Eric White, Curator of Rare Books at Princeton University, discusses the Ransom Center’s Gutenberg Bible on Thursday, February 9, at 7 p.m. for the Center’s annual Pforzheimer lecture.
Meet the Staff: Q&A with Visual Materials Assistant Michael Gilmore
Meet the Staff is a Q&A series on Cultural Compass that highlights the work, experience, and lives of staff at the Harry Ransom Center.
Poet Matthew Zapruder on poetry, and why poems shouldn’t be treated as secret codes
Award-winning poet, editor, and translator Matthew Zapruder reads selections of his poetry and from his forthcoming book, Why Poetry, “an incisive argument for poetry’s accessibility to all readers” on Tuesday, April 4, at 7 p.m. at the Ransom Center.
Letters and diaries of major artistic figures of the twentieth century illuminate Mary Hutchinson, but who was she?
Learn about Mary Hutchinson, the woman who influenced the lives and works of writers T. S. Eliot, Aldous Huxley, and Samuel Beckett.
Secret Scripture’s Sebastian Barry on the journey from Dublin to Hollywood
Dublin-born author Sebastian Barry has received high praise for his novels, poetry, and plays alike. The mastermind behind a repertoire of over 20 published works, Barry weaves together the onward flow of modern Irish history, allusions to family folktales, and colorful characters with graceful sympathy. His 2008 novel, The Secret… read more
Gabriel García Márquez’s republic of letters
I have always loved to catalog presentation copies of books—those given as a gift from one person to another, usually with a signature or inscription. They represent a tiny piece of the people involved, and allow me to feel a connection to some of my favorite authors. Gabriel García Márquez’s… read more