Agriculture is big business in Brazil. The country is currently the largest global exporter of beef products, the second largest exporter of soybeans, and the fourth largest exporter of cotton and pork. Brazil’s agribusiness boom over the last 15 years is the direct result of huge increases in efficiency—over that… read more
China’s Coke Problem
Black carbon is a problematic short-lived climate forcer. While global emissions of black carbon are far lower than those of CO2, the sooty particulate matter has an approximate GWP20 of 2200, meaning its warming power is far more potent than that of CO2. Black carbon is emitted by inefficient combustion… read more
Arctic black carbon, maritime trade, and ECA mitigation potential
BLACK CARBON AND THE ARCTIC The Arctic is warming at twice the rate of the rest of the world, an alarming fact that has the potential to accelerate sea-level rise, disrupt Arctic ecosystems, and upset ocean circulation patterns. The culprit behind the escalated warming is the albedo effect: less… read more