The Ransom Center presents its Shakespeare Film Series in conjunction with the current exhibition Shakespeare in Print and Performance, on view through May 29, 2016.
Austin Symphony director talks Shakespeare and music
Peter Bay is the Music Director and Conductor of the Austin Symphony Orchestra. His resume includes appearances with more than 75 orchestras, several summer music festivals around the nation, multiple positions as Music Director, and past experiences as Conductor at several orchestras, including the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and Richmond Symphony… read more
Hattie McDaniel’s landmark Academy Awards win
The 12th Academy Awards ceremony was held on February 29, 1940, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, with Bob Hope hosting. Gone With The Wind was nominated for 13 awards and won for
Dear Guy: Letters in the Guy Davenport collection
Here’s the plot of a story a writer told me he had joked about writing with Guy Davenport: For about two days in the 1970s, Queen Elizabeth, the Dalai Lama, and Thomas Merton were within twelve miles of one another in central Kentucky, about a mile from Lincoln’s birthplace. Merton… read more
Caroling Dusk, An Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets
This is the last of a three-part series of posts highlighting the influence and work of Countée Cullen, a poet and editor during the Harlem Renaissance. Cullen used the special issue of Palms as a springboard for a book-length anthology. Caroling Dusk, An Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets, was… read more
Countée Cullen and “The Negro Number” of Palms
This is the second of a three-part series of posts highlighting the influence and work of Countée Cullen, a poet and editor during the Harlem Renaissance. In the mid-1920s anthologies of African American writing found a receptive audience in the United States and abroad. The poetry magazine Palms embraced the trend… read more