Funding: Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation Fellows Program

Deadline: February 8, 2022

There are two more weeks to apply for the Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation Fellows Program for summer 2022. The AJCF Fellows Program provides a unique educational opportunity for graduate students and undergraduate seniors to learn about the Holocaust in situ in the context of Poland’s history and Jewish heritage. 

Through travel in Poland for three weeks with leading scholars, including visits to Krakow, Warsaw, Lódź, Treblinka, and Oświęcim (Auschwitz), Fellows gain not only knowledge of the Holocaust sites they visit, but also an understanding of the legacy of the Holocaust in Poland, its effects on collective memory, and complexities surrounding such categories as victim, bystander, and perpetrator. 

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Funding: ARISC Funding Opportunities

Deadline: January 31, 2022; Open Until Filled

We are still accepting applications for the following three opportunities:

ARISC Teaching the South Caucasus Workshop

New Deadline: January 31. Details:

ARISC Stipends for Lectures and Workshops

Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Details;

ARISC Graduate/Postdoctoral Fellowships

Applications accepted on a rolling basis. Details:

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Prof. Dev: Pushkin House Translation Residency, London

Deadline: February 11, 2022

Pushkin House is delighted to announce an open call for the next Pushkin House Translation Residency which will take place in 2022. 

The aim of the programme is to facilitate cultural exchange between the Russian-speaking and English-speaking creative communities; to support the translation of contemporary Russian literature; and to provide a fertile environment for the creation of an original translation of an outstanding piece of Russian writing. Following the success of the previous residency, which resulted in the publication of new translations by Helena Kernan of poems by Galina Rymbu in Modern Poetry in Translation, Pushkin House wants to explore new connections and create new opportunities.

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Prof. Dev: Bristol Translates 2022-Literary Translation Summer School (University of Bristol, UK)

Deadline: February 28, 2022

Bristol Translates summer school takes place entirely online, making it accessible to participants around the world. Groups will be limited to a maximum of 12 students.

There will be three full days of translation workshops, on Monday 4, Wednesday 6 and Friday 8 July, while Tuesday 5 and Thursday 7 July will be devoted to sessions on genres and tools as well as professional and networking sessions. These include panels with publishers and themed sessions on translating for the theatre, translating children’s and young adult literature, the use of CAT tools in literary translation, translating video games and poetry translation. There will be expert speakers discussing translator contracts in the UK and in the USA, and a presentation by English PEN.

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Call for Applications: Dobro Slovo, National Slavic Honors Society

Deadline: January 31, 2022

Dobro Slovo is excited to announce our call for new inductees and applications for new chapters. Dobro Slovo is the National Slavic Honors Society, founded in 1963 on the campus of UC Berkeley. It is committed to recognizing academic excellence and commitment to the field of Slavic Studies in the U.S.

After one transition year, we now have the infrastructure in place to mail out certificates, pins, and, for the first time, honors cords, to all new inductees in time for April or May induction ceremonies. We are ready to welcome new chapter applications as well as another round of inductees from existing chapters.

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The Monterey Trialogue Initiative Fellowship Program

Deadline: February 20, 2022

The Monterey Trialogue Initiative is a new trilateral program that hopes to engage young scholars and established experts from the USA, Europe, China, and Russia to find collective solutions to global crises. We are now inviting applications for the Monterey Trialogue Initiative Fellowship from PhD candidates working in the fields of IR, politics, or area studies with a focus on relations and cultural exchange between Russia, China, and the ‘West’. Applications close on February 20, 2022 and the eligibility criteria and required documents are available on our website (link below). The fellowship comprises five modules, all centered around Virtual Reality experiences, roundtables with leading experts, and simulations and negotiations task forces. It will take place online except for an in-person, all expenses paid trip to Vienna at the end of the course.

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Lang. Training: Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute

Deadline: February 1, 2022

The Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute (CESSI) is an intensive, eight-week language program held each summer in Madison, Wisconsin. Students receive the equivalent of one year of language study during this time and earn eight credits upon completion of the program.  In addition to language classes, CESSI students have the opportunity to attend lectures on Central Eurasia; participate in cultural events; engage with local Central Eurasian communities; and network with other scholars of Central Eurasia.  Students of all disciplines and academic programs are welcome! 

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Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (Middlebury Institute of International Studies)

Deadline: March 7, 2022

The sixth Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (MSSR), which will be held in person, at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, from June 27 through July 28, 2022. Every year twelve graduate students and rising professionals in the field of Russian and Eurasian Studies are selected to participate. The Monterey Symposium is funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York.

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Paul Celan Fellowship Program for Translators

Deadline: January 15, 2022

The aim of the Paul Celan Fellowship Program is to overcome deficits and asymmetries in the exchange of ideas and the reception of scholarly literature which result from the division of Europe in the 20th century. Therefore, the program supports translations of canonical texts and contemporary key works in the humanities, social sciences and cultural studies from Eastern to Western, Western to Eastern, or between two Eastern European languages. Special emphasis is put on translations of relevant works written by East European authors and/or by female scholars. A thematic relation to one of the research fields of the IWM is likewise welcomed.

Please note that fiction and poetry will not be accepted.

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Funding: Ukraine in European Dialogue Junior Fellowship (Institute for Human Sciences; Vienna, Austria)

Deadline: January 31, 2022

The Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, IWM), an intellectually and politically independent institute for advanced study in the humanities and social sciences, has recently published a new call for application for its Ukraine in European Dialogue Junior Fellowship.

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