Travel: Citizen Initiative Delegation (Moscow, Russia)

Travel Dates: April 1 – 16, 2017

Please see the message from the Center for Citizen Initiatives below:


You Can Have a Role in Rebuilding Relations and Trust between the U.S. and Russia

Dare to make a difference!  We invite you to apply for the first-ever Mega Delegation of up-to-100 American citizens who will travel to Russia in April of 2017 to hold hundreds of discussions with Russians from all walks of life in 10 regions throughout Russia. Too many travelers go to Moscow, spend a few days, talk with a limited number of people set up for them and come back to America with a very limited point of view. Hence this trip will guarantee that we are exposed to multiple points of view and get them documented with surveys and notes from discussion groups in far-flung north-to-south and east-to-western regions.

We will investigate both countries’ perspectives on why the relationship deteriorated to this place again––and what it will take to rebuild equitable relations and trust between these two nuclearized Superpowers.  And hopefully, the spectre of Nuclear War … or surrogate wars of any kind may be avoided in the future.

We citizens have the opportunity to be the human links during this extremely critical juncture––and make no mistake, the situation is extreme and it is critical.  More than ever, we need to have “ears to the ground,” listening and fact-checking assumptions and exaggerations relative to both countries. We need to comprehend both sides of the issues that have grabbed the angst of today’s policy makers. We need to understand the assumptions and major stick points regarding Syria, Iraq, Libya, Iran and China that divide our leaders––then use our voices nationwide and worldwide to call for sane alternatives.  Future outcomes and solutions need to be open, honest and fair to all countries concerned.

As 2017 begins, we can organize the following:

1)  American citizens need to travel to Russia to make independent analyses of Russia, Russian people, Russia’s interests and points of view––and return home to educate on how to work toward and promote reasonable solutions for both countries. We need to create public awareness and public discourse regarding how to create a sustainable future for us all.
2)  Russian citizens and public figures need to travel to American cities to share their concerns and perspectives for rebuilding constructive relations and accommodating to each others’ politics and needs.
3)  Stop Cold War II demonizations and narratives which feed fears across both nations;
4)  Rebuild citizen and VIP human connections within both populations as rapidly as possible.
5)  Provide “truthful information”––refrain from fake news, rumors, disinformation and fabrications. Continue reading “Travel: Citizen Initiative Delegation (Moscow, Russia)”

Travel: Harvard Summer Program (Tbilisi, Georgia)

Deadline for Applications: January 26, 2017

Harvard Summer Program in Tbilisi, Georgia
Dates:  June 19 – August 11, 2017
2017 Faculty:  Professor Julie Buckler, Dr. Veronika Egorova

Advance your Russian-language skills while exploring Georgian culture, history, literature, and film, including Georgia’s longstanding cultural and political relationship with Russia. The ancient capital city of Tbilisi, which is rapidly developing itself for the twenty-first century, offers a distinctive and  fascinating site for urban studies and a guiding theme for your Russian-language learning.  We will undertake small-group fieldwork projects that allow us greater contact with the city and its residents, as well as opportunities to use Russian in real-world situations.  We’ll meet with city experts, writers, artists, preservationists, politicians, and NGOs.  You’ll also take several trips within Georgia – to Mtskheta, Davit Gareja, Gori, Borjomi, Batumi, and Kazbegi — to gain a deeper understanding of the Georgian nation and its regional context. 

Program Structure 

Your studies include intermediate-Russian language courses every weekday and additional sessions two to three times each week, devoted to Tbilisi small-group urban fieldwork projects; Georgian culture, history, literature, film; and Russian literature and culture about the Caucasus. Note: A pre-departure introduction to Georgian language will be available for participants and additional non-credit Georgian language study may be arranged as part of the program in Tbilisi for those desiring to study Georgian. Continue reading “Travel: Harvard Summer Program (Tbilisi, Georgia)”

Academic Program: The Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (Middlebury Institute)

Deadline for Applications: February 1, 2017

Developed by the Middlebury Institute’s Graduate Initiative in Russian Studies (GIRS) with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (MSSR) aims to expose top Russian area studies graduate students from across the United States to leading voices on Russian-U.S. relations.

MSSR offers the next generation of specialists in Russian area studies opportunities to develop deep and broad expertise in their field. Participants who complete the program will acquire a thorough understanding of contemporary Russia, and will be positioned to pursue careers in foreign policy, diplomacy, and the private sector.


Dmitry Trenin of Carnegie Moscow Center, Andrey Zorin of Oxford University, Matthew Rojansky of the Kennan Institute, Emil Pain and Sergey Zakharov of the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Natalia Sevagina of the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow will be among the MSSR faculty. The full list, with bios, is available on our faculty and visiting experts page.


Leading experts from Russia and the United States will give lectures and seminars on topics ranging from The Concept of Honor in Russian HistoryThe Russian Psyche Through Art and Cinema to U.S.-Russian Nonproliferation Cooperation. Students will participate in 2–3 interactive lectures and seminars daily. Through intensive instruction in both English and Russian, students will have the opportunity to strengthen their language skills in the context of their academic interests.

Based on their research interests and in consultation with instructors, participants will also undertake a research project, which will be presented at the end of the summer and published online. Continue reading “Academic Program: The Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (Middlebury Institute)”