Funding: Digital Humanities Grant (NEH)

Deadline for application: January 16, 2018

Office of Digital Humanities. Receipt Deadline January 16, 2018 for Projects Beginning September 2018

Brief Summary: Digital Humanities Advancement Grants (DHAG) support digital projects throughout their lifecycles, from early start-up phases through implementation and long-term sustainability. Experimentation, reuse, and extensibility are hallmarks of this grant category, leading to innovative work that can scale to enhance research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities.

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Funding Opportunity: Scholarly Editions and Translations Grants (NEH)

Deadline for application: December 6, 2017

Division of Research Programs

Receipt Deadline December 6, 2017 for Projects Beginning October 2018

Brief Summary: Scholarly Editions and Translations grants support the preparation of editions and translations of pre-existing texts of value to the humanities that are currently inaccessible or available only in inadequate editions or transcriptions. Typically, the texts and documents are significant literary, philosophical, and historical materials; but other types of work, such as musical notation, are also eligible.

Projects must be undertaken by at least one editor or translator and one other collaborating scholar. These grants support full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years.

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Academic Job: Russian Language Instructor (SILP)

Deadline for applications: Until filled

JOB TITLE: Russian Language Instructor

DEPARTMENT: Summer Intensive Language Program (SILP)

REPORTS TO: SILP Associate Director

DATES: 6/11/18 – 8/8/18

POSITION SUMMARY: The Summer Intensive Language Program (SILP) provides beginning, intermediate, and some advanced-level language instruction in an intensive format to approximately 135 undergraduate students, graduate students, professionals, and lifelong language learners for eight weeks every summer. Under the supervision of the Language Coordinator and the SILP Associate Director, Language Instructors deliver lessons using a communicative, content-based approach and contribute to the day-to-day operations of the program. More information about SILP can be found online.

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Academic Job: Russian Program (Queens College)

Deadline for applications: Until filled

The Russian Program at the Department of European Languages and Literatures, Queens College, CUNY, invites applications for a position of adjunct instructor in Russian for the Spring 2018, subject to budgetary approval. Native and near-native fluency in Russian and English, experience in teaching Russian at a North American University, and ABD in Russian are required, Ph.D. preferred. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate courses at all levels, working in close connection with the Russian coordinator as part of the Russian program.  Please email your c.v., cover letter, and three letters of recommendation to Queens College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

CFP: Czech Studies Workshop (Columbia U)

Deadline for applications: January 8, 2018

The eighteenth annual Czech Studies Workshop, which will be held at Columbia University in New York City on April 20-21, 2018, welcomes proposals for papers on Czech and Slovak topics, broadly defined, in all disciplines. Since the year 2000, the Czech Studies Workshop has brought together scholars from the United States and abroad to explore Czech-themed topics from such diverse fields as anthropology, architecture and art history, economics, education, film, geography, history, Jewish studies, literature, music, philosophy, politics, religion, sociology, and theater. Work in progress is appropriate for our workshop format, and junior faculty and advanced graduate students are particularly encouraged to submit proposals.

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Study Abroad: Russian and Kazakh (Nazarbayev U)

Deadline for Applications: February 25, 2018

Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan), in collaboration with the University of Arizona, is pleased to announce our next session of the Summer School in Russian and Eurasian Studies (SSRES). We are now accepting applications from undergraduate and graduate students, as well as working professionals for our 2018 summer sessions.

American students have an option to apply to the program through The University of Arizona Global Initiatives and earn US-based academic credits. The University of Arizona offers full health insurance coverage, pre-departure orientation and advising sessions, and 24/7 counselling services to all program participants.  For more information, visit the program’s website.

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Academic Job: Digital Humanities Computing (U of Oklahoma)

Deadline for application: December 1, 2017 until position filled

The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma seeks an innovative scholar in digital humanities/humanities computing for an open rank, tenured/tenure track faculty position. This search is part of a cluster hire in the new Data Scholarship Program (DSP). The humanities component of the position is open, so candidates from a broad range of humanities and humanities-related disciplines are encouraged to apply. The position will begin in August 2018.

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Job: Administrative Officer, OSCE Monitoring (Peace Corps)

Deadline for application: November 17, 2017

About the organization

Through the Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams (REACT) contract, PAE provides personnel and related personnel support services to rapidly deploy U.S. citizens on behalf of the U.S. Department of State to advance the democratization, elections, human rights and rule of law efforts of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Balkans, and Central and Eastern Europe.

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Funding: Course Development Stipends (IFLE)

Deadline for applications: January 5, 2018

The Center for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, the Center for Slavic and East European Studies at the Ohio State University, the Ellison Center for Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies at the University of Washington, the Inner Asian and Uralic National Resource Center at Indiana University, the Institute for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Russian and East European Institute at Indiana University, are running a national competition to solicit applications from faculty and instructors at community colleges and minority-serving institutions to develop new courses that focus on Eastern Europe and/or Eurasia, or to redesign an existing course.

Through funding from the International and Foreign Language Education division of the federal Department of Education, these six Title VI National Resource Centers will give out subawards from $1,000-$3,000. Recipients can use the subaward funds for research related travel, curriculum and research purchases, and salary for research or curriculum design time. The goal of the program is to create more courses with 25% or more content that relates to Eastern Europe/Eurasia, broadening access to area studies coursework at community college and minority-serving institutions.  

Application Deadline: January 5, 2018. For full information, including institution eligibility requirements, and to access the Call for Applications and online application:

Study abroad: Russian Overseas Flagship (American Councils for International Education)

Deadline for application: January 10, 2018

American Councils for International Education would like to announce the opening of the application for the 2018-2019 Russian Overseas Flagship Program. The online application deadline, including three reference forms, is January 10, 2018.

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