Language Training: Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute (UW-Madison)

Deadline: Ongoing Until Funding Runs Out

The application for CESSI 2017 is now open! Click here to apply.

CESSI is now accepting rolling applications for remaining Title VIII funds. Apply as soon as possible!

UW-Madison is now accepting applications from students wishing to take intensive elementary or intermediate Kazakh, Tajik, Uyghur, or Uzbek in summer 2017. If you are interested in taking a Central Eurasian language not on this list, please contact the CESSI Program Coordinator at

February 13, 2017: FLAS application deadline. More about FLAS.

Tuition and Fees

The cost of the CESSI 2017 8-week program is $4,800*. This includes the cost of UW-Madison assessments for use of campus facilities (student services, recreational facilities, etc.). The fee does not include the cost of textbooks or living expenses.

* Exception: UW-Madison undergraduates who are classified as resident or Minnesota reciprocity for tuition purposes follow regular UW-Madison summer 2017 fee schedules.

Housing, Books, and Incidentals

The cost of required textbooks will vary between the different languages offered at CESSI, but students should plan to spend roughly $200 for textbooks. Summer housing and food costs can vary greatly in the Madison campus area, but a frugal student could safely budget $2,000 for housing and meal costs for the summer.

Please see our Housing page for more information on housing options in Madison for summer 2017, and also the Financial Support section below for additional funding opportunities at CESSI. Continue reading “Language Training: Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute (UW-Madison)”

Prof. Devel: Russian Flagship Workshop: “Teaching Russian from the Intermediate/1 to Advanced/2 Levels of Proficiency” (UCLA)

Deadline for Applications: May 20, 2017

The UCLA Russian Flagship Center will host a five- day workshop titled “Teaching Russian from the Intermediate/1 to Advanced/2 Levels of Proficiency” on July 31 through August 4, 2017 on the UCLA campus.

Progressing from Intermediate/1 to Advanced/2 proficiency may be the most challenging stage of language acquisition and of teaching Russian. This workshop will focus on techniques and strategies to address this challenge.

Each day of the workshop will feature a morning presentation by a faculty expert followed by an afternoon working group session focusing on specific skills. The workshop will also include presentations by instructors from the Russian Flagship Programs. The workshop will be conducted in a highly interactive participatory manner and will encourage active discussion by all participants. 

Workshop faculty members include:

–Dr. Ray Clifford, Brigham Young University, who will compare the principles of reading proficiency assessment with the principles of instructional practice and highlight the contrasts. 

–Dr. Charlene Polio, Michigan State University, who will discuss research methods used in studying L2 writing as well as the interface between the fields of L2 writing and second language acquisition to the advanced/2 level.

–Dr. Cindy Martin, University of Maryland, College Park, who will focus on modes of communication in speaking and listening and discuss discourse features appropriate to the Intermediate/1 and Advanced/2 levels. 

We will accept a limited number of participants. The workshop is free of charge, but participants will need to cover their travel and hotel.

More information on the workshop schedule will be made available in early May. 

Interested participants should send an e-mail and a cv to Olga Kagan ( by May 20.

Language Training: Russian Studies Workshop (Indiana U.)

Deadline for Applications: April 20, 2017

The Russian Studies Workshop (RSW) at Indiana University (IU) is offering $6500 to cover tuition/mandatory fees (approximately $3000), and living costs to eligible students who enroll in a 6-credit graduate Russian course in the IU Summer Language Workshop (SLW) during the Summer 2017 session. Funding for the RSW is provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and administered through the IU Russian and Eastern European Institute.

Eligibility: Students who: 1) are entering a PhD program in a social science discipline at a US university in Fall 2017; and 2) intend to study Russian at any level in SLW from June 5 to July 28, 2017.

Deadline for submission for all materials: April 20 or until funds are exhausted

For more information and application:

Study Abroad: Russian Language & Lit. in Riga, Latvia (CUNY)

Deadline for Applications: April 06, 2017

The Division of Russian and Slavic Studies at Hunter College (CUNY) is offering a new two-track study abroad program in Russian language and literature in the Baltics (June 4 – July 31, 2017)! The application deadline is April 6.

We will be based in Riga, but the program includes a 4-day trip to Lithuania (Kaunas, Vilnius, Klaipeda, Palanga) and a 2-day trip to Estonia (Tartu and Tallinn).

The language track is an intensive Intermediate Russian course, with a prerequisite of 2 semesters of Russian taken previously.

The literature track is a course taught in English, but with the option of doing most readings in Russian, titled “THE BALTIC TRANSIT: RUSSIAN WRITERS EN ROUTE TO THE WEST.” It explores the roles of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in Russian literature and culture throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, beginning with the period of the three states’ interwar independence, covering the years of WWII and the Soviet period, as well as addressing the post-Soviet times and the present-day cultural and political moment.

If any of you or students are interested, please don’t hesitate to email me ( – I will be happy to provide detailed information on all aspects of the program, including the syllabi, the schedule, etc.

Here is the link to the Hunter College Study Abroad office webpage with the program description:

Language Training: Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Immersion Institute (U. of Wisconsin-Madison)

Deadline for Applications: March 31, 2017

Language Immersion Institute

Move-in: Saturday, June 17
Orientation: Sunday, June 18
Classes begin Monday, June 19

The UW-Madison Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Immersion Institute (APTLII) is a residential summer language immersion program for undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals. Courses are offered for academic credit at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels (depending on sufficient enrollment). Students commit to using their target language as their only means of communication for the entire summer – in class, in their shared living space on campus, at meals, and at co-curricular activities that combine to create a language immersion experience. Continue reading “Language Training: Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Immersion Institute (U. of Wisconsin-Madison)”

Language Training: Summer Online Russian (Wayne State University)

Deadline for Registration: June 27, 2017

Wayne State Russian Program offers first-year Russian (RUS 1010and RUS 1020) online in a synchronous format. Below are answers to frequently asked questions about this program. If your questions aren’t answered below, please write Laura Kline at

General Information

1) TEXTBOOK: Which textbook do we use and how many chapters do we cover?

We use Beginner’s Russian by Anna Kudyma, Frank Miller, and Olga Kagan. We cover 5 chapters each semester, for a total of 10 chapters in the first year.

2) PLATFORM: How is the online course taught?

Our online Russian courses are taught live online (synchronous) with a live instructor. We use Blackboard Collaborate as our platform; it is free to students registered at Wayne. Students will be familiarized with the technology before the course begins.

3) MEETING TIMES & DATES: When do the classes meet?

Both classes meet TuTh from 12:00-3:20 live online.

RUS 1010 is offered in the Spring Semester (5/08/17 – 6/27/17).

RUS 1020 is offered in the Summer Semester (6/28/17 – 8/18/17).

4) WSU FOREIGN LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT? Do these classes meet the language requirement?

The requirement is for 3 semesters of a foreign language – through 2010. These are the first two semesters. You can take RUS 2010 in the fall to complete the requirement.

For more information visit their site here.

Prof. Devel.: STARTALK Summer Institute “Proficiency-based Pedagogy for Russian” (Middlebury School of Russian)

Application deadline: March 31, 2017

Middlebury School of Russian is pleased to announce the 2017 STARTALK Summer Institute “Proficiency-based Pedagogy for Russian” intended for novice teachers of Russian and graduate students with no or limited teaching experiences.

The Institute provides participants with unique opportunities to gain a solid foundation in second language acquisition theory and language proficiency framework, and to transfer this knowledge into classroom practice. Participants will create teaching materials for different levels of instruction, implementing STARTALK-endorsed best teaching practices, and engage in practice-teaching in a safe environment with guidance from experienced language practitioners.

The Institute consists of two parts: a 5-day online session (June 19-23, 2017) and a 12-day on-campus session in Middlebury, VT (July 12-23, 2017); both sessions are mandatory. During the on-line session participants will engage in learning and discussing theoretical approaches to language acquisition and principles of proficiency-based pedagogy, so that the on-campus session can be dedicated to applying this theoretical knowledge to classroom teaching and material development. During the on-campus session, participants will brainstorm, design, and implement curricular units, lessons and activities.

Institute’s participants will experience the unique immersive environment of the Middlebury Russian School. By living in the language, participants themselves will see how a learning community of people who speak Russian with varying levels of fluency can be built and sustained.

Tuition, lodging expenses, meals, textbooks, and classroom materials are covered by the STARTALK grant, and each participant is eligible to receive a travel reimbursement for up to $300. Participants will receive one course unit of graduate credit.

 NEW FOR 2017: This year the STARTALK Institute has received an award to offer up to 5 scholarships to cover tuition for the 1-Week Refresher Course (July 2-9). These scholarships are competitive and will be awarded to those admitted STARTALK participants who need to “update” their language skills before starting the on-campus program on July 12. More information about the Refresher Course is available here.

Please note that the application deadline is March 13, 2017. Finalists will be notified by April 1, 2017.

For information and to submit an application, please, visit:  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact program director, Irina Dubinina, at or lead instructor, Olesya Kisselev, at

Study Abroad: Summer Internship Program in Russia (Crossroads Eurasia)

Application Deadline: March 15, 2017

Crossroads Eurasia, a career-focused summer work experience is still accepting applications for its summer internship program in Russia. 

Students can choose one of three options:

  • Camp counseling. One of the best introductions to Russia one can have. Best for beginners of the language, looking for a friendly and structured atmosphere.
  • Teaching English. Highly immersive and flexible, with coaching by local teachers. Similar in style to well-known overseas programs for recent graduates. Recommended for heritage speakers, and those students with at least intermediate level of Russian.
  • Translation. As close as students will come to actually working in Russia. We recommend it both to students interested in translation specifically as well as advanced or heritage speakers, looking for an experience like no other.

Post-program, students receive career coaching to help them communicate the value of the experience, and an alumni network can inform their next career steps.  

Internships are located in places where the pace of life is slower — Kostroma, Voronezh, and Ryazan. In every location, students spend time with locals and come away with some genuine friendships. Every city has a local coordinator.

Accommodations, meals, visa support and travel assistance is provided, as would be expected.

More information is available on our website at: or if you would like to contact the director, at:

Study Abroad: “Learn Russian in the European Union” (Daugavpils Univ.)

Deadline for Application: June 23, 2017

Daugavpils University and the “Learn Russian in the European Union” project invite students for customized Semester Abroad programs hosted by Daugavpils University, Latvia.

Semester Abroad programs include:

(1) Intensive “Russian as a Foreign Language” core course (interactive communication skills, grammar, phonetics), provided at Intermediate, Advanced, and Superior target proficiency levels.

(2) Subject matter group and elective courses, depending on the selected program and delivered in English and/or Russian:
– Russian language, literature, and culture;
– East European studies;
– Natural Sciences (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, environmental studies), theory and laboratory practice;
– Political Science.

Daugavpils University will award up to 30 ECTS credits (Russian – 15 ECTS, subject matter courses – up to 15 ECTS.
No visa is required to study in Latvia for citizens of the USA, Canada, the European Union, and many other countries.

Program features:
– Accommodation with a Russian-speaking host family.
– Native Russian student communication partners.
– Full language and cultural immersion in the European Union’s most Russian city.
– Excursions, field trips, cultural and sports activities.
– Local health insurance, two-way airport transfer, orientation, local mobile phone, and more.
– Optional guided trip to Russia or Belarus. Visas can be obtained from the consulates located in Daugavpils.
– Full-time in-country support.

The application deadline for the Fall 2017 programs is June 23, 2017.

Please find more on the Semester Abroad programs in Daugavpils at

Language Training: John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin 2017 (Kosciuszko Foundation)

Deadline for Applications: May 18, 2017

Language courses are available from two to eight weeks for non-intensive, intensive, and highly intensive programs.  Classes begin in July and late July. Class size is limited to approximately 10 students affording each student personalized attention. Applicants may register for classes that range from 5 to 8 hours of instruction daily.  All intensity levels meet from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Intensive and Highly Intensive programs meet for additional classes focused on oral practice from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. daily, except Wednesdays.  In addition to the hours listed for PL and PLI, students in the Highly Intensive program also meet one-on-one with a tutor.  Students in the PLH program choose the topic of each day’s tutoring session.  Tutoring is held between 3:00 – 3:45 p.m. or 4:00- 4:45 p.m. daily, except Wednesdays.  Students will be placed in language groups based on a placement exam which is given at the start of the program.  Each program also includes lectures on Polish history, culture, literature, music, the Polish economy and important contemporary issues.


Tuition, a shared room, 3 meals a day, course materials, various cultural events and sightseeing of Lublin’s Old Town and Sandomierz.  Sightseeing of  Warsaw is included in sessions lasting longer than 3 weeks.

Airfare, optional trips, and single rooms are NOT included in program fees.


Students live in double occupancy rooms at a student dormitory.  Bathrooms are shared. Single rooms are available at the dormitory for an additional fee of $10 per night.


In order to arrange for a transfer of credit you will need to speak to your  academic adviser.   Print a copy of this page, a KF Credit Approval Form (see application forms) and speak to your academic adviser.  If approved, please return the completed Credit Approval Form to the Kosciuszko Foundation.  Address information is provided below.

Students applying for credit must attend classes and pass final exams. Please note that in Poland 1 academic hour = 45 minutes.


Please indicate the number of weeks you intend to participate in the program; 2 to 8 week programs are available.  Circle PL, PLI or PLH for the level of intensity.  Please indicate whether you will be participating in July or August.  Indicate double or dorm single under Accommodations as per your preference.  Follow additional instructions on the application form.

For more information, including funding information, click here.