Scheduling a Faculty Recital
A call for faculty recital proposals will go out in late February or early March of the year prior, after ensemble dates have been confirmed. The Faculty Recital Committee will meet to select proposals to be included on the next year’s Faculty Recital Series. Selected events will be confirmed, announced, and scheduled before the end of the year.
Faculty recitals will not be scheduled during the first two weeks of the fall semester. Staff need that time to get event managers, box office staff, and recording engineers hired and trained. No faculty recitals will be scheduled after Fall Break in the fall semester, or in April. Our goal starting in 2025-26 is to schedule all faculty recitals on Monday nights.
Summer Publicity
In order for a faculty recital to be included in the Butler School’s ticketed season, the communications team will need some repertoire selections for each recital by June 1.
Announcing the season online and in print requires a month of work from the whole team, which is why this early deadline is so crucial. We aim to have brochures mailed to our patrons at least one month prior to our first ticketed performance.
Concert Programs
In order for program notes to be included in a concert program, Nathan Russell requires that full list of repertoire be submitted 60 days in advance.
As an example, for a September 15 recital, Nathan would need full program details by July 19.
30 days out from a performance, no changes should be made to a program. If you do need to make changes to a program prior to this window, please communicate those to (this email comes to Page Stephens, Nathan Russell, and CJ Johnson so we are all in the loop).
Read more about faculty recital programs.
Production & Sound Requests
If a faculty recital requires multimedia, a lowered canopy, special lighting, or any other special production support, our production manager Travis Weller needs to be notified at least 30 days before the performance.
Likewise, if a faculty recital requires sound reinforcement or any playback over the house PA system, recording services manager Andy Stoltz should be notified at least 30 days before the performance.
If you would like to remove a piano lid or use a prepared piano for a performance, head piano technician Andrew Edwards should be notified at least 30 days before the performance to ensure a safe plan that does not interfere with other activities scheduled in a venue. Andrew would also need 30 day notice for any period keyboard instruments being used.