Critically acclaimed Austin composer Graham Reynolds (Golden Arm Trio, Bernie, Before Sunset) breathes new life into Frank Reaugh’s 1933 masterpiece, Twenty-four Hours with the Herd, a musical presentation of Reaugh’s stunning seven-part pastel series depicting the West Texas plains as a backdrop to cattle drives.
Listen: Join Frank Reaugh’s cowboys in O Roundup
One of our patrons’ favorite features about our current exhibition Frank Reaugh: Landscapes of Texas and the American West, is the “guide by cell” audio tour for visitors. This audio tour lets visitors call in and hear informational snippets about the paintings on display. Ransom Center Curator of Art Peter… read more
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres: Influencias literarias en la obra de Gabriel García Márquez
Explore the Harry Ransom Center, search digital collections, or plan your visit. Alguna vez Gabriel García Márquez comentó que creía que la principal razón por la cual los escritores leen las novelas de otros, era para aprender cómo las escribieron. Para el laureado con este Premio Nobel los libros tenían una… read more
Texas, el Estado que le robó el corazón al gigante de las letras Jorge Luis Borges
En 2014 el Harry Ransom Center adquirió el archivo del Premio Nobel Gabriel García Márquez. Sin duda a García Márquez le habría encantado saber que su archivo residiría junto a una importante colección de documentos de Jorge Luis Borges. Borges, escritor argentino
Texas, the state that stole the heart of literary giant Jorge Luis Borges
In 2014 the Harry Ransom Center acquired the archive of Nobel Prize–winning author Gabriel García Márquez. García Márquez would surely enjoy knowing that his archive resides alongside an important collection of papers by Jorge Louis Borges.
The company we keep: Gabriel García Márquez’s literary influences
Explore the Harry Ransom Center, search digital collections, or plan your visit. Gabriel García Márquez once said that he believed the main reason writers read the novels of others is to learn for themselves how the books had been written. Books were tremendously important to this Nobel laureate, and he… read more