Most Content Types, other than Flex Pages, are used to create a “Landing Page” which aggregate a “teaser” summary snippet for each item with a link to the Detail Page. Examples of a Landing page are the News, Events and Directory pages. The web team sets up these pages using queries to automatically create the “View” of the aggregated items.
The Importance of Categories
The View may be filtered to use a specific Category. For example a Faculty Directory Landing page will only display Profiles that have the “faculty” role category checked.
Exposed Filters
Many Landing Pages on some of our sites use Category Terms as filters exposed to website visitors in the form of drop downs or checkboxes.
For some sites, the Terms in the Categories may be “fixed” to configure specific filters on the Landing pages. If you add new Terms to fixed category, they will not display in the filters and can only be used in Listing Blocks. If you want to update the filters on a Landing Page, you will have to work with the Web team.
If the Terms are not fixed, then all Terms in the Category will display in the Landing page filters. If you want to update the filters on a Landing Page, simply edit the category.
Editing Landing Pages
The View is usually placed in a block on a Flex Page. If so, the content creators can edit in the Layout Tab around the block containing the View. Please do not remove the block or change the page URL address.
However, to improve Search Engine Optimization, please add a short keyword friendly description into the “Page Summary” field. It is particularly important to provide the summary description used in the meta tags of these pages because the Views don’t have any logical text for search engines to resort to.
Editing Items on a Landing Page That Link to an External Website
News, Alumni News and Events Content Types have a field that will link the Title to an external website when listed on the aggregated Landing Page view. Some sites may have other types of content with the capability.
Follow these tips if you need to edit an existing item that links off site.