Administrators have access to advanced features of WordPress. Most of the COFA websites are administered by the COFA Web team, so that it’s easier for content owners to focus on editing the content. We are here to help.
Instructions in this section are for the few content owners who have been granted Administrator access for one of the following reasons:
- The website requires the assignment of many editors, such as student assistants.
- The website is using the UT Responsive theme and has complex menu navigation.
- A content owner has shown an entrepreneurial interest in developing the website and has proven that the level of commitment will be sustained.
Added Responsibility
Administrators have access to break things. The COFA Web team has made sure the websites comply with all legal requirements and policies of the university. Some page layout options are available but please do not change the Theme.
If you desire to explore the advanced features not included in the instructions on this site we recommend you request a test site for experimentation. If you discover something that you would like to implement, please contact us.
WordPress for Texas Widget Editor Access
The new WordPress for Texas Theme has many new features one of these is a hidden feature that allows editors to add and edit widgets. The link is not visible on the dashboard but can be accessed via the following path: website/wp-admin/widgets.php
Visit our plugins and widgets page for a description of available WordPress widgets. If you have any further questions about widgets and their functions, please contact your web team at