Fulbright in Poland

Deadline: October 13, 2020

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers opportunities for American academics, artists, and experienced professionals to lecture (4-9 months) or conduct research (3-9 months) at Polish academic and research institutions. Proposals are welcome from candidates in all disciplines with established relations with the host institution. 

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program allows graduating college seniors, graduate students, young professionals, and artists to conduct their own research projects for two academic semesters at Poland’s best universities and research centers. Proposals are welcome from candidates in all disciplines with established relations with the host institution. 

The Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program (ETA) places recent U.S. college graduates and young professionals at universities and institutions of higher education across Poland and allows them to teach or co-teach practical and specialized professional English language classes for two academic semesters. Candidates with prior teaching experience are especially welcome to apply. Beginning in Spring 2020, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State will fully fund a preparatory 60-hour online TESOL course for all incoming ETAs. The Fulbright Specialist Program aims to provide a short-term (2 to 6 weeks), on-demand project collaboration with Polish institutions. Project activities may include delivering a seminar, workshop or guest lecture, consulting on faculty or workforce development, conducting needs assessments or evaluations for a program or institution, or developing academic or training curricula and materials.

Continue reading “Fulbright in Poland”

Summer translation in Russia

This year (2020), we are looking for students to translate a series of audio-guides on the history of Russian regions, with a focus on the stories of aristocratic manor houses that dot the countryside.We are also looking for students to help out at a Voronezh-based translation agency with a variety of business-oriented projects — websites, press articles, bank statements — the kinds of work that a professional translator would see day-to-day.   
A locally based professional translator provides a kick-off training on the tools of the trade and is available to provide support and extra training throughout the stay.  

  • Timing: One to three months. Can be combined with other Crossroads Eurasia internships (e.g. teaching or camp)
  • Russian proficiency: The better your Russian, the more challenging we can make it. At the very least, we require four semesters of Russian or equivalent. 
  • Past experience: None required. 
  • Deadline to apply: March 15, 2020.   

Apply online at www.CrossroadsEurasia.com
If you have questions, please email vgorshkov@crossroadseurasia.com

Acad. Job: Visiting Assistant Professor, Full Time (Colby College)

Deadline: January 31, 2020

Colby College announces a one year, Visiting Assistant Professor (VAP) position for a specialist in Russian Language and Literature in the Department of German and Russian for the academic year 2020-2021, to begin September 1, 2020. This is a four course teaching load (2 in the fall and 2 in the spring), including three in Russian language and one in Literature and Culture in translation. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. by the date of appointment. To apply, please send the following materials to http://apply.interfolio.com/71785 a cover letter; current curriculum vitae; three confidential letters of recommendation; and a statement of teaching philosophy and research interests that should include evidence of a commitment to the value of diversity and experience with inclusive teaching.

Continue reading “Acad. Job: Visiting Assistant Professor, Full Time (Colby College)”

Call for Papers : ASEEES First Book Subvention Program

Deadline February 1, 2020

In 2014, the ASEEES Board of Directors voted to dedicate $10,000 per year from the Association’s endowment dividends for subvention of books by first-time authors who have already secured publishing contracts. Multiple awards of up to $2,500 will be made on a competitive basis each year, with funds paid directly to the press.

A multidisciplinary committee of senior scholars will evaluate applications; the committee will also include a publishing professional as a non-voting member who will advise on budgetary matters. In deciding how to allocate these funds, the committee takes into account both the scholarly significance of the book and the demonstrated need for subvention support. Applications are invited from all disciplines.

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Grad. Program/Funding: History, Literature & Culture (Harvard)

Deadline: January 10, 2020

More information at: https://daviscenter.fas.harvard.edu/research/individual-research/postdoctoral-fellowships

The Davis Center Postdoctoral Fellowship Program offers comprehensive research, training and professional development opportunities for scholars advancing their careers in history and the humanities. Fellows pursue their research with support from an interdisciplinary community of experts, and with access to world-class resources. The program provides scholars with experiences and connections that endure well beyond their fellowship year.

The Davis Center will award one postdoctoral fellowship in history and one postdoctoral fellowship in literature and culture. We welcome research proposals on topics related to the study of Eurasia.

Continue reading “Grad. Program/Funding: History, Literature & Culture (Harvard)”

CFP: Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (Clemson University)

Deadline: January 15, 2020

58th Annual Meeting 
Southern Conference on Slavic Studies 
Greenville, SC
March 12-14, 2020

The Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (SCSS) will be held at the Westin Poinsett Hotel in Greenville, South Carolina, March 12-14, 2020. The meeting will be hosted by Clemson University. The SCSS is the largest of the regional Slavic and Eurasian Studies associations and its programs attract national and international scholarly participation. The purpose of SCSS is to promote scholarship, education, and in all other ways to advance scholarly interest in Russian, Soviet, and East European studies in the Southern region of the United States and nationwide. Membership in SCSS is open to all persons interested in furthering these goals.  

The John Shelton Curtiss Lecture at the Friday Banquet will be given by Professor Donald Raleigh, Jay Richard Judson Distinguished Professor of History at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. His talk is provisionally titled “GenSec:  The Brezhnev You May not Know.”  Raleigh has authored, translated, and edited numerous books on modern Russian history including Revolution on the Volga (1986), Experiencing Russia’s Civil War (2002), Russia’s Sputnik Generation (2006), and Soviet Baby Boomers (2012), a Russian-language edition of which was published in 2015. The book was short listed for the Pushkin House Prize in Great Britain and won the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies Book Prize. His current book project, a biography of Soviet leader Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, has taken the author to archives in Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, and Russia.

Papers from all humanities and social science disciplines are welcome, as is a focus on countries other than Russia/USSR. We encourage participation from scholars of all Slavic, East European, and Eurasian regions. Papers can be on any time period and any topic relevant to these regions. 

Continue reading “CFP: Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (Clemson University)”

Job: Assoc. Director Center REEES (Arizona State U.)

Deadline for Applications: April 2, 2019

Associate Director and Administrative Professional (ASU Job # 12763)
Arizona State University – Melikian Center for Russian Eurasian and East European Studies

The Melikian Center for Russian Eurasian and East European Studies at Arizona State University is seeking an Associate Director with a concurrent appointment as Administrative Professional, for Education and Training to lead its summer intensive language program, the Critical Languages Institute (CLI) and assist center Director in other Education and Training related projects. This is a fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) benefits-eligible, non-tenure track position, renewable on an annual basis contingent upon satisfactory performance, availability of resources, and the needs of the university. The anticipated start date is April 22, 2019 or soon thereafter.  This position reports to the Director of the Melikian Center. Continue reading “Job: Assoc. Director Center REEES (Arizona State U.)”

Funding: $8,000 Language Fellowships for Summer 2019 Intensive Language Study Abroad Programs (American Councils)

Deadline for Applications: February 15, 2019

Don’t forget: American Councils is hosting a webinar, February 6 at 2pm Eastern about all the financial aid available on our study abroad programs. Join by clicking this link tomorrow at 2pm: https://zoom.us/j/396484178. Can’t make it? No problem. They will record the session and post it on their social media for later viewing.

American Councils has Title VIII Language Fellowships available to help students pursue intensive language study in RussiaEurasia, and the Balkans with American Councils this coming summer.

Funded by the U.S. Department of State, Title VIII fellowships are available to students enrolled in or intending to enroll in graduate study in a field relevant to U.S. policy regarding Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Fellowships for the Summer 2019 term are awarded in the amount of $3,000 to $8,000 on the basis of financial need and academic merit and are available for use on any of the following AC Study Abroad programs:  Continue reading “Funding: $8,000 Language Fellowships for Summer 2019 Intensive Language Study Abroad Programs (American Councils)”

Internship: The Altai Project (Altai)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing

The Altai region, encompassing land in Russia, Kazakhstan, China, and Mongolia, is a unique environment home to many threatened and endangered species. Historical artifacts, such as petroglyphs and burial mounds, dating all the way back to the Stone Age are located in the relatively untouched region, with local significance for indigenous populations and international visitors. The region is in danger from climate change, poaching, and increased tourism leading to more construction and energy projects.

The Altai Project has regular short-term opportunities and internships for people with relevant expertise to get involved: natural sciences, issues of concern to indigenous peoples, climate change, alternative energy and energy conservation, natural building and sustainable design, land use planning, wildlife biology.

They are also in regular need of volunteer translators (Russian, Altaian, and English), web support, graphic designers/desktop publishing, and writers/editors.

To participate with them, contact the Altai Project with a proposal or email Jennifer Castner, Director of the Altai Project, at jennifer@altaiproject.org 

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