This essay is part of a slow research series, What is Research? Part of what is so compelling about doing research with old books is that the learning curve never ends—there’s always some new challenge, another thing to explain, something else to get to the bottom of. Reading old books… read more
LISTEN SLOW: Researching Anne Sexton putting poetry her way
by TANYA E. CLEMENT This essay is part of a slow research series, What is Research? Annotated Audio: Anne Sexton Class Visit at Sweetbriar College, 1966 Recording annotations and transcription by Tanya Clement Anne Sexton Papers 1912-1996, R 0084, Harry Ransom Center. 17:10 Anne Sexton (AS): . . .… read more
What is Research? An exercise in Slow Research
On September 11, 2001, the BBC World Service reported the start of a performance titled Organ2/As SLow aS Possible (ASLSP). Originally composed by John Cage in 1987, the posthumous recital in Germany was planned to contribute to “a revolution in slowness”—to be performed chord by chord—over 639 years.