Call for Applications: 2024 Research Training Workshop

Deadline: March 1, 2024

At the Summer Research Laboratory on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

June 14-15, 2024

Professor Anna Whittington (Department of History, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Dr. Nataliia Laas (Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs)

Soviet Citizenship in Flux: New Perspectives on Late Socialism and After

The Russian war on Ukraine has raised the question of why the relations between the citizens and the state diverge greatly in different post-Soviet states. This research training workshop starts from the supposition that many of these differences stem from differentiated and unequal practices of citizenship in the late Soviet era. We seek to bring together scholars working across a wide geographic and temporal spectrum, illuminating both differences in the discourses and practices of citizenship and their evolution over time and space. Key themes include the relationship between center and “peripheries”; the tensions between citizenship as conceived by political and cultural elites and citizens; the formation of new rituals and practices to promote belonging; the transformation of citizenship practices at times of upheaval and uncertainty; and the varied and contested legacies of Soviet citizenship across the former Soviet Union. We are especially interested in papers that offer political, social, economic, and ecological perspectives on late socialism and early independence.

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CFP: The 6th Workshop on Business History in Central and Eastern Europe (University of Vienna)

Deadline: April 15, 2024

supported by European Business History Association (EBHA)

Business History and Transformations in Central & Eastern Europe

Place: University of Vienna 

Date: October 24-25, 2024

Call for papers 

Abstract template

This year’s workshop is entitled “Business History and Transformations in Central & Eastern Europe”. Its focus will be on the variety of challenges that enterprises and entrepreneurs had to cope with during times of significant political, economic, social, and cultural changes and upheavals in the region of CEE from the 19th century to the early 21st century. We recognize the events of the revolutionary uprisings across CEE in 1848/49, the Austro-Hungarian compromise of 1867, the (re)emergence of new states in CEE after the end of the First World War 1918, the rise of state-socialist dictatorships in CEE after 1945, or the systemic transformations of 1989-91 as profound turning points in the history of CEE. However, we also agree that these events cannot be reduced to isolated “numeric keywords” as they were rather peaks of longer-lasting processes of change(s). We thus refer to concepts of transformation that emphasize transformation as a process of “accelerated” political, economic, and societal change with an often “unspecified” time frame of its beginning and its end (see for example Ther 2014; Kührer-Wielach, Lemmen 2016). Although there is a scholarly consensus that entrepreneurship is an important driver of transformational processes, the question of “how entrepreneurs initiate, contribute to, prevent, or foster transformation in markets and societies” remains largely unexplored (Lubinski et al. 2023, p.5). This question also applies to the role of companies and its various stakeholders in transformation processes. 

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Call for Papers! NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction

Deadline: Ongoing

Novel: A Forum on Fiction is accepting submissions. Founded in 1967 at Brown
University, Novel is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the best new
criticism and theory in novel studies. After several decades under the editorship of Nancy
Armstrong, Kevin McLaughlin took over as the chief editor in Summer 2023.
Novel holds to these general principles:

  1. as long as there have been novels, there has been a need for critical
    scholarship to explain how novels should and do make and evaluate the
    foundational categories of modern life.
  2. so long as novels continue to be written, literate populations will continue
    to dwell within categories inaugurated by its forms.
    We welcome submissions that address one or more of these concerns and use a
    novel or group of novels to do so. The essays we favor are relatively self-
    conscious about the theoretical and historical framework that informs
    their critical
    argument, so long as that argument uses fiction to challenge the historical
    narrative or theoretical assumptions that are brought to bear on it.
    Submissions should be between 7000-9000 words (inclusive of footnotes but
    excluding works cited), in accordance with MLA style (9th ed.).
    Please send submissions and inquiries to

Interdisciplinary Workshop: “Ukrainian Refugees in Germany and the United States after the War: Implications for Global Refugee Policy” (University of Passau, Germany)

Deadline to attend: April 1, 2024

June 28-29, 2024
American Studies, University of Passau
Organizers: Grit Grigoleit-Richter (University of Passau, Germany) and Claudia Sadowski-Smith (Arizona State University, USA)

Keynotes: Miriam Finkelstein (University of Vienna, Austria), Halyna Lemekh (St. Francis College, USA), and Jannis Panagiotidis (University of Vienna, Austria)

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CFP: Chicago Language Symposium (University of Illinois-Chicago_

Deadline: February 21, 2024

Action-Oriented Pedagogies in Language Teaching
April 27, 2024
University of Illinois-Chicago
At the turn of the 21st Century, innovative approaches to language teaching
have placed the “learning by doing” principle into focus based on
the premise that students learn a language by using the language. ACTFL’s
Performance Indicators, influenced by the Can-Do Statements of
the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), have set the
basis for instruction to be action-oriented where the goal
is for students to accomplish relevant and engaging real-world tasks and
projects that need to be completed through the use of the target
language. In such pedagogies, a communicative goal is identified and the
planning follows a backward design that sets the path towards
supporting and assessing students’ accomplishment of the goal. In short, these
innovative pedagogies put the student at the center stage and,
in addition to effectively promoting language learning, they also foster
creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and intentional
examination of the world through investigation. Our goal for the CLS 2024 is
to explore how pedagogies focused on experiential learning are
designed and implemented in the classroom.

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CFP: Pushkin and Ukraine (Pushkin Review)

Deadline: March 1, 2024

The peer-reviewed journal Pushkin Review invites submissions for a special issue devoted to Pushkin and Ukraine.  Potential contributors should send a draft title and abstract (200 words max) to the Guest Editor of the special issue, Valeria Sobol (, by March 1, 2024.  With the aim of fostering open scholarly discussion of difficult and fraught issues, we seek to publish adventurous new work on Pushkin in Ukraine and Ukraine in Pushkin.  Topics and approaches might include:

– perception and reception of Pushkin in Ukraine;
– Pushkin’s notions, depictions and uses of Ukraine and Ukrainian language and culture;
– Pushkin as a Soviet institution in Ukraine;
– the “Pushkinopad” phenomenon;
– Ukrainian contemporaries of Pushkin;
– Pushkin, colonization and decolonization;
– political and military uses of Pushkin’s image and myth in Ukrainian-Russian relations and the current war;
– Pushkin and propaganda;
– Pushkin and race in the Ukrainian context;
– Pushkin’s milieu and Ukraine;
– oral history of the Ukrainian experience of Pushkin.

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Prize for a published article about the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Deadline: March 1, 2024

The Daniel Singer Millennium Prize Foundation is offering a $10,000 prize for a published article about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

This dreadful conflict has divided the world including those of us on the left. We therefore welcome entries that help us think about the war’s broad issues.

Topics may include self-determination for Ukraine; changes to the global and regional power balance; the effects of the fighting on the lives of both Ukrainians and Russians; how the war is reshaping both governments; how the war may limit or expand post-war possibilities for working people in both Ukraine and Russia, and the conditions of a just peace ending the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Daniel Singer was an idealistic socialist with a courageous respect for the facts on the ground. His journalism was descriptive, analytical and elegant. These are the qualities The Daniel Singer Foundation hopes to honor with the Daniel Singer Millennium Prize.

More about submissions

CFP: Central Asia Forum

Deadline: January 31, 2024

February 28–29, 2024 (on zoom)

Hosted by the Slavic Reference Service

The Central Asia Research Forum aims to bring together scholars in all disciplines and stages of the research process to discuss the many interpretations of the forum theme Civil Society in Central Asia. Since 1991, civil society in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan has undergone significant transformations and revitalization that warrants continued scholarly attention. We invite all those interested to submit proposals for paper presentations, panels, and roundtables on this year’s theme. We also invite proposals that shed light on the current condition of contemporary civil society since the start of the Russia–Ukraine War and how those societies view and interact with each other on their own terms.

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CFP: Titanism: Figures of Social and Political Subjectivity between Superman and Nation-Builder

Deadline: March 15, 2024

International Conference

23-25 May 2024, University of Fribourg

Organised by SNF-Project “Communities of Dialogue: Russian and Ukrainian Émigrés in Modernist Prague”
Official Website:

The relatively obscure term of “titanism” is at the heart of a complex debate involving prominent Russian and Czech intellectuals of the first third of the twentieth century. Used initially by Nikolaj Berdjaev in his Origins of Russian communism (1937, written in 1933) and by Tomáš Masaryk in his philosophical interpretations of Goethe’s Faust (Masaryk 2000 [1934]), it was taken up by literary scholar František Xaver Šalda and his student Václav Černý (1934), and again by the philosopher Jan Patočka in his critical engagement with the work of these masters (Patočka 1936). Where Masaryk saw in Goethe’s character the definitive symbolic representation of the modern “Superman” and his “egoism”, Černý objected to this identification of Faust with the Titanic Superman and insisted on the latter’s creative potential. Moreover, titanism is not limited to this specific filiation from Masaryk to Šalda, Černý, and Patočka. Rather, “The use of the word titanism in Czech is rooted in a specific Central-European aesthetic and philosophical tradition, largely based on the appropriation of German romanticism and its philosophical, social and political implications.” (James 2021, 4-5).

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Call for Proposals – Journal of Russian American Studies (JRAS)

Deadline: July 1, 2024

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Russian American Studies (JRAS) is planning to publish an anniversary issue dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Russian-American relations focusing on the year 1945.  This year, of course, marks the end of World War II / Great Patriotic War.  We are inviting scholars to contribute articles to be included in this anniversary issue that will be published in Summer 2025.  The specific theme of the article is up to the author, but it needs to focus on Russian-American relations in the year 1945 – (both broadly speaking).  The deadline for submitting proposals/abstracts is July 1, 2024.  In this part of the process, please submit a proposal or abstract of 100 words that describes your article.  In addition, please submit a c.v.  Both of these documents should be in Word or PDF form and as attachments to the following email address:

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