 9am – 3pm daily Monday – Friday for eight weeks; in addition to language classes, instructors will be expected to contribute to cultural programming.

To be considered, please submit a cover letter, CV, and at least two professional references to

Funding: Explore the World Scholarship (HI USA)

Deadline for Applications: March 2, 2018

See message below for info:

“At HI USA, we think travel should be as much about making a difference in the world as it is about seeing it. That’s why we’ve created Explore the World Travel Scholarships. Recipients receive $2,000 to help finance their international trip that includes an educational or service component.

In 2017, we awarded 98 scholarships to young people across the U.S. so they could go learn Arabic in Jordan, volunteer in India and Vietnam, teach math in the Dominican Republic, or board a plane for the very first time to study abroad in Europe. Scholarship recipients have returned home from their travels with a profound sense of intercultural appreciation, and a renewed dedication to spreading the word about travel and tolerance at home.

In 2018, we’ll be giving out 100+ scholarships to would-be travelers around the country, aged 18-30, who need a little extra help along the way.

If you have a trip in mind to stimulate your personal growth or give back to others, APPLY TODAY for a 2018 Explore the World Travel Scholarship.”

CFP: Great Lakes Ottomanist Workshop (U. of Chicago)

Deadline for Submissions: February 19, 2018

The 15th Great Lakes Ottomanist Workshop (GLOW) will be held at the University of Chicago on March 30 & March 31, 2018. GLOW is an annual gathering of scholars based in the region who study the history, literatures, and cultures of the Ottoman Empire. This year’s workshop will launch with a lecture by Prof. Nükhet Varlık (Rutgers University) on March 30th at 4:30 pm.

Please send an abstract of no more than 200 words to by Monday, February 19th. GLOW is an excellent opportunity to share your research and works in progress with your colleagues- graduate students are especially encouraged to apply.

We encourage contributions that focus on the Ottoman city as a site of authority, violence, leisure, as well as a space for intellectual and cultural production, and inter-communal and gendered encounters. Submissions unrelated to these themes are also welcome and will be given full consideration.

Study Abroad: Central Asian Studies (SRAS)

Deadline for Applications: March 1, 2018

Summer students focus on how issues of identity and ethnicity currently affect Kyrgyzstan and its diverse demographics. Students chose from two tracks: – either broadly studying culture, clan structure, history, language, art, folk crafts, and cuisine – or focusing deeply on linguistic anthropology in Kyrgyzstan. Urban/rural divides are also discussed in both options with a week-long horseback trekinto the mountains of Kyrgyzstan to directly introduce students to modern nomads and their way of life.

Central Asian Studies is for adventurous students looking to understand a militarily and economically vital part of the world where Islam and Christianity, as well as the interests of global and local groups mix and sometimes collide. You’ll gain a wider, fuller, first-hand perspective on geopolitics and societal formation for your future in government, business, or academia.

For more information, and to apply, click here.