Extended Publication List

Books and Monographs

  • 2013 Denise Schmandt-Besserat, ed., Symbols at ‘Ain Ghazal, ‘Ain Ghazal Excavation Reports Vol. 3, Ex Oriente, The Free University Press, Berlin. Germany.
  • 2007 When Writing Met Art: From Symbol to Story., The University of Texas Press, Spring 2007.
  • 1996 How Writing Came About, University of Texas Press.
  • 1992 Before Writing, vol. 1, From counting to Cuneiform, The University of Texas Press.
  • 1992 Before Writing, vol. 2, A Catalog of Near Eastern Tokens, The University of Texas Press.
  • 1980Editor, Ancient Persia. Malibu, California: Undena Publications.
  • 1979Editor, Early Technologies. Malibu, California: Undena Publications.
  • 1978Editor, Immortal Egypt. Malibu, California: Undena Publications.
  • 1977 “An Archaic Recording System and the Origin of Writing.” Syro Mesopotamian Studies, Vol. 1.
  • 1976Editor, The Legacy of Sumer. Bibliotheca Mesopotamica, Vol. IV. Malibu, California: Undena Publications.

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Book Translations

  • 2022 La Genèse de l’Écriture, French Translation of How Writing Came About, by Nathalie Ferron, Les Belles Lettres, Paris
  • 2017 Negaresh Cheguneh Padid Amad, Persian translation of How Writing Came About by Ali Akbar Vahdati, Shapikan Press, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • 2015 How Writing Came About, Chinese translation by Leyang Wang, The Commercial Press, Beijing, China.
  • 2008 Mojiva Koushite Umareta Japanese translation of How Writing Came About by Ichiro Nakata and Yoshiaki Koguchi, Iwanami Shoten Publishing Co. Tokyo, Japan.
  • 2007 Jak Powstato Pismo Polish translation of How Writing Came About, by Jolanta Kozlowska, Agade Publishing House, Warsaw, Poland.

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  • 2023 Michael Erard and Denise Schmandt-Besserat, “Origins and Forms of Writing”, in Rosalind Horowitz, ed., The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Writing, Routledge, London, 3-19.
  • November 20, 2020 “The Future of Text” in Frode Hegland, ed. The Future of Text, http://futureoftext.org/2020-vision-book.html, The Augmented Text Company LTD, UK, 11.20.2020
  • 2019 “The Invention of Tokens” in Antonino Crisa, Mairi Gkikaki and Clare Rowan, eds., Tokens, Culture, Connections, Communities, Royal Numismatic Society Special Publications No 57, London. P.11-17 https://spinkbooks.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=59/&product_id=705
  • 2019 “How Writing Came to Replace Spoken Language 3000-2600 BCE” in Kuang Yu Chen, Dietrich Tschanz and Ching-I Tu, eds., Dialogue of Four Pristine Writing Systems, Confucius Institute of Rutgers University, New Jersey, p. 3-17.
  • 2017 “Making Tokens Talk” in Anna Margherita Jasink, Judith Weingarten and Silvia Ferrara, eds., Non-Scribal Communication Media in the Bronze Age Aegean and Surrounding Areas, Firenze University Press, Firenze, p. 175-183.
  • 2016 “I Prossimi Diecimila Anni” in Carlo Bordoni, Immaginare il Futuro, La Societa di Domani Vista Dagli Intellettuali di Oggi, Mimesis/Eterotopie 365, Milano, p. 137-142.
  • 2018 “Prehistoric Administrative Technologies and the Ancient Near Eastern Redistribution Economy – The Case of Susiana.” In Javier Alvarez, Gian Pietro Basello and Yasmina Wicks, eds., The Elamite World, Routledge, London. 2017, p.363-382.
  • 2015 “Tokens and Writing: the Cognitive Development,” General Studies in Writing, Huang Yaping, ed., Qilu Publisher, China. P. 97-116 (in Chinese)
  • June 2015 “Origini Della Scritura in Mesopotamia 3200 al 2500 a.C.: the 700 years della prima tavoletta contabile ai testi fonetici funerario-votivi.” Prometeo, Anno 33, No. 130, p. 6-25.
  • 2014 “Figures with Raised Arms and Feet,” in Bill Finlayson and Cheryl Makerewicz, eds., Settlement, Survey and Stone, Essays on Near Eastern Prehistory in Honour of Gary Rollefson Ex Oriente, Berlin, P. 257-259
  • 2014 “From Counting to Writing: The Quest for Abstraction,” in Zoltan Csabai, ed., Studies in Economic and Social History of the Ancient Near East in Memory of Peter Vargyas. The University of Pécs, L’Harmattan, Budapest, p. 227-238. ( Georgia + Wroclaw)
  • 2014 “Tokens” Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaeologie, Vol. 14 1/2. Lieferung, De Gruyter, Berlin, P. 87-89.
  • 2013 “When Writing Met Art” AION – Annali, Universita degli Studi di Napoli, L’Orientale, P, 245- 263.
  • 2012 “Tokens as Precursors of Writing”, in Elena L. Grigorenko, Elisa. Mambrino, David D. Preiss, eds., Writing: a Mosaic of New Perspectives, Psychology Press, New York, P. 3-10.
  • 2012 “Tokens in China, Europe and Africa – the Significance,” Scripta, vol. 4, P. 1-12.
  • 2012 “Numeracy before Literacy,” in Zdzislaw, ed., Languages in Contact 2011, Philologica Wratislaviensia: Acta et Studia vol. 1, p. 191-200.
  • 2011 “Tokens and Writing: the Cognitive Development” Journal of the Ocean University of China, Vol. 1. P. 72-75 (in Chinese)
  • 2011 “Spirit and Demons of All Times” in Wolfgand Heimpel and Gabriella Frantz-Szabo, eds., Strings and Threads, A Celebration of the Work of Anne Draffkorn Kilmer, Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Indiana, p. 243-249.
  • 2011 “Chirographic Culture”, in Patrick C. Logan, ed. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language Sciences Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p.154-157.
  • 2010 “The Impact of Writing on Art in the Ancient Near East”, Horizons, Vol. 1, No 1. P. 1 – 18.
  • 2010 “The Token System of the Ancient Near East: its Role in Counting, Writing, the Economy and Cognition” in Colin Renfrew, eds. The Archaeology of Measurement, Comprehending Heaven, Earth and Time in Ancient Societies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 27-34.
  • 2009 “Record Keeping before Writing,” Marco Mancini and Barbara Turchetta, Eds., Scrittura e Scriture: Le Figure della Lingua. Atti del XXIX Convegno della Societa Italiana di Glottologia (Viterbo 28-30 ottobre 2004) Il Calamo, (Biblioteca della S.I.G. 31) Roma.P. 67-80.
  • 2009 “Communication with Symbols: Art and Writing”, Paul G. Bahn, ed., An Inquiring Mind: Studies in honor of Alexander Marshack, Oxbow, Oxford, p. 263-267.
  • 2009 Tokens and Writing: the Cognitive Development, Scripta, Vol, 1, No 1, 2009, p. 145 – 154.
  • 2008 “When Writing Met Art” World History Class with Scholars, Hunminjeongeum Society, Seoul, South Korea, p. 1-10 and 71-86.
  • 2008 “Tokens and Writing, The Cognitive Development” Proceedings of the Scripta 2008, Hunminjeongeum and Alphabetic Writing Systems, The Hunminjeongeum Society. p. 67-75.
  • 2008 “Earliest Writing”, in Huang Yaping, Berthold Riese and Xiaobing Wang-Riese, Studies of Writing, Jinan, China, P. 97-116.
  • 2008 From Tokens to Writing: The Pursuit of Abstraction, Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, vol. 3, No. 1, p. 162-167.
  • 2008 with Michael Erard, “Origins and Forms of Writing”, in Charles Bazerman, ed., Handbook of Writing Research, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, Inc., Publishers, Mahwah, N.J. p. 7.
  • 2007 “The Interface between Writing and Art in the Tepe Gawra Glyptic” Melanges en Honneur de Henri de Contenson, Syria, vol. 83, 2006, p. 183-194.
  • 2006 “Visiting Archaeological Sites in Iran”, Near Eastern Archaeology, Vol. 68 No. 3, p. 139-144.
  • 2005 “About ‘Hieroglyphs’ – A Neolithic System of Sacred Symbols”, Neo-Lithics 2/05, p. 39.
  • 2005 “The Interface between Writing and Art”, in Lance Strate and Edward Wachtel,
    eds., The Legacy of McLuhan, Hampton Press, Inc. Cresskill, New Jersey, p. 109-121.
  • 2005 “Art and the Human Figure: Before and After Writing”, in M. Perna, ed., Studi in Onore Enrica Fiandra, De Boccard, Paris, p. 357-368.
  • 2004 “The Birth of Narrative Art”, Archaeology Odyssey, Vol. 7, No 5, p. 36-55.
  • 2004 “Near East, Ancient: Neolithic,” in Antonia Bostrom, ed., The Encyclopedia of Sculpture, Vol. 2, Fitzroy Dearborn, New York, p. 1153-54.
  • 2003 “The Origin of Writing,” Iranian Journal of Anthropology, vol. 1, No. 2, p. 22-32.
  • 2003 “Baghdad Then and Now”, EME, Explorations in Media Ecology, vol. 2, No. 2, p. 117-118.
  • 2003 “Masks of Death”, Archaeology Odyssey, Vol. 6, No 2, p. 19-27.
  • 2002 “Dal Cantabile allo Scriture”, Le Scienze, No. 12, 2002, p. 16-20.
  • 2002 “One, Two, Three,” Archaeology Odyssey, September-October, p. 6-7.
  • 2002 From Behind the Mask – Plastered skulls from ‘Ain Ghazal,” Origini vol. XXIV, p. 95-140.
  • 2002 “Signs of Life,” in Jack Meinhardt, ed. The Origins of Things, Biblical Archaeology, Washington D.C., p. 21-28.
  • 2002 “Signs of Life,” Archaeology Odyssey, Jan. -February, p. 6-7 and 63.
  • 2001 “Symbols at Ain Ghazal: Skulls – Plain, Painted and Plastered.” ASOR Newsletter vol. 51 No 4. P.11-12.
  • 2001 “Writing, Evolution of” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 16619-16625.
  • 2001 “L’ impatto della Scrittura sull’ arte,” Pluriverso, vol. 3, p. 14-21.
  • 2001 “Feasting in the Ancient Near East,” in Michael Dietler and Brian Hayden, eds., Feasts, Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives on Food, Politics, and Power. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, p. 391- 403.
  • 2000 “The Personal Name in Mesopotamia: Its Impact on the Evolution of Writing” Proceedings of the 1st international Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Rome, p. 1493-1501.
  • 2000 “Le Feste Nel Vicine Oriente Antico,” in Simonetta Graziani, ed., Studi sul Vicino Oriente Antico Dedicati alla memoria di Luigi Cagni, Vol. 2, Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e Oriente, Direzione Generale dei Musei Vaticani, Rome, p. 921-932.
  • 1999 “Tokens: The Cognitive Significance,” 6th Neolithic Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Documenta Praehistorica Vol. XXVI, p. 21-28.
  • 1999 “A Decorated Skull from MPPNB ‘Ain Ghazal,” with G. O. Rollefson and J. C. Rose, Paléorient, Vol. 24, No. 2, p. 99-104.
  • 1999 “The Origin of Writing and Counting in the Ancient Near East,” in Norman Simms, ed. Letters and Texts of Jewish History, Hamilton, New Zealand, p. 51-59.
  • 1998 “A Stone Metaphor of Creation,” Near Eastern Archaeology, vol. 61, No. 2, p. 109-117.
  • 1998 “‘Ain Ghazal Monumental Figures,” in Bulletin of American School of Oriental Research, vol. 310, p. 1-17.
  • 1998 “A Neolithic Female Revealing her Breasts,” in Jan Braun, ed. Written on Clay and Stone, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Krystyna Szarzynska on the Occasion of Her 80th Birthday, Agade, Warsaw 1998, p. 79-85.
  • 1998 “Neolithic Art and Symbolism at ‘Ain Ghazal,” American Journal of Archaeology, Vol.102, p. 582-584.
  • 1997 “Accounting Before Writing in the Ancient Near East,” Porocilo, Vol. 24, p. 151-156.
  • 1995 “Animal Symbols at ‘Ain Ghazal,” Expedition, vol. 39, No. 1, p. 48-58. http://www.museum.upenn.edu/expedition.
  • 1996 “Neolithic art and Symbolism at ‘Ain Ghazal,” American Journal of Archeology, Vol. 101, No. 3, 1997, p. 506-507.
  • 1996 “Symbols of Gods and Symbols of Goods,” in Piera Ferioli and Enrica Fiandra, ed. Administration in Ancient Societies, Ministero per I beni culturali ambianti ufficio centrale per I beni archivistifci, Rome, P. 15-23.
  • 1996 “Writing,” The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, Oxford University Press, p. 761-763.
  • 1996 “Art, Writing and Narrative in Mesopotamia,” in H. Gasche and B. Hrouda, eds, Collectanea Orientalia, Histoire, Arts de l’Espace et Industrie de la Terre, Recherches et Publications, Paris 1996, p. 315-322.
  • 1997 “Neolithic art and Symbolism at ‘Ain Ghazal,” American Journal of Archeology, Vol. 100, No. 3, p. 516-517.
  • 1995 “Non-verbal Communication in the Ancient Near East,” in Jack Sasson, ed., Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Scribner’s, New York, p. 2097-2106.
  • 1994 “Forerunners of Writing,” in Harmut Günther, ed., Schrift und Schriftlichkeit, Walter de Gruyter Berlin, p. 264-268.
  • 1994 “Oneness, Twoness, Threeness – How Ancient Accountants Invented Numbers,” reprinted from The Sciences, 1987, in Frank J. Swetz, From Five Fingers to Infinity, Open Court, Chicago, p. 45-51.
  • 1994 “Tokens: a Prehistoric Archive System,” in Enrica Fiandra, Piera Ferioli, eds., Archives Before Writing, Centro Internazionale di Ricerche Archeologiche Anthropologiche e storiche, Rome, p. 13-28.
  • 1994 “Tokens in Minoan Crete,” Discussion for the paper presented by Jean-Claude Poursat in Enrica Fiandra, Piera Ferioli, eds., Archives Before Writing, Centro Internazionale di Ricerche Archeologiche Anthropologiche e storiche, Rome, p. 253-254.
  • 1994 “Tokens, Seals and Administration in Uruk in the Fourth Millennium B.C.,” in Beschreiben und Deuten in der Archaeologie des Alten Orients, Festschrift für Ruth Mayer-Opificius, Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients, Vol. 4, 1994, p. 283-296.
  • 1994 “About the Authors,” in Connie Burton and Beverly Spicer, Open Ceiling, Futura Communications, Austin, Texas, p. 105-8.
  • 1994 “Forerunners of Writing: The Social Implications” in W. C. Watt, Writing, Reading and Cognition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, p. 303-310.
  • 1993 “Images of Enship,” in Marcella Frangipane, H. Hauptmann, M. Liverani et alii, eds, Between the Rivers and Over the Mountains, Archaeologica Anatolica et Mesopotamica Alba Palmieri Dedicata, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Archeologische e Anthropologiche dell’Antichita Universita di Roma “La Sapienza,” Rome 1993. p. 201- 220.
  • 1992 “The Origin of Visible Language,” in Jan Wind, Brunetto Chiarelli, Bernard Bichakjian, eds., Language Origin: a Multidisciplinary Approach, Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands, p. 225-234.
  • 1991 with Elisabeth Feldbush “Clay Tokens as Forerunners of Writing: The Linguistic Significance” in Elisabeth Feldbush, ed., Proceeding of the 25th Colloquium of Linguistics, Paderborn, 1990, Verlag Niemeyer, Tuebingen, p. 485-493.
  • 1990 “The Earliest Precursor of Writing,” in William S. Y. Wang, The Emergence of Language, Readings from Scientific American Magazine, W. H. Freeman and Co, New York, p. 31-45.
  • 1990 “Symbols in the Prehistoric Middle East,” in Richard Leo Enos, ed., Oral and Written Communication: Historical Approaches, Written Communication Annual, Volume 4, p.16-31.
  • 1990 “Accounting in the Prehistoric Middle East,” Archeomaterials, Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 15-23.
  • 1989 “Two Precursors of Writing in One Reckoning Device”, in Wayne M. Senner, The Origins of Writing, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, p. 27-39.
  • 1989 Jointly with Liane Jacob-Rost, “Tokens aus dem Heiligtum Eanna in Uruk,” Forschungen und Berichte, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Vol. 27, P. 11-50.
  • 1989 “Conto e Contabilita nel Medio Oriente Prehistorico,” in F. Mario Fales, ed. Prima Dell’Alphabeto, Studi e Documenti, Vol. 4, Erizzo Editrice, Venice, P. 54-60.
  • 1988 “Tokens at Uruk,” Baghdader Mitteilungen, Vol. 19, P. 1-175.
  • 1988 “From Accounting to Writing,” In Bennett A. Rafoth and Donald L. Rubin, eds, The Social Construction of Written Communication, Ablex Publishing Co. Norwood, New Jersey, Chapter 5, P. 119-130.
  • 1988 “Accounting in Prehistory,” Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Accounting Historians, No. 301, p. 1-10.
  • 1988 “Tokens as Funerary Offerings,” Vicino Oriente, Vol. VII, P. 3-9.
  • 1988 “Quantification and Social Structures,” in David R. Maines and Carl Couch, eds, Information, Communication and Social Structures. Charles C. Thomas, publisher, Springfield, Ill. P. 137-153.
  • 1987 “Oneness, Twoness, Threeness,” The Sciences, Vol. 27, No. 4, p. 44-49.
  • 1986 “Tokens: Facts and Interpretation,” Visible Language, Vol. 20, No. 3, P. 250-273.
  • 1986 “An Ancient Token System: The Precursor to numerals and Writing,” Archaeology, Vol. 39, No. 6, p. 32-39.
  • 1986 “Tokens at Susa,” Oriens Antiquus, Vol. XXV, No. 1-2, p. 93-125.
  • 1986 “The Origin of Writing – An Archaeologist’s Perspective,” Written Communications, Vol 3. No. 1, p. 31-45.
  • 1986 “The Earliest Precursor of Writing” (reprinted from Scientific American, vol. 238, No. 6, 1978) in William S.Y. Wang, ed., Language, Writing and the Computer, W.H. Freeman Co., p. 31-40.
  • 1986 “Before Numerals,” (reprinted from Visible Language, Vol. 18, No. 1) Orpheus, No. 1, p. 48-60.
  • 1985 “Clay Symbols for Data Storage in the VIIth Millennium B.C.” in M. Liverani and Alba Palmieri, eds., Studi di Paletnologia in onore di Salvatore M. Puglisi, Universita di Roma, La Sapienza, Roma, p. 149-154.
  • 1985 “Tonmarken und Bilderschrift,” Das Altertum, Vol. 31, No. 2, p. 76-82.
  • 1985 “Avant la Naissance des Chiffres” Internationale de l’Imaginaire, Vol. 2. p. 73-82.
  • 1984 “Before Numerals,” Visible Language, Vol. 18, No. 1, p. 48-60.
  • 1984 “Proto-literate Counting: The Archaeological Evidence,” Collected Papers of the Society for Near Eastern Studies, Montreal, Vol. 2, p. 21-24.
  • 1983 “Tokens and Counting,” Biblical Archaeologist, Vol. 46, p. 117-120.
  • 1983 “The Earliest Precursor of Writing” (reprinted from Scientific American Vol. 238, No. 6, 1978), in Brian M. Fagan, ed., Prehistoric Times, W. H. Freeman Co., p. 194-203.
  • 1982 “The Emergence of Recording,” American Anthropologist, Vol. 84, No. 4, p. 871-878.
  • 1982 “How Writing Came About,” Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik, p. 1-5.
  • 1982 “The Earliest Precursor of Writing,” (reprinted from Scientific American, Vol. 238, No. 6, 1978) in S. Y. Wang, ed., Human Communication, W. H. Freeman Co., p. 80-89.
  • 1981 “Decipherment of the Earliest Tablets,” Science, Vol. 211, 18 January, p. 283-285.
  • 1981 “Tablets and Tokens: A Re-Examination of the So-Called ‘Numerical Tablets’.” Visible Language, Vol. XV, No. 3, p. 321-344.
  • 1981 “The Invention of Writing,” (reprinted from Discovery, Vol. I, No. 4, 1977) in Maxine C. Hairstone and Cynthia L. Selve, eds., Selected Papers from the 1981 Texas Writing Conference, Austin, p. 213-236.
  • 1981 “The Envelopes that Bear the First Writing,” Technology and Culture, Vol. 21, No. 3, P. 357-385.
  • 1980 “Ochre in Prehistory: 300,000 Years of the Use of Iron Ores as Pigments.” In T. A. Wertime and J. Muhly, eds., The Coming of the Age of Iron. Festschrift in honor of Cyril S. Smith. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, p. 127-150.
  • 1980 “An Archaic Recording System Prior to Writing” in F.E.H. Schroeder, Popular Culture Before Printing, Bowling Green University Press, p. 17-36.
  • 1979 “L’invention de l’ecriture,” in G. Freyre et al., Les Imaginaires, vol. II, p. 119-130.
  • 1979 “Reckoning Before Writing,” Archaeology, Vol. 32, No. 2, p. 22-31.
  • 1979 “An Archaic Recording System in the Uruk-Jemdet Nasr Period,” American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 83, No. 1, p. 19-48.
  • 1979 “The Earliest Precursor of Writing,” reprinted from Scientific American, Vol. 238, No. 6, C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, ed., in Hunters, Farmers and Civilizations, W.H. Freeman and Co., p. 152-161.
  • 1977 “The Earliest Precursor of Writing,” Scientific American, Vol. 238, No. 6, p. 50-58.
  • 1977 “The Beginnings of the Uses of Clay in Turkey,” Anatolian Studies, Vol. 27, p. 133-150.
  • 1977 “The Invention of Writing,” Discovery: Research and Scholarship at the University of Texas at Austin, Vol. 1, No. 4, p. 4-7.
  • 1978 “The Earliest Uses of Clay in Syria,” Expedition, Vol. 19, No. 13, p. 38-42. (http://www.museum.upenn.edu/expedition).
  • 1977 Jointly with C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, “A Reevaluation of the Bampur, Khurab, and Chah Huseini Collection in the Peabody Museum: Relations with Tepe Yahya and Ceramics of Tepe Yahya IV C.” In T. C. Young, Jr. and L. D. Levine, eds., Mountains and Lowlands: Essays in the Archaeology of Greater Mesopotamia. Festschrift in honor of R. H. Dyson Jr., Malibu, California: Undena Publications, p. 113-134.
  • 1976 “Sumer: Art in an Urban Context.” In Denise Schmandt-Besserat, ed., The Legacy of Sumer. Malibu, California: Undena Publications, p. 79-86.
  • 1976 “A Series of Exhibits on the Ancient Middle East at The University of Texas at Austin,” Archaeology, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 56-57.
  • 1974 “The Beginnings of the Use of Clay in the Zagros,” Expedition, Vol. 16, No. 2, p. 10-17. (http://www.museum.upenn.edu/expedition).
  • 1967 “A Palestinian Pottery Collection on Exhibit at the Peabody Museum,” Harvard University Bulletin, Vol. XV, No. 4, p. 345-352.

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Unpublished Articles

  • 2009 “Numerate and Literate Societies,” Proceedings of the International Academic Forum On the Symbols Unearthed in Bengbu Shuangdun Heritage Sites and the Origin of Primitive Civilization, Bengbu, China.
  • 1990 “Tokens, Envelopes and Impressed Tablets at Habuba Kabira,” 26 p.

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Article Translations

  • “Les plus anciens précurseurs de l’écriture.” Pour la Science, No. 10, p. 12-22.
  • “Gli antecedenti dell a scrittura.” Le Scienze, Vol. XXI, No. 120, p. 6-15.
  • “El primer antecedente de la escriture.” Investigacion y Ciencia. August, p. 6-17.
  • “Vom Urprung der Schrift”, Spektrum der Wissenschaft. December, p. 4-13.

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Encyclopedia Articles

  • 2015 “Writing, Evolution of.” James Wright, ed., International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2d. Edition, Elsevier, (81062) electronic version: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780080970868810624
  • 2014 “Writing, Evolution of.” James Wright, ed., International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2d. Edition, Elsevier, (81062).
  • 2008 with Michael Erard, “Writing Systems” Encyclopedia of Archaeology, Elsevier, Oxford p. 2222-2233. http://tinyurl.com/UT-ILSarticles
  • 2001 “l’Origine della Scrittura e del Calculo” “Registrazioni proto-storiche,” Storia della Scienza, Encyclopedia Italiana. http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/vicino-oriente-antico-l-origine-della-scrittura-e-del-calcolo_%28Storia-della-Scienza%29/
  • 2000 “Ancient Near East,” Encyclopedia of Sculpture, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago.
  • 1999 “Artifacts and Civilization” The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, p. 35-37.
  • 1996 “Writing,” The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, Oxford University Press, p. 761-763.
  • 1996 “Writing” The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, Oxford University Press, p. 781-3.
  • 1989 “Tokens”, International Encyclopedia of Communications, Oxford University Press and the Annenberg School of Communication, The University of Pennsylvania, p.
  • 1980 “Tokens”, The Arete Encyclopedia of Archaeology.

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  • 2000 Richard Rudgley, “Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age”, “The Free Press, New York, Isis. Vol. 91, No. 3, P. 579-580.
  • 1995 Henri-Jean Martin, “The History and Power of Writing”, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1994, Technology and Culture.
  • 1995 Henri-Jean Martin, “The History and Power of Writing”, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1994, Los Forum, No 21, p. 32-34.
  • 1994 H. Nissen, P. Damerow, R.K. Englund, “Archaic Bookkeeping: Early Writing and Techniques of Economic Administration in the Ancient Near East<“, The University of Chicago Press, 1993, Forum, Language Origin Society, p. 12-14.
  • 1995 Ibid, for Libraries and Culture, vol. 30, No. 3, p. 313-314.
  • 1995 H. Nissen, P. Damerow, R.K. Englund, “Fruehe Schrift und Techniken der Wirtschafts-verwaltung im alten Vorderen Orient”, for the Journal of The American Oriental the Society, Vol. 114, No. 4 (1994) p. 659-661.
  • 1991 Paul Heyer, “Communication and History”, Libraries & Culture, Vol. 26, No 4, P. 613 -615.
  • 1991 Paul Heyer, “Communication and History”, in Language Origin Society Newsletter, No 12, P. 15-17.
  • 1990 Paul Heyer, “Communication and History”, in Comtemporary Sociology, vol.18, No. 5, p. 540-541.
  • 1989 Jack Goody, “The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society”, in Libraries and Culture, Vol. 24, No 2, p. 239-241.
  • 1988 Jack Goody, “The Logic of Writing and the Organization of Society”, in Language Origins Society Newsletter, No. 4, p. 9-12.
  • 1988 Roy Harris, “The Origin of Writing,” in Libraries and Culture, Vol. 23, No. 1, p. 81-83.
  • 1987 Roy Harris, “The Origin of Writing,” in Language Origins Society Newsletter, No. 5, p. 14-18.
  • 1986 “Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals from the Marcopoli Collection”, by Beatrice Teissier, The Journal of Library History, Vol. 21, No. 4, p. 774-775.
  • 1983 “Pre-Writing in Southeastern Europe”, by Shan M. N. Winn, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 88, p. 71-72.
  • 1983 “La Statuaire du Proche Orient Ancien”, by Agnes Spycket, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 103, No. 4, p. 789-791.
  • 1979 “L’Art Antique du Proche Orient”, by Pierre Amiet, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 99, No. 3, p. 480.
  • 1978 “The Neolithic of the Near East”, by James Mellaart, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 98, No. 1, p. 593-594.
  • 1978 “Stone Age Painting in India”, by Robert R. R. Brooks and Vishnu S. Wakankan, American Anthropologist, Vol. 80, No.1, p. 184-185.
  • 1977 “Godin Tepe: Second Preliminary Report,” by T. Cuyler-Young, Jr. and L. Levine, Journal of the Oriental Society, Vol. 97, p. 61-64.

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Exhibition Catalogues

  • 1999 Legacy of the Middle East, Exhibition on the Occasion of the Centennial of King Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdul Rahman Al-Saud.
  • 1977 Ancient Persia, The Art of an Empire, Austin, Texas, The University Art Museum. p. 117.
  • 1975 The First Civilization: The Legacy of Sumer, Austin, Texas: The University of Texas Art Museum, p. 95.
  • 1966-68 Descriptive catalogues of the Peabody Museum collections (mimeos):
    • Alishar Huyuk,
    • Troy,
    • Mersin,
    • Tarsus,
    • Palestinian Pottery Assemblage,
    • Samieh,
    • Jericho,
    • Beth Shemesh,
    • Sir Aurel Stein Collection,
    • Southeastern Iran,
    • Predynastic Egypt

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Audio Visual

  • 1987 Origins and Development of Western Writing, (video). Alarion Press, Boulder, Colorado.
  • 1980 The Origin and Development of Writing, (Sound film strip) Alarion Press, Boulder, Colorado.
  • 1979 Origins of Writing, (slide show), circulated by the Archaeological Institute of America.

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Page last updated: 4/9/23