- January 23, 2020 “How Writing Came About” Town and Gown, Headliners, Austin Texas.
- March 12, 2019 “How Writing Came About” Open Forum, Austin, Texas.
- February 9, 2018 “Tokens and the Origin of Accounting.” The Annual conference of the Georgia Association of Accounting Educators in Georgia, Kennesaw State University, Georgia.
- June 9th, 2017 “The Invention of Tokens,” in Tokens: Culture, Connections, Communities, Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Warwick, Coventry. UK.
- September 15, 2015 The Write Stuff — How Writing Began, Archaeological Institute of America, Houston Museum of Natural Science.
- May 30-31, 2015 “Writing after Accounting,” International Conference on The Chinese Writing System and Its Dialogue with Sumerian, Egyptian, and Mesoamerican Writing System, Rutgers University.
- December 12, 2011 “Tokens and Writing” The Cedars Montessori School, Austin.
- October 7, 2011 “Tokens in China, Europe, and Africa – the Significance,” Scripta 2011 – International Conference on Hunminjeongeum and Alphabetic Writing Systems, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
- June 11, 2011 “Numeracy before Literacy,” Languages in Contact 2011, Wroclaw, Poland
- Feb 17, 2011 Numeracy before Literacy,” Conference on Writing Research Across Borders II, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.
- Oct. 26, 2010 “The Human Figure at ‘Ain Ghazal,” ARH 361, the University of Texas at Austin.
- Oct. 27, 2009 “When Writing Met Art” PekingUniversity, Beijing, China.
- Oct. 24, 2009 “Numerate Societies and Literate Societies,” International Academic Forum on the Symbols Unearthed in Bengbu Shuangdun Heritage Sites and the Origin of Primitive Civilization, Bengbu, China.
- Oct. 23, 2009 “The Origins of Writing,” AnhuiUniversity, Hefei, China.
- May 13, 2009 “The Human Figure at Ain Ghazal”, ACOR, Amman, Jordan
- Oct. 10, 2008 “Tokens and Writing: the Cognitive Development, ” Scripta 2008 – International Conference on Hunminjeongeum and Alphabetic Writing Systems, SeoulNationalUniversity, Seoul, Korea.
- Oct. 8, 2008 “Writing Met Art,” World History Class with Scholars, I – ParkMallCultureCenter, Seoul, Korea
- Oct. 7, 2008 “The impact of Writing on Art in the Ancient Near East,” Symposium on the Origins of Writing and Civilization, Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University, Korea.
- Sept. 19, 2008 “When Writing Met Art,” Anthropology Department, University of Oklahoma, Norman
- Sept. 19, 2008 “The Invention of Writing, ” University of Oklahoma, Norman
- June 4, 2008 “Writing and Art,” The University of Tbilisi, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia.
- Oct. 2, 2007 “When Writing Met Art,” the 92d Street Y, New York
- Sept. 5, 2007 “The Origin of Accounting,” Lyceum Series, Tracks and Trajectories, The University of Texas at Austin, McCombsSchool of Business
- Aug. 6, 2007 “The Origin of Accounting,” Plenary session, Annual meeting of the American Accounting Association, Chicago
- May 10, 2007 “Before Writing and Counting,” The 92d street Y, New York
- Apr. 18, 2007 “When Writing Met Art,” Banco di Napoli Foundation, Naples, Italy
- Apr. 17, 2007 “When Art met Writing,” Universita degli Studi di Napoli, “L’Orientale”
- Apr. 11, 2007 “After Writing, The Interface between Writing and Art, ” Universita di Roma “La Sapienza”
- Mar. 28, 2007 “Origin of Writing,” SmithCollege, Northampton, Mass.
- Mar. 27, 2007 “When Writing Met Art,” AmherstCollege, Amherst, Mass.
- Feb. 22, 2007 “Symbols at ‘Ain Ghazal, Jordan,” Archaeological Institute of America, Walla Walla, Wa.
- Feb. 21, 2007 “After Writing: the interface between Writing and Art,” Archaeological Institute of America, Spokane, Wa.
- Feb. 20, 2007 “Symbols at ‘Ain Ghazal, Jordan,” Archaeological Institute of America, SeattleWa.
- Sept. 14. 2006 “Counting, Tokens and their relation to Writing, Cognition and Social Structure” at the symposium Measuring the World and Beyond, The McDonald Institute of Archaeology, CambridgeUniversity.
- April 13, 2006 “The Origins of Writing” Humanities Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin.
- Sept. 8, 2005 “The Invention of Writing,” in Survey of the Middle East, Denise Spellberg, Instructor, UTC 3-110.
- June 4, 2005 “The Interface between Writing and Art,” at the symposium Iconography Without Text, Warburg Institute, London.
- Feb. 4, 2005 “Symbols and the Origins of Writing,” Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Michigan University at Ann Arbor.
- Feb. 23, 2005 “The Interface Between Writing and Art in Mesopotamia,” Archaeological Institute of America, UT, DEA 2.204.
- Nov. 17, 2004 “Origins of Writing,” Lyceum Speaker Series, Montgomery College, Montgomery, Tx.
- Nov. 8, 2004 “The Invention of Writing” KenyonCollege, Gambier, Ohio.
- Nov. 9, 2004 “The Origin of Counting,” KenyonCollege, Gambier, Ohio.
- Oct. 29, 2004 “Record Keeping before Writing,” invited speaker, Annual Meeting of Societa Italiana di Glottologia, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy.
- June 11, 2004 “Interface between Writing and Art: The Ancient Near East,” Meeting of the Media Ecology Association, RochesterNew York.
- May 24, 2004 “The Origin of Writing,” The Planetarium, San Jose, CA.
- Apr. 28, 2004 “Art and Writing: The Impact of Early Cuneiform Writing on Art in the Ancient Near East,”Silkroad Foundation and StanfordCenter for East Asian Studies.
- Apr. 19, 2004 “Interface between Writing and Art: The Ancient Near East,” Stanford Classics Department, Mellon Workshop on Words and Things.
- Jan. 22, 2004 “Symbols at Ain Ghazal,” StanfordArchaeologyCenter Mellon Workshop.
- Oct. 11, 2003 “Mesopotamian Seals: Art and Literacy,” Houston Museum of Natural Science, 4th Annual Anthropology Symposium.
- Sep. 9, 2003 “The Legacy of the Middle East: Origin of Writing” Museum of Printing, Houston.
- Aug. 16, 2003 “Interface between Writing and Art,” First International Conference on the Ancient Cultural Relations Between Iran and Western Asia.” Tehran, Iran.
- Apr. 17, 2003 “The Origin of Writing,” Department of Art & Archaeology, PrincetonUniversity.
- Mar. 11, 2003 “Symbols and the Origins of Writing,” Pew Grand Rapids Campus, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids Michigan.
- Mar. 10, 2003 “Symbols at Ain Ghazal,” Grand Valley State University, Michigan.
- Mar. 10, 2003 “Symbols at Ain Ghazal,” Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- Jan. 27, 2003 “Uruk,” TrinityUniversity, San Antonio.
- Dec. 14, 2002 “Legacy of the Middle East,” Northeast Branch Library, Arlington, Texas.
- Nov. 8, 2002 “The Origins of Writing,” University of NorthTexas, Denton, Texas
- Oct. 23, 2002 “Before Numerals,” Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin.
- Oct. 23, 2002 “The Origin of Writing,” Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois.
- Oct. 22, 2002 “The Interface between Writing and Art” Institute for Research in the Humanities, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Oct. 22, 2002 “The Origin of Writing,” The Elvejem Museum, the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
- Oct. 21, 2002 “The Origin of Writing,” BeloitCollege, Beloit, Wisconsin.
- Sept. 20 Lecture series entitled “Archaeology of Eastern Turkey,” for a study visit to Turkey,
- Oct. 4, 2002 Spiekermann Travel Service, Inc.
- Ancient Metallurgy
- Neolithic art at Cayonu Tepesi
- The Hattic Culture and Art
- The Hittite Scripts: Cuneiform and Luwian hieroglyphs
- Ararat:The Biblical and Babylonian Account of the Flood
- The cult of the Moon god at Harran
- The Neo-Hittite States: Carchemish, Sinjirli, Karatepe
- Neo-Hittite seals and architectural reliefs
- Ancient Antioch
- Ottoman art and calligraphy
- Sept. 16, 2002 “Counting and the Origin of Writing,” Colgate University.
- Aug. 22, 2002 “Preservation of Ancient Texts,” Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley.
- Aug. 18, 2002 “Legacy of the Middle East,” Museum of the Gulf Coast, Port Arthur, Texas.
- Aug. 4, 2002 “Emergence of Writing,” StanfordUniversity, Symposium on Emergence.
- May 14, 2002 Tele conference for “Definitions and Futures of Media and Technology” Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
- Apr. 14, 2002 “Symbols at ‘Ain Ghazal,” The Undergraduate Art History Association, UT.
- Nov. 19, 2001 “Tokens and the Formation of System communication,” for Indo-European Language and Culture, Waggener Hall, UT.
- Nov. 8, 2001 “Symbols at Ain Ghazal,” TrinityUniversity, San Antonio, Texas.
- Sep.17, 2001 “The Origins of Writing,” GraysonCollege, Denison, Texas.
- Apr. 20-May 5, 2000 Lecture series entitled “Legacy of the Middle East” For a study visit to Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Spiekermann Travel Service, Inc.
- The invention of Agriculture
- The First cities
- The invention of Writing
- The evolution of Counting
- The Alphabet
- The Camel and the Wheel
- Long distance Caravan Trade
- Islam
- Oct. 27, 2000 “From Accounting to literature” paper presented at the symposium Origini della Scrittura, Milan, Italy.
- May 12-28, 2000 Study visit to Egypt, Spiekermann Travel Service, Inc.
- Sakkarah
- Pyramids
- Cult of the Dead
- The Pharaoh
- Ramses II
- New Kingdom Temples
- Hieroglyphic Writing
- Origins of Egyptian Writing
- Egyptian Art
- Apr. 28, 2000 “The Origins of Counting and Mathematics,” Landmark Graphics, Austin, Tx
- Apr. 5, 2000 “The Invention of Writing,” Famous Austinites Lecture Series, Headliners Club, Austin, Tx.
- Mar. 24, 2000 “At the Court of the Kingsof Ur” The ClevelandMuseum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio.
- Feb. 25, 2000 Chair, panel on “Five Millennia of the Wrtiten Word and Images: An investigation in the interface between Writing and Art.” College Art Association, New York.
- Feb. 18, 2000 “The Origin of Writing and Counting,” StanfordUniversity, Palo Alto, CA.
- Feb. 18, 2000 “Orality and Symbolism,” Berkeley, CA .
- Feb. 17, 2000 “The Origins of Writing,” in class “Pre-Islamic Middle Eastern Civilizations, UT Burdine Hall.
- Feb. 4, 2000 “The Invention of Writing,” The State University of Utah, Logan, Utah.
- Jan 28, 2000 “Early Writing,” in class Language and Society in the Middle East, UT Garrison Hall.
- Jan. 25, 2000 “The Origin of Writing and Counting,” Archaeological Institute of America, RiceUniversity, Houston, Texas.
- Nov. 7, 1999 “Abstraction and Civilization,” in the Presidential Lectures in the Humanities and Arts “Past Dependencies,” StanfordUniversity, Palo Alto, CA.
- Sept. 20,1999 “The Power of Images,” Continuing Education, UT
- June 29, 1999 “The Invention of Writing,” Texas Council for the Humanities, Austin, Texas.
- June 19, 1999 “The Gold of Ur,” part of the symposium Rare Treasures and Precious Jewels: Valuable Metal Work in the Ancient World, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas.
- May 19, 1999 “Tokens: The Cognitive Significance,” 6th Neolithic Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- May 18, 1999 “Near Eastern Tokens: The Precursors of Writing and Counting,” 6th Neolithic Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Nov. 20, 1998 “The Origins and Diffusion of Writing in the Ancient World,” Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Nov. 19, 1998 “Interface between Writing and Art” Annual Meeting American School of Oriental Research, Orlando, Florida.
- Oct. 10, 1998 “At the Court of the Kings of Ur,” Bowers Museum, Sta Ana, California.
- Aug. 22, 1998 “Before Abstract Numbers,” Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- Aug. 21, 1998 “Before Writing,” Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- July 21, 1998 “Advancing Human Cognition Through Technology,” Plenary Speaker, International Meeting of the Society for the System Sciences, Georgia Tech, Atlanta.
- May 21, 1998 “Interface between Writing and Art,” 1st international Congress of Near Eastern Archaeology,” University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
- Mar. 28, 1998 “The Interface between Writing and Art,” in “the Legacy of McLuhan: A Symposium,” Fordham University, New York.
- Jan. 24, 1998 “Interface between Writing and Art in Ancient Egypt,” ARCE, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.
- Nov. 17, 1998 “The Invention of Writing in Egypt,” Dean’s Scholar Seminar, Taylor hall, University of Texas, Austin.
- Mar. 26, 1998 “Feasting in the Ancient Near East, “in the symposium ,The Archaeological Importance of Feasting Rituals, 63rd Annual meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, Seattle, Washington.
- Oct. 25, 1997 “Searching for Ancient Egypt: Hieroglyphic Writing,” The DallasMuseum of Art.
- May 15, 1997 “The invention of Abstract Numerals,” Israel Museum, Jerusalem,Israel.
- May 14, 1997 “Legacy of the Near East: The Invention of Writing,” Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah, Palestine.
- May 13, 1997 “The Invention of Abstract Numerals,” Tell Aviv University, Israel.
- May 1, 1997 “A Near Eastern Legacy: writing and abstract numerals,” Nasseef CulturalCenter, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 30, 1997 “L’ Invention de l’ Ecriture, ” La Maison de France, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 30, 1997 “A Near Eastern Legacy: Writing,” KingAbdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 29, 1997 “The Origin of Writing,” Jeddah Science and TechnologyCenter, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 28, 1997 “A Near Eastern Legacy: Abstract Counting,” Jeddah Science and Technology Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 28, 1997 “The Origin of Writing,” Dar Al Hanan, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 26, 1997 “Neolithic symbolism: The Socio-economic significance,” American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan.
- Oct. 15, 1996 “The Invention of Writing,” Eanes Middle School, Austin, Texas.
- Oct. 8, 1996 “The Invention of Writing,” Barton Hills School, Austin, Texas.
- Sep. 17, 1996 “The Invention of Writing,” Lyceum, Victoria College, Victoria, Texas.
- May 28, 1996 “Before Counting,” University College Dublin, Ireland.
- May 27, 1996 “The Origin of Writing,” The RoyalIrish Academy, Dublin, Ireland.
- Jan. 11, 1996 “Art of kings: Assyria,” Archaeological Society, Balcones Research Center, Austin, Texas.
- Nov. 19, 1995 “Art, Writing and Narrative in Mesopotamia,” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
- Nov. 18, 1995 “Art of Kings: Writing” Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas.
- Nov. 3, 1995 “Neolithic tokens and the origin of Writing in the Near East,” Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Nov. 3, 1995 “Prehistoric Counting,” Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Oct. 26, 1995 “Art of Kings: Assyria” Humanities Program, The University of Texas at Austin.
- Oct. 24, 1995 “Invention of Writing in Sumer” The California Museum of Ancient Art, Los Angeles.
- Oct. 20, 1995 “Neolithic Symbolism: Ain Ghazal, Jordan” The University of California, Berkeley.
- Oct. 20, 1995 “Origins of Counting” The University of California, Berkeley.
- Oct. 20, 1995 “Origins of Writing” The University of< California, Berkeley.
- Sept.24, 1995 “Art of Kings: Assyria” San Antonio Museum of Fine Arts.
- Sept.12, 1995 “Origin of Writing,” H331S, History of Ancient Middle East, UT Teaching Center.
- July 19, 1995 “Before Writing – From Counting to Cuneiform,” The American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan.
- June 27, 1995 “The Legacy of the Near East: The Invention of Writing,” United States Information Service, Damascus, Syria.
- May 8, 1995 “Prehistoric Accounting,” Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin.
- Apr. 14, 1995 “Origins of Writing,” Honor Program, College of Sciences, University of Texas at Austin.
- Apr. 7, 1995 “The Contribution of Iran to the Invention of Writing,” Association of Iranian Professionals of Austin, MCC Auditorium, Austin, Texas.
- Mar. 27, 1995 “Out of the Ground: Reconstructions of the Past,” Fine Arts Continuing Education, University of Texas at Austin.
- Mar. 25, 1995 with Connie Burton for “Open Ceilings: Women of Power Outside the Paradigm,” Barnes and Nobles, Austin, Texas.
- Mar. 15, 1995 “Notations before Writing: Tokens,” George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
- Mar. 14, 1995 “Origin and Evolution of Counting: The Ancient Near Eastern Evidence,” George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Lectures and Invited Papers delivered in 1998-95
- Aug. 22, 1998 “Before Abstract Numbers,” Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- Aug. 21, 1998 “Before Writing,” Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand.
- July 21, 1998 “Advancing Human Cognition Through Technology,” Plenary Speaker, International Meeting of the Society for the System Sciences, Georgia Tech, Atlanta.
- May 21, 1998 “Interface between Writing and Art,” 1st international Congress of Near Eastern Archaeology,” University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
- Mar. 28, 1998 “The Interface between Writing and Art,” in “the Legacy of McLuhan: A Symposium,” Fordham University, New York.
- Jan. 24, 1998 “Interface between Writing and Art in Ancient Egypt,” ARCE, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.
- Nov. 17, 1998 “The Invention of Writing in Egypt,” Dean’s Scholar Seminar, Taylor Hall, University of Texas, Austin.
- Oct. 25, 1997 “Searching for Ancient Egypt: Hieroglyphic Writing,” The Dallas Museum of Art.
- Mar. 26, 1998 “Feasting in the Ancient Near East, ” in the symposium ,The Archaeological Importance of Feasting Rituals, 63rd Annual meeting of the Society of American Archaeology, Seattle, Washington.
- May 15, 1997 “The invention of Abstract Numerals,” Israel Museum, Jerusalem,Israel.
- May 14, 1997 “Legacy of the Near East: The Invention of Writing,” Sakakini Cultural Center, Ramallah, Palestine.
- May 13, 1997 “The Invention of Abstract Numerals,” Tell Aviv University, Israel.
- May 1, 1997 “A Near Eastern Legacy: writing and abstract numerals,” Nasseef Cultural Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 30, 1997 “L’ Invention de l’ Ecriture, ” La Maison de France, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 30, 1997 “A Near Eastern Legacy: Writing,” King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 29, 1997 “The Origin of Writing,” Jeddah Science and Technology Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 28, 1997 “A Near Eastern Legacy: Abstract Counting,” Jeddah Science and Technology Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 28, 1997 “The Origin of Writing,” Dar Al Hanan, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Apr. 26, 1997 “Neolithic symbolism: The Socio-economic significance,” American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan.
- Oct. 15, 1996 “The Invention of Writing,” Eanes Middle School, Austin, Texas.
- Oct. 8, 1996 “The Invention of Writing,” Barton Hills School, Austin, Texas.
- Sep. 17, 1996 “The Invention of Writing,” Lyceum, Victoria College, Victoria, Texas.
- May 28, 1996 “Before Counting,” University College Dublin, Ireland.
- May 27, 1996 “The Origin of Writing,” The Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland.
- Jan. 11, 1996 “Art of kings: Assyria,” Archaeological Society, Balcones Research Center, Austin, Texas.
- Nov. 19, 1995 “Art, Writing and Narrative in Mesopotamia,” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C
- Nov. 18, 1995 “Art of Kings: Writing” Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas.
- Nov. 3, 1995 “Neolithic tokens and the origin of Writing in the Near East,” Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Nov. 3, 1995 “Prehistoric Counting,” Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Oct. 26, 1995 “Art of Kings: Assyria” Humanities Program, The University of Texas at Austin.
- Oct. 24, 1995 “Invention of Writing in Sumer” The California Museum of Ancient Art, Los Angeles.
- Oct. 20, 1995 “Neolithic Symbolism: Ain Ghazal, Jordan” The University of California, Berkeley.
- Oct. 20, 1995 “Origins of Counting” The University of California, Berkeley
- Oct. 20, 1995 “Origins of Writing” The University of California, Berkeley.
- Sept.24, 1995 “Art of Kings: Assyria” San Antonio Museum of Fine Arts.
- Sept.12, 1995 “Origin of Writing,” H331S, History of Ancient Middle East, UT Teaching Center.
- July 19, 1995 “Before Writing – From Counting to Cuneiform,” The American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan.
- June 27, 1995 “The Legacy of the Near East: The Invention of Writing,” United States Information Service, Damascus, Syria.
- May 8, 1995 “Prehistoric Accounting,” Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory, University of Texas at Austin.
- Apr. 14, 1995 “Origins of Writing,” Honor Program, College of Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
- Apr. 7, 1995 “The Contribution of Iran to the Invention of Writing,” Association of Iranian Professionals of Austin, MCC Auditorium, Austin, Texas.
- Mar. 27, 1995 “Out of the Ground: Reconstructions of the Past,” Fine Arts Continuing Education, University of Texas at Austin.
- Mar. 25, 1995 with Connie Burton for “Open Ceilings: Women of Power Outside the Paradigm,” Barnes and Nobles, Austin, Texas.
- Mar. 15, 1995 “Notations before Writing: Tokens, ” George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
- Mar. 14, 1995 “Origin and Evolution of Counting: The Ancient Near Eastern Evidence,” George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Gap of Five Years
- Sept. 12, 1990 “The Origin of Writing,” LIS 386.9, Graduate School of Library Science, UT.
- Sept. 29, 1990 “Clay tokens as forerunner of writing: The linguistic significance,” 25th Colloqium of Linguistics, Paderborn, Germany.
- Apr. 18, 1991 “The First Symbols of Kingship in the Near East,” The First Sibley Family Symposium on World Traditions of Culture and Art, University of Texas, Austin.
- June 6, 1991 “The Authority of Contracts and the Authority of Markets,” National Conference on Systems Science and Law, St. John’s College, Annapolis.
“The Sumerians and the First Civilization,” Smithsonian Institution, Resident Associate Program. - Aug. 9, 1991 Uruk: one of the first great cities.
- Aug. 10, 1991 The First Kings.
- Aug. 10, 1991 Monumental Art and Architecture.
- Aug. 10, 1991 The Invention of writing.
- Aug. 10, 1991 The Sumerian Technological Legacy.
Lectures and Papers Read in 1987-1985
- May 6, 1987 “Quantification and Social Structure,” Linguistic Luncheon, University of Texas, Austin.
- Apr. 30, 1987 “The Origins of Abstract Numbers,” Archaeological Institute, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
- Apr. 21, 1987 “The Origins of Writing,” Department of Near Eastern Studies, The University of California, Berkeley.
- Apr. 20, 1987 “The Origins of Writing,” Campus lecture, The University of California, Santa Barbara.
- Apr. 11, 1987 “On the Invention of Writing,” Phi Alpha Theta Awards Banquet, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
- Mar. 17, 1987 “Relationship Between the Origins of Writing and Counting,” University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
- Feb. 6, 1987 “Der Ursprung der Schrift im AltenOrient,” University of Munster, West Germany.
- Feb. 5, 1987 “The Origin of Writing,” University of Paderborn, West Germany.
- Sep. 18, 1986 “Before Numerals,” Southwest Texas Archaeological Society, San Antonio Museum of Art.
- July 2, 1986 “Before Numerals,” Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, West Germany.
- June 23, 1986 “Before Numerals,” Free University, Berlin, West Germany.
- May 22, 1986 “L’Invention de L’Ecriture,” University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.
- May 2, 1986 “Quantification and Social Structures,” in Symposium, Information Communication and Social Structure, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.
- Apr. 8, 1986 “On the Origins of Writing,” Boston University, Boston, Mass.
- Apr. 7, 1986 “On the Origins of Writing,” Yale University, New Haven, Conn
- Mar. 9, 1986 “Duality in Tokens and Writing,” 196th Meeting of the American Oriental Society, New Haven, Conn.
- Jan. 24, 1986 “Milestones in Civilization,” Baylor University, Waco, Texas.
- Dec. 5, 1986 “From Concrete to Abstract Counting,” Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
- Nov. 11, 1985 “On the Invention of Writing,” Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
- Sep. 25, 1985 “On the Origins of Writing,” Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas.
- Apr. 15, 1985 “Tokens at Susa,” 195th annual meeting of the American Oriental Society, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Apr. 10, 1985 “Symbols for Data Storage in the Neolithic Middle East,” Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Apr. 9, 1985 “Before Numbers,” Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin.
- Mar. 8, 1985 “Counting and the Invention of Writing,” Symposium, “Innis, McLuhan and the Frontiers of Communication,” the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- Feb. 21, 1985 “Pushing Back the Roots of Writing 5000 Years,” Snider Visiting Lecturer, the University of Toronto at Erindale, Canada.
- Feb. 20, 1985 “The Invention of Writing,” the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Feb. 19, 1985 “The Invention of Writing,” the University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois.
- Jan. 28, 1985 “Before Writing: Reckoning with Tokens,” Andrew University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.
- Dec. 13, 1984 “The Origins of Writing,” Scholia meeting, Alumni Center, The University of Texas at Austin.
- Aug. 13, 1984 “Before Writing,” Iraq Museum, Baghdad, Iraq.
- July 11, 1984 “An Archaeologist’s View of Diakonoff’s Sumerian Numerals,” XXI Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Leningrad, USSR.
- Apr. 27, 1984 “The Origins of Writing,” Invited paper, American Educational Research Association, Annual meeting, New Orleans.
- Apr. 6, 1984 “On the Origins of Writing,” Invited paper, Annual meeting, American Association for University Professors, Austin, Texas.
- Mar. 25, 1984 “Sumerian Numerals: The Archaeological Evidence,” 194th meeting of the American Oriental Society, Seattle.
- Mar. 18, 1984 “The Invention of Writing,” Gallery Talk, Exhibition Sign, Symbol and script, Texas Memorial Museum, Austin, Texas.
- Feb. 14, 1984 “The Origins of Writing,” Baylor University, Waco, Texas.
- Jan. 18, 1984 “The Invention of Writing,” Archaeological Institute of America, The Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada.
- Jan. 17, 1984 “The Invention of Writing,” Archaeological Institute of America, Museum of Natural History, Ottawa, Canada.
Page last updated: 2/16/20