CFP: Ukrainian Studies Conference (Indiana University)

Deadline: December 15, 2020

The Ukrainian Studies Organization at Indiana University will be holding a second Ukrainian Studies Conference (Taras Shevchenko Conference) which will take place at Indiana University, March 19-20, 2021. Taking into consideration the current uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will announce later if the conference will be online or on campus (Bloomington, IU).

Our conference aims to bring scholars from all disciplines to explore the ways in which Ukrainian studies is presented and shaped in the current political and cultural contexts. In addition to this broad range of topics, we welcome talks and presentations that focus on the exploration of trauma. The events of 2014 ask for the discussion of traumatic experiences triggered by war, dislocation, re-integration into society after military actions, social isolation, sense of lostness, etc. The range of trauma narratives is open (Chornobyl, WWII, deportations, the Holodomor, collectivization, etc.). 

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CFP: Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference

Deadline: June 15, 2020

The organizing committee of SCLC-2020 still hopes to have the conference as scheduled in December 4-6, 2020, as planned. The confirmed invited speaker of the conference is Martin Haspelmath.

In case it will not be possible to hold SCLC-2020 in December, the event will be moved to June. We have now the exact dates for this plan B: June 4-6, 2021. The confirmed invited speakers of the conference in June 2021 are Martin Haspelmath (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History) and Sergey Say (Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Typology).

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CFP: SCMLA October 8-10th, Houston Texas

Deadline: April 29, 2020

Please consider participating at this small and user-friendly conference. We are trying to sustain our Russian language/literature panels at this type of conferences for a greater exposer of Russian programs and research, which will not be possible without your participation. If you know graduate students interested in presenting their research or local school teachers / community college instructors (lecturers, professor) interested in sharing their pedagogical practices, please share this e-mail with them.

As I already mentioned, our panels are very friendly and welcoming, pretty informal. Your presentation can be on results of seasoned research, or on work in progress (preliminary results) – in Russian literature, comparative literature, literature and film intersection, linguistic aspects of literature, poetry.

If you are interested in presenting, email the suggested topic and abstract  by April 29th to  Jill Martiniuk, University of South Florida:

Double submissions are not allowed. You also must a member of SCMLA. Each member may submit a proposal to one academic session.

Looking forward to your ideas, suggestions, proposals.

South Central Modern Language Association

Houston, Texas

October 8-10, 2020

Call for Papers

CFP: Theories and Practices of Creative Writing

Deadline: May 1, 2020

Theories and Practices of Creative Writing

The conference’s aim is to discuss the history, ideology, and structure of main literary institutions of the XIXth and XXth centuries related to teaching, theorizing, and practicing creative writing.

At the same time, we suggest examining existing — and discussing new — methods of teaching creative writing, thus broadening and strengthening a professional community involved in it.  

Special attention will be paid to a methodology of literary criticism so as to acquire means of the implementation of achievements related both to established and recent theoretical concepts.    

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CFP: AATSEEL Annual Conference

Deadline: April 15, 2020

AATSEEL annual conference (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 25-28, 2021)

The AATSEEL Call for Papers is now available:

The 2020 AATSEEL conference in San Diego was a smashing success and we have already started planning next year’s conference in Philadelphia, PA. We are expecting an excellent lineup of workshops, thematic streams and special presentations in 2021.

The AATSEEL conference is a forum for exchange of ideas in all areas of Slavic and East/Central European languages, literatures, linguistics, cultures, and pedagogy. The Program Committee invites scholars in these and related areas to form panels around specific topics, organize roundtable discussions, propose forums on instructional materials, and/or submit proposals for individual presentations for the 2021 conference. The conference regularly includes panels in linguistics, pedagogy and second language acquisition, in addition to literature, cinema, and culture.

Please submit your proposals by April 15, 2020 for early consideration (the final submission deadline is August 1, 2020). Stream proposals should be submitted by March 15 (very soon!). For a list of dates/deadlines visit:

For more information, visit the AATSEEL website: All paper and roundtable proposals must be made through the online submission process – no emailed proposals will be accepted.

Conference: MAG International Congress: Cultural Transformations (Belarus)

Event Date: June 23-25, 2020

In partnership with the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) the International Association for the Humanities (MAG) is delighted to announce that its 2020 Congress will be held in Minsk, Belarus next June.


The Congress will focus on the humanities and related social sciences as intellectual practices fundamentally integrated into culture. Historically, the humanities and social sciences arose in Europe and elsewhere in response to the social and cultural needs of individual and community life. In East Europe and Eurasia the principles of the European humanistic tradition have also sustained critical enquiry and common, trans-national values. Assuming a close relation between the humanities and social sciences, the agenda of the Congress includes an examination of this division, as well as the interchange between scholarly reflection and public socio-cultural initiatives. We particularly invite participants to examine from any perspective the roles socio-humanistic studies have played and might continue to play in shaping socio-cultural transformations in the region.

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CFP: 2020 Annual ASEEES Convention (Washington, DC)

Deadline: (Extended) February 17, 2020

  • Because February 15th falls on a Saturday, the deadline is extended for ALL  panel, roundtable, individual paper, lightning round presentation submissions to February 17, 11:59pm PT:
  • Please carefully review the rules for participation.
  • ALL individual paper and lightning round presentation submitters and panel/roundtable organizers in the US and abroad MUST be ASEEES members in order to submit a proposal. Please review the membership rules for participation. Renew your membership today:
  • Starting this year, we are accepting film screening proposals online. All film screening proposals and affiliate group meeting requests are due by April 1.
  • Other ancillary event space requests must be submitted by August 3.
  • Looking for a panel to join or need paper presenters, chairs, or discussants? See the Panel/Paper Wanted Board
  • With any inquiries about the convention, please contact Margaret Manges, the convention manager, at  If you need assistance logging into the ASEEES members site or are experiencing other technical difficulties, please contact 

Conference: Community-Based Heritage Language Schools: Promoting Collaboration and Advocacy Among Educators (Washington, DC)

Event Date: October 10, 2020

Community-Based Heritage Language Schools:
Promoting Collaboration and Advocacy Among Educators,
Families, and Researchers
American University, Washington, DC

Informative sessions and practical workshops for school administers, teachers, and researchers will include best practices for effective instruction; engaging with state and national organizations and embassies to advocate for your school; engaging and collaborating with parents and community members; hiring, training, and retaining effective teachers; and gaining language recognition for students through the Seal of Biliteracy and the Global Seal. 

Would you like to be a conference sponsor or exhibitor at the conference? Do you have any questions?

Please let us know!

Registration will begin in June 2020.

Follow our Facebook page for the latest news from community-based heritage language schools:

Complete the survey of Heritage Language Schools across the United States, so that your school is represented in statistics on language programs in the United States:

CFP: 20th Annual Aleksanteri Conference: Eurasia and Global Migration (University of Helsinki)

Deadline: May 15, 2020

Dates and venue: 21–23 October 2020, University of Helsinki, Finland

The 20th Annual Aleksanteri Conference brings together scholars exploring dimensions of global migration to, from and within the Eurasian space. For the purposes of this conference, the geographic domain of the Eurasian space includes Central and Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space. We discuss migration and the agency of migrants in terms of social, political, cultural and economic processes and flows, which redefine the contours of national boundaries and affect societal development in both sending and receiving societies. Migration to, from and within the Eurasian space has been a part of flows and processes between the Global North and Global South, but also a part of the building of past empires.

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Conference/CFP: Internet Communication: Multiformality and Multifunctionality (Russia)

Deadline: May 30 (conference); September 10, 2020 (papers)

You are invited to take part in the conference ‘Internet Communication: Multiformatity and Multifunctionality’  29 – 30 October 2020 in Arkhangelsk (Russia), held by the Higher School of Social Sciences, Humanities and International Communication of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk with the support of the Lecturate of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Ekaterinburg. Internet-communication today develops in a direction, where different formats and modi are used, which interact with each other and lead to the appearance of new communicative phenomena  – Internet  memes, live-broadcasting or photo-histories. We propose researchers from different fields of research to think about and reflect on the linguistic, social, psychological and pragmatic kind of similar communicative phenomena on the Internet. Researchers, university teachers, students and young researchers are invited to participate in the conference.                                                                         

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