Articles on Tokens in Different Languages

Dos precursores de la escritura: cuentas simples y complejas
“Two Precursors of Writing: Plain and Complex Tokens” (in Spanish)
Los orígenes de la escritura / editado por Wayne M. Senner. 1991. pp. 34-46
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Cover of Prometeo

Origini della Scrittura in Mesopotamia
Anno 33, No 130, July 2015, P. 6-25.
PROMETEO Download the Italian PDF (111 KB)

L’impatto della scrittura sull’arte 
“Pluri verso: Biblioteca della idee per la civiltà planetaria”, trimestrale-diretto da Mauro Ceruti, 2001. pp. 14-21.
DownloadDownload the Italian PDF (500 KB)

Le Feste Nel Vicino Oriente Antico
“Studi Sul Vicino Oriente Antico”, a cura di Simonetta Graziani con la collaborazione di Maria C. Casaburi e Giancarlo Lacerenza. 2000. pp. 923-932
DownloadDownload the Italian PDF (500 KB)

Arabic article
The author is Professor, Dr. Zeidan A. Kafafi, retired, Department of Archaeology Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
DownloadDownload the Arabic PDF (2.1 MB)

Cover from Article in ChineseGeneral Studies in Writing
“Tokens and Writing: the Cognitive Development,” Huang Yaping, ed., Qilu Publisher, China. P. 97-116 (in Chinese)
General Studies in Writing Download the Chinese PDF (1.7 MB)

Page last updated: 10/23/21