Writing Across Boundaries Program

Deadline: October 6, 2023

To integrate new research and perspectives from underrepresented regions and groups in English-language publishing outlets in Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies at Arizona State University, and University of Amsterdam are inviting applications for their Writing Across Boundaries Program. Doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and other early career scholars from all disciplines in the arts and humanities and the social sciences are encouraged to apply. 

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CFP Folklorica Special Issue: Teaching Folklore

Deadline: September 30, 2023

Folklorica, the peer-reviewed journal of the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association (an affiliate of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies), is seeking submissions for a thematic issue on “Teaching Folklore.” 

Potential topics include: How is folklore taught differently at different institutions and in different contexts? What is folklore’s role in language, culture, or literature classrooms? What guidance do non-folklorists need for teaching folklore-related topics? What are the challenges and successes of folklore classes? How might one incorporate the teaching of regional folklore in general folklore classrooms? How do folklorists engage differences between teaching theory vs. teaching research skills or teaching in the classroom vs. teaching in the field? How do folklorists deal with teaching challenges related to contemporary contexts (e.g., shifting technologies in the post-COVID university, teaching research practicalities and ethics in war-torn areas, etc.)?

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Call for Chapters: “Youth Responses to Russia’s War against Ukraine,” Edited Volume

Deadline: July 21, 2023

Editors: Allyson Edwards (Bath Spa University, UK); Ian Garner (Queen’s U, Canada)

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: Friday 21 July to ian.garner@queensu.ca 

Russia’s full invasion of Ukraine has provoked heated responses across the territories formerly occupied by the Soviet Union and within Russia. Real and staged demonstrations, artistic movements, and social media conflicts pertaining to young people have sprung up throughout the region as new views, alliances, and identities are shaped in response to war.

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Funding: ASEEES Holmgren Graduate Student Essay Prize

Deadline: June 15, 2023

The Beth Holmgren Graduate Student Essay Prize, established in 1990 and named in honor of Professor Holmgren in 2021, is awarded for an outstanding essay by a graduate student in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. The winner of the competition receives $300, free roundtrip domestic airfare to and accommodations at the ASEEES Annual Convention and an honorary ASEEES membership for the following year. The prize is presented during the awards presentation at the Annual Convention.


Rules of eligibility for the Holmgren Graduate Student Essay Prize competition are as follows:

ASEEES Regional Affiliates and Institutional Members are invited to hold their own competitions for best essay among their graduate students, and submit the winning paper to the Holmgren Graduate Student Prize Committee.

Institutional Members not holding internal competitions are still invited to submit a (single) nomination from their Institution. (For example, a student attending a university among our list of Institutional Members might approach their advisor regarding putting forth their essay. The advisor may submit this essay, provided it meets all other eligibiity requirements. We recommend that the advisor checks with their colleagues to ensure that only one essay per Institutional Member is submitted.)

Essay author must be a graduate student and must have written the essay in English while in a graduate program.

Essays can be any of several formats:

  • Expanded versions of conference papers
  • Graduate level seminar papers
  • Master’s Thesis Chapters
  • Dissertation Chapters
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CFA: Graduate Study at the University of Kansas for students from Ukraine

Deadline: May 29, 2023

The Department of Slavic, German, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Kansas invites graduate students from Ukraine to apply for the two-year MA in Slavic Languages and
Literatures, with a special concentration in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies,
with the possibility of completing the program within just one year with a reduction in
credit requirements. Within this broad area studies degree, students may choose to focus
on a particular country (including Ukraine) and/or a particular area of interest, such as
history, political science, literature & culture, linguistics, or global and international studies.
The university will offer visa support for students as well as health insurance. Tuition is
waived and students will receive living stipends of about $18,650 per academic year
(9 months). Some funding packages will be in the form of graduate assistantships and
others in the form of teaching assistantships. KU will grant a limited number of awards.
Assistance with plane tickets and relocation support may also be available.

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Student Paper Competition: Virtual Edition

Deadline: April 3, 2023

Every year, the Russian Studies department at Macalester College organizes a student research competition. This year, the competition will be in a virtual format and is open to undergrads at all U.S. colleges and universities. Cash prizes awarded!

(1) Submit the title of your project and an abstract by Monday, April 3 by following the link at the competition website (https://sites.google.com/macalester.edu/macalester-russian-studies/home?authuser=0). Your project should be based on a term paper, digital project, or part of a senior thesis on any topic relevant to Eastern/Central Europe, Russia, or Central Asia written in Spring 2022, Fall 2022, or work-in-progress from Spring 2023. Your abstract should provide an overview of your project, including its thesis and conclusions, and be no more than 300 words.

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CFA: Black Lives under Nazism, Jacob and Yetta Gelman Research Workshop

Deadline: 3/31/2023

The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum invites applications for the 2023 Jacob and Yetta Gelman International Research Workshop entitled Black Lives under Nazism. The Mandel Center will co-convene this workshop with Jacqueline Nassy Brown, Department of Anthropology, Hunter College, and Sarah Phillips Casteel, Department of English, Carleton  University. The workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7 through Friday, June 16, 2023, and will take place at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

This workshop advances research on the neglected history of the African diaspora in wartime Europe and the experiences of Black people caught up in the genocidal campaign of the Nazis and their collaborators. This small yet diverse population included Black Europeans, African and Caribbean colonial subjects, African-American expatriates, and soldiers from Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States. Among the expatriates were a number of American jazz musicians, such as pianist Freddy Johnson and trumpeter Valaida Snow, who chose to stay in Europe when the war broke out rather than return to the segregated society they had sought to escape. Colonial soldiers, such as the Senegalese writer and statesman Léopold Senghor, and children of German colonial subjects, such as journalist and memoirist Theodor Wonja Michael, also found themselves in the clutches of the Nazi regime. Josef Nassy, an artist of African and Sephardic Jewish descent from the Dutch Caribbean colony of Suriname, was imprisoned as an enemy national in internment camps where he painted the most substantial known visual record of Black prisoners in the Nazi camp system. Their experiences of persecution—which ranged from social and legal ostracization, sterilization, forced labor, and imprisonment in camps to murder—are reflected in a diverse body of archival sources, testimonies, and artistic and literary work that offers us a window onto the wartime experiences of African diaspora people.

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CFA: TANDEM, “Author with Translator – Translator with Author” Fellowships at New Europe College

Deadline: February 26, 2023

New Europe College – Institute for Advanced Study, Bucharest is launching a new fellowship program with the support of S. Fischer Stiftung, Berlin:

TANDEM, Author with translator – Translator with author is a program exclusively dedicated to literati, writers and translators, with the aim to promote authors from the Black Sea Region by encouraging the translation of their work into the local languages. Moreover, the program will deepen and disseminate the knowledge in and about the literary landscapes around the Black Sea and raise esteem for people and procedures involved.

The fellowship program targets writers and translators from: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine. Applicants from the Baltics or the Western Balkans may be considered under special circumstances.

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CFA: Global Russian Academy

Deadline: February 28, 2023

The war in Ukraine and ongoing crackdown in Russia threaten to plunge Russian social sciences and humanities into a new isolation and wipe out over three decades of internationalization and transnational exchange.

To address these challenges, the Russian Global Academy helps the Russian academic diaspora to self-organize and maintain a degree of solidarity and cohesion. We aim to preserve Russian scholarly communities by supporting digital professional ecosystems and offering flexible solutions in a transition period.

A DC-based consortium of three universities (GWU, Georgetown, and American University), the Academy delivers short-term non-residential fellowships to Russian scholars in emigration, provides support for conference travel, and assists in editing and publishing scholarly work.

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Call for Proposals for Research and Pedagogical Case Studies/ Content-Based Teaching of Russian 

Deadline: January 28, 2023

Do you teach content in Russian as a foreign, second, or heritage language? Please consider submitting a proposal for the edited volume Content-Based Teaching of Russian in the Routledge series on Russian language pedagogy and research    

We would like to hear from various fields and backgrounds of Russian language instruction. Language of publication: English; 3,000 to 8,000 words + references and appendices.

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