The Butler School has three ways to support faculty travel:
1) Any allocation or department fund that has already been designated to you for some purpose.
2) The graduate school offers tenure track, tenure, and senior non-tenure track faculty a travel grant program of up to $1,400 once per year to support presenting research at a conference, performance activity, etc. You would need to submit an application to the graduate school to receive these funds.
3) Through the Butler Endowment we have allocated $35,000 to distribute internally in grants of up to $1,500 per faculty member per year for travel that is not covered under the graduate travel grant. This is open to all faculty. You would need to complete Travel Authorization Request Form to receive these funds; they are routed to the Associate Director for approval.
If you are going to be absent from any instructional responsibilities or are traveling in an official capacity as a faculty member, you need to complete the Travel Authorization Request Form.
Theresa Orendain in the Business Office oversees all travel arrangements for faculty travel. Please reach out to Theresa if you have any questions about travel; e.g. how to book a flight, how to reserve a rental car.
UT prefers that we book flights through UT instead of reimbursement. If you book your own flight, you cannot be reimbursed until you have completed your trip. Hotels can only be paid for through reimbursement; UT will not book a hotel for you. Rental cars need to be booked through UT. There’s a daily per diem rate of $51 for meals; UT does not require receipts for up to those $51.