Phones, Voicemail, and Caller ID
Faculty and Staff
Phones with Caller ID and Voicemail are provided by UT. If you need to reset your voicemail or you do not have a phone in your office, please contact the building manager.
Computers, Software and Peripherals
All computer and computer-related purchases must be vetted by the College of Fine Arts IT staff. This is mandatory. It will cause complications down the line with payment if this is not done properly – which may result in you being personally responsible for the cost of the item(s).
Send all requests for computer items to the building manager . Please include a detailed description of the item(s), any specifications necessary to make the order, a link to the item from a preferred distributor if available.
Additionally, if you have funding, please provide an account number. If you do not have funding set aside, please include a description of the programmatic need the technology will serve as that will determine if general BSOM funds are appropriate.
All purchases made with university money remain the property of the State of Texas and are subject to yearly inventory verification.