In 1933, the Harlem Renaissance star wrote a powerful essay about race, unpublished in English until 2019. It’s not every day that you come across an extraordinary unknown work by one of the nation’s greatest writers. But buried in an unrelated archive, I discovered a searing essay condemning racism in… read more
Langston Hughes
Caroling Dusk, An Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets
This is the last of a three-part series of posts highlighting the influence and work of Countée Cullen, a poet and editor during the Harlem Renaissance. Cullen used the special issue of Palms as a springboard for a book-length anthology. Caroling Dusk, An Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets, was… read more
Fellows Find: Scholar explores connections between Langston Hughes and other black writers around the globe
Shane Graham, Associate Professor of English at Utah State University, is the author of South African Literature after the Truth Commission: Mapping Loss (2009), and the principal editor of Langston Hughes and the South African Drum Generation: The Correspondence (2010). He has published articles in Modern Fiction Studies, Theatre Research… read more