Language Training: Armenian Language Winter School (Yerevan, Armenia)

Deadline for Applications: October 10, 2018

ASPIRANTUM – Armenian School of Languages and Cultures ( is pleased to announce its third International Armenian Language 2 and 3 weeks winter school in Yerevan, Armenia to take place from December 02, 2018 to December 15, 2018 (2 weeks) and December 02, 2018 to December 22, 2018 (3 weeks).

This 14 or 21 days’ winter school offers participants to master skills in written and oral modern Armenian, reading and interpreting Armenian texts from different periods as well as rapidly deepening their knowledge in colloquial Armenian.
During the winter school cultural trips will be offered, which will transform your stay in Armenia into an unforgettable, academically oriented endeavour.

The program will be launched in Yerevan on December 02 and will continue till December 15 (2 weeks) and December 22 (3 weeks). Continue reading “Language Training: Armenian Language Winter School (Yerevan, Armenia)”

Funding: Albanian, Armenian, or Hebrew Summer Study (ASU)

Deadline for Applications: May 24, 2018

Partial funding and scholarships are still available for graduate students and undergraduates for Albanian, Armenian and Hebrew summer study this summer at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Deadline May 24th for classes starting May 29th.

For course information:

For application instructions and links:

Language Training: Summer Language Institute (U. of Pittsburgh)

Deadline for Applications: Contact Program for Details

The Slavic, East European, and Near Eastern Summer Language Institute (SLI) at the University of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce that several full and partial scholarship opportunities have opened up for language study this summer in Pittsburgh and in our study abroad programs.

Intensive courses worth one year of academic credit are offered in Beginning Turkish, Russian (Beginning-4th year), Polish (Beginning-Advanced), Czech (Beginning-Advanced), and Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian (Beginning-Advanced). Places are available in study abroad programs in Montenegro, Poland, and the Czech Republic.

Interested students should contact SLI’s Director of Operations, Kiersten Walmsley at or 412-648-7407 before applying online. More information about the Institute can be found at

Funding: Summer Language Workshop (Indiana Uni.)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing

Title VII Fellowships are still available for graduate students who want to attend an intensive language training at the Indiana University Summer Language Workshop.

Languages offered

  • Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
  • Estonian
  • Georgian
  • Hungarian
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Russian (Years 3-6)
  • Ukrainian

Fellowships are available for tuition and expenses and are up to $5,500.

For more information and to apply, visit

Study Abroad: Critical Languages Program (ASU Melikian Center)

Deadline for Applications: May 11, 2018

The Critical Languages Institute at Arizona State University’s Melikian Center is still enrolling for the 2018 summer semester, in selected languages. They are proud to offer a tuition-free program, regardless of residency. Students pay a flat fee of $1,500 for 4-13 semester credits, plus study-abroad fees if they opt to join an overseas program. Programs are offered in the U.S., overseas, or in “combination” courses that include both U.S. and overseas components.

Select scholarships are available for Albanian, Armenian, Polish, Ukrainian, and Uzbek.

Rolling admission continues through May 11, 2018.

Please contact with any questions at: OR +1 (480) 965-4188


Continue reading “Study Abroad: Critical Languages Program (ASU Melikian Center)”

Language Training: Summer Immersion (Beloit College)

Deadline for Applications: April 15, 2018

Immersion Courses in Chinese, Japanese, and Russian
June 16 – August 3, 2018 in Beloit, Wisconsin

An immersion experience where participants can live their language dawn ‘til dusk in a relaxed and enjoyable residential college setting! In small classes, with personalized instruction, and through cultural activities and excursions, expand your skills and become fluent in a critical-need language. Continue reading “Language Training: Summer Immersion (Beloit College)”