CFP: The Red Globe. Writing the World in Eastern European Travel Literature of the Cold War

Deadline: September 30, 2021

International Conference

1–3 Jun 2022, Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Berlin (ZfL)

Organisers: Susanne Frank (EXC 2020/HU Berlin), Clemens Günther (FU Berlin), Matthias Schwartz (ZfL Berlin)

The conference will be held in cooperation with the projects “(Post-)Soviet Literary Cosmopolis” and “Writing Berlin” of the Cluster of Excellence Temporal Communities.

Keynote speakers:

    Eleonory Gilburd (University of Chicago)
    James Mark (University of Exeter)

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Witold Pilecki International Book Award

Deadline: June 13, 2021

Ladies and gentlemen!

In 2021 we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the birth of Witold Pilecki. On this occasion we are inaugurating the Witold Pilecki International Book Award and launching its first edition. The partner of the award is the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim.

We invite you to send in submissions.

The prize will be awarded in three categories:

  1. Academic history book – the best monograph or synthesis concerning the Polish experience of the confrontation with two 20th-century totalitarian regimes.
  2. Historical reportage – a captivating depiction of the Polish experience of two 20th-century totalitarianisms. In addition to classic historical reportages, entries in this category may include biographies, collections of accounts, memoirs and correspondence of witnesses to history.
  3. The special prize for war correspondents – awarded for books which provide reliable information concerning ongoing military conflicts or places where human dignity is particularly endangered. In the face of the current crisis of traditional media, we support authors who take risks to disseminate knowledge, appeal to a conscience, and issue warnings for the future.
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CFP: Narrative Story-Telling in Slavic Languages

Deadline: May 30, 2021

CALL FOR PAPERS for the thematic block: Expressive Story-Telling (Narrative) in Slavic Languages at the XVII Congres of Slavists, Paris, 2023
The term “expressive narrative” (or “oral narrative”) generally refers to a variety of texts such as oral tales, funny stories, jokes, as well as narratives which are perceived (“felt”) as expressive (in Russian, Leskov’s skaz, Zoschenko’s novels, Evg.Popov’s prose)). Due to the lack of a commonly accepted definition, expressiveness in linguistics is often related to the notions of subjectivity and emotionality. In connection with these notions, it would be appropriate to ask questions dealing with how languages translate expressiveness into a written narrative that tends, however, towards a certain orality (“performed story” Wolfson 1982). In this thematic block, we will focus on linguistic resources (morphological, lexical, syntactic, enunciative, discursive, textual) that convey in themselves a particular expressiveness. The role of context in expressive reading and how relevant this type of text is for Slavic languages will be examined as well.

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CFP: Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language

Deadline: May 19, 2021

Call for Proposals for Chapters and Case Studies: The due date is approaching  

Russian as a Foreign Language: Dynamic Teaching for Dynamic Times 

Do you teach Russian as a foreign, second, or heritage language? Do you employ fun and engaging strategies instead of or in addition to a textbook that have your students beg for more Russian? Please consider submitting a proposal for a chapter or a case study in the edited volume Russian as a Foreign Language: Dynamic Teaching for Dynamic Times. We would like to hear from various fields and backgrounds of Russian language instruction. Language of publication: English; 1,500 to 5,000 words + references and appendices. 

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CFP: Summer Workshop on Language Pedagogy (Duke)

Deadline: June 1, 2021

Slavic and Eurasian Language Resource Center
Duke University

The Duke Slavic and Eurasian Language Resource Center will host a summer workshop from July 29 to July 31, 2021 on Pedagogy, Diversity and Equitable Teaching and Learning of Languages and Cultures across the Curriculum and Platforms. We are pleased to call for papers by interested scholars, graduate students, and professionals on workshop-related topics and that focus on teaching/learning ANY language.
Workshop topics have included, but are not limited to:

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CFP: SEET Special Issue “Dostoevsky and Philosophy”

Deadline: July 1, 2021

Studies in East European Thought Special Issue “Dostoevsky and Philosophy”


The Editorial Board of SEET are calling for contributions which re-examine and reinterpret Dostoevsky’s works – creative and publicist – in the context of leading philosophical thinkers of his time – Kant, Hegel, Marx, Solovyov, Danilevsky, Ivanov, Shestov, Merezhkovsky, as well as the reception of Dostoevsky by the Russian religious and other philosophers, in order to shed new light on or find new contexts for Dostoevsky’s poetics. Readings of Dostoevsky’s works through philosophical texts are also welcome.

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CFP: International Journal on Slavic Lang, Lit, Cultures (Poljarnyj Vestnik )

Deadline: August 15, 2021

Poljarnyj Vestnik – An International Journal of Slavic Studies is calling for papers! Poljarnyj Vestnik was earlier the working papers of the University of Tromsö, but has been upgraded to an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research about Slavic languages, literatures and cultures. We now welcome submissions for our eighth volume after the reorganization. Contributions from Slavists from any country and institution are welcome. Articles are published in English or Russian. The homepage of the journal is:

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CFP: Literature and State Repression (Costellazioni: Journal of Lang. and Lit)

Deadline: May 31, 2021

Costellazioni. Peer-reviewed Journal of Languages and Literatures. Volume 23 (Expected publication date: February 2024) 
Call for papers: Literature and State Repression in Russia, Central, and Eastern Europe 
Editor: Andrea Gullotta, Lecturer in Russian, University of Glasgow 

State repression has been a constant feature of the Soviet experience. Emerged in the revolutionary years, developed later, and perfected by Stalin, it remained in place, albeit less strict and deadly, until the perestroika. The same repressive system was utilized in the Warsaw Pact countries, which initially adopted the Stalinist model and then developed it in different forms, often generating repressive systems which were similar to the Soviet original, especially for what concerns the impact on individual lives and on privacy.  

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CFP: Linguistics of Lying Special Issue

Deadline: July 31, 2021

Dear authors!

Scientific professional journal Linguistic and Conceptual Pictures of the World (Editor: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Assigned by Category B, Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 157, September 2, 2021) invites authors to submit papers for the thematic issue “Language of Lying”.

Since being established in the middle of the 20th century by H. Weinrich, D. Bolinger and others the Linguistics of Lying has become especially relevant at the beginning of the 21th century in the context of active mediatization of society. The degree of significance of the informational, semiotic space for the average person is sometimes equal to or even exceeds the degree of direct presence in his life of the real, extrasemiotic world.  Such a being’s environment is ideal for reference deviations, zero and faked denotations, in other words, for lies. Thus, we aim at exploring the following issues:

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Internship: Summer Online Research Internship and Submissions Open for Student Journal (SRAS)

Internship Deadline: May 20, 2021
Journal Submission Deadline: August 31, 2021

The SRAS Summer Online Research Internship is a highly flexible program that builds student resumes with publishing experience! Students who complete the program also earn $200 towards a SRAS study abroad program OR $75 that can be spent on SRAS online courses. Writing topics are highly varied and tailored, in part, to student interests. The application deadline is May 20th. More information can be found at

Vestnik, the student journal started and supported by SRAS, is also currently accepting submissions. Student writing on any subject and time period related to Eastern and Central Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucuses is accepted. Student writing involving primary source research is particularly encouraged. More information can be found at

Any questions on either of these opportunities may be addressed to Josh Wilson at, Assistant Director,, Editor in Chief of Vestnik, The Journal of Russian and Asian Studies