UT Music Majors
Lockers will be checked out to UT Music Majors at the beginning of every school year based on primary instrument. Some majors will not be assigned lockers if they do not have instrument storage needs (pianists, vocalists, etc.). Space is limited and we will do our best to provide for the basic needs of as many students as possible. We will not be able to serve every need for every student, nor will we be able to accommodate requests for multiple lockers.
UT Non-Music majors
If you are registered for a class for which an instrument is required, you will be assigned a locker when ensemble rosters are finalized, assuming there is space available.
Please note that Longhorn Band students, including those in Pep Band, should contact the LHB Equipment Room for a locker in which to store LHB instruments.
Lockers checked out through this system must be cleaned out and returned by the end of the semester.
If you have additional questions about lockers, please contact the BSOM Locker Coordinator at bsom-lockers@utexas.edu. Please include your EID and instrument in your message.